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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:Fov"No." Fov said, hanging his head. "We tried looking around, but couldn't find any Toa of Water to tell us if our suspicions were true. We were kinda hoping that you could use your elemental power to see." Fov said, his head lowering even more in shame.
  2. IC:Fov"Yes wise one, we did find out a bit about the plants." Fov started formally. "We found out that they have to have a symbiotic bond with a certain microscopic plant, or they die. We also found that there is a current that is filled with those symbiotic plants, which leads right to where the plants live, and then veers off in a different direction." Fov explained, getting a bit excited. "We believe, although we have no solid proof, that someone is somehow diverting the current as to kill of the species. Although we can't find out why or who, would want to do such a horrendous act."
  3. CHAPTER 4 “Ugh,” Miha groaned as she tossed away a blueprint for one of her ideas. “All these are technological. It’s green week and I need a good environmentally safe plan.” Miha grumbled as another two plans got tossed away. She picked up another plan and smiled. “This one will do.” She raised her voice, “Virthee! I’m going to the pet store! I’ll take Icarin with me!“Okay! Be safe!” Virthee yelled back to the small matoran.“And that’s how I became a policeman.” Fiva finished with a smile.”Really?” Chronn asked as they waited in-front of Junkyard Industries. “Cause I don’t remember asking you. And for the fifth time would you keep it down! I’m trying to figure out who this evil mastermind is. All of his/her plots end up having originated from this ship, so it’s obvious if we stakeout this building we’ll eventually find out who it is.”“Rrrright… So, you want to hear something interesting?” Fiva said, not listening to Chronn. “A Chimichanga , also known as chivichanga or chimmy chonga is a deep-fried burrito that is popular in Southwestern U.S. cuisine, Tex-Mex cuisine, and the Mexican states of Sinaloa and Sonora. The dish is typically prepared by filling a flour tortilla with a wide range of ingredients, most commonly beans, rice, cheese, shredded beef, carne adobada, or shredded chicken, and folding it into a rectangular package. It is then deep-fried and can be accompanied with salsa, guacamole, sour cream and/or cheese. Although no official records indicate when the dish first appeared, retired University of Arizona folklorist Jim Griffith recalls seeing chimichangas at the Yaqui Old Pascua Village in Tucson in the mid-1950s.”“What?” Chronn asked looking at Fiva strangely.“Nothing… Just thought that our viewers would appreciate that.” Fiva said waving at the person reading this.“Wha… Never mind. Why don’t you go get us some food?” Chronn asked, hoping to get Fiva away from him.“Okay!” Fiva said, rushing towards the closest restaurant.“So why do I need to be with you Miha?” Icarin asked as they entered the pet store. “You know that we can’t own another Kikanalo after what happened to the last one.”“I know.” Miha said with a grin. “But Virthee said nothing about Stone Snakes.”“No way. I have the money and there’s no way that I’m getting you a…” Icarin looked at Miha, whose grin had gotten even wider and wider. “You stole my credit card again didn’t you?”“Yep.” Miha said, her grin as large as it could get.“And there’s squirrels right behind me that want to kill me, aren’t there?”“Yep.”“Have fun with your snakes. I’m going to therapy.” Icarin said as he ran screaming out the door of the shop, squirrels clawing at his mask all the way. AND NOW FOR YET ANOTHER COMMERCIAL BREAK FOR OUR SPONSORS. (They’re very needy.)Has this ever happened to you? Your in the desert, chugging water like a camel and then, you’re all out. You have another two hundred miles of desert to go and no more water. We have the product for you, Insta-Water! Insta-Water comes in a pouch, and only requires three simple steps!1.Open the pouch.2.Add water.3.Have a thirst quenching drink!!!It’s that simple! Remember, when you are out-a’-water, try Insta-Water.“Alright Tethrah here’s the game.” Miha said with a smile. “You try to make these rock snakes right here into something that I could use in a movie. But they’re the bad guys so they have to look evil. And don’t forget the large fangs.”“Are you sure that a movie producer promised that if I did this I’d get a huge sandwich?” Tethrah asked hesitantly.“Yep.” Miha answered with a smile. “Wake me up when you’re done please and I’ll take them right to the producer.”“Miha! They’re done!” Tethrah said, shaking Miha awake.“Good. I’ll go take them to the producer now.” Miha said with a grin. She put mind control helmets onto the snakes and rode them into the town. She finally arrived at the sandwich shop. “Tethrah is so easy to trick.” She laughed to herself as she waited in line. “He actually thought that a movie man hired him. Ha!”“Excuse me mam.” A Toa of Fire said to her. “But why are you talking to the tables? The chairs listen much better.”“Oh, no reason.” Miha replied, looking strangely at the Toa of Fire. “Just felt like it. Those snakes of mine out there don’t listen very well at all.”“Snakes? Can I go look?” The Toa of Fire(whose name is Fiva by the way) asked Miha.“It costs $10, Just don’t touch them.” Miha said with a sigh.“Okay!” Fiva replied, handing Miha the $10 as he headed outside.Fiva arrived outside to see the large stone snakes, larger than most buildings to be precise, just waiting for Miha to return. “Snakes,” he muttered in disgust. “Why did it have to be snakes?”A walking passerby shrugged. "Why not snakes? Snakes are our friends. They eat harmful pests, like you.""Because I! Don't! Like! Snakes!" And with that he threw fireballs at the snakes.The solid stone creatures slowly melted away into pools of lava, reducing their numbers to zero.And with that done, Fiva went on his merry way back to annoy Chronn some more.Miha came out of the sandwich shop with a large sandwich. “Alright snakes one, two, and three, let’s take this to Tethrah, then take over the universe! Muhahaha...ha...ha?” She looked around, baffled at where the snakes could have gone. “Snakes? Where are you guys? Snakes!? Snaaakes!!” END
  4. IC:FovFov just nodded as he knocked on Nokama's door and waited for the elderly Turaga to open up the door.
  5. OOC:Let's just go see if Tuck let's Nokama do it. I'll let you PM him. IC:FovAfter searching for a while Fov gave up. "Let's just go see if Nokama can do it." Fov said with a shrug as he headed towards Nokama's hut.
  6. IC:Fov"Execpt that there seems to be a shortage of Water controlling beings in this village..." Fov said sadly. "Maybe we could ask Nokama to check? She's one of the Six original Turaga after all. She might be able to do it." OOC:So are we waiting for a PC, or are we going to just bring another NPC into this?
  7. IC:Fiva"Okay!" Fiva called down to Zyck as he continued welding.
  8. IC:Fov"Proof? How will we get proof? We have proof that the current contains the necessary items that allow the plant to live... You know, I bet if we found a Toa of Water they could tell us if the current is natural or has been tampered with!"
  9. IC:Fov"Well..." Fov said hesitantly. "A rogue Toa of Water could do it." he suggested. "Maybe Nokama will know more. Let's just tell her what we know, and what we suspect happened, although we have no way of proving that the current changed." he added. Zygad"Huh, so a medical plant's going extinct eh?" Zygad muttered. "Virthee would probably want to know about this." OOC:Well, I figured they'd know about each other somehow...
  10. IC:Fiva"And if it mentally scarred you for the rest of your life, I know a great doctor that deals with those kind of things all the time." Fiva added, bounding back up to the roof and welding the plate onto the building.
  11. But I make things funny! By guessing right(and then dieing...)! Killing in a comedy is only a good thing if it's comedic.
  12. IC:Fiva"Need another drink?" Fiva asked, using his mask to transport the large plate onto the roof. "I can get another one after I'm done with this plate."
  13. OOC:Neither do I. That's why I asked... Time to go look at the actual reason why the stuff isn't growing... IC:Zygad"Good! Hand them over! While you were gone I grabbed a microscope from a nearby scientist." Zygad called, rushing back into his store. Fov followed and handed the jars to Zygad, who put a small amounts of their contents under the microscope. After a while he looked up. "It seems that this water has something that the other water doesn't." Zygad said, hefting the current water. "I used my powers to search for any stray plants, just for future knowledge mind you, and found some symbiotic plants that were being blown by the current to a different part of the stream." Zygad explained, using arm motions to punctuate his points. "I closely examined the plant that you brought me and found that it had a small amount of those symbiotic plants on it as well, but time in my aquarium had washed them off of it, explaining why it died. My guess would be that-" "The symbotic plants were keeping the medical plant alive! So let's see..." Fov interupted eagerly. "If the plants were thriving before, and the symbotic plants live in the currents, does that mean that the current ran through the medical plants once?" Fov asked, now a bit confused. OOC:So, I believe that covers all of it, if I missed anything then please add it now. As Zygad or Brekan, I don't really care.Like Zygad's store's name?
  14. IC:FivaFiva turned to Zyck. "Got the next plate yet, or shall I leave you alone for a while?"
  15. IC:FovFov turned and headed to Zygad's shop. Arriving there he saw Zygad hanging a sign on the building. The sign proudly proclaimed, "Reality Check" as this was apparently the store's name. "Zygad! We need you to inspect the water!" Fov called to the Toa of Plantlife. OOC:You want to do the analysis or shall I?
  16. IC:WadroWadro walked through the streets, smiling as he did. This is going to be an interesting day! I can feel it!
  17. IC:Fov"Yeah..." Fov said, noting that not even one Toa of Water was walking nearby. "Maybe Zygad can help? He seems to know a lot about this kind of stuff."
  18. The Toa Mata. Anything else just sounds silly to me.
  19. IC:Fov"Or a Skakdi with the enhanced vision power." Fov commented, looking around for a Toa of Water, or a Skakdi. But mostly a Toa of Water.
  20. IC:Fov“Yeah!“ Fov called back, diving into the water. He swam back to where he and had found the plant and uncorked a bottle. He then rettaced his steps and followed the strange current that led to the thriving plants were. He grabbed a bottle of that water and reaurfaced. “Let.s dind aomeone who can examine these.“
  21. IC:Fov"True... I'll go get the water." Fov said, rushing back to where he had been on land. "Two hundred paces, here I come again..."
  22. IC:Odhran"PARTY!" Odhran cheered as he started using his powers to lift the supplies onto the boat. "Let's party!"
  23. IC:Zygad"It can't be poison, the one in my aquarium died from just fresh water made by a Toa of Water." Zygad thought. "But let's see... How many reasons could there be for all of one kind of plant to die? Maybe they aren't receiving the criteria for life... "Well we know they have the sun, as there's nothing above them, and the sun was shining down bright enough so that I could see." "What about, food? And minerals? Are their roots reaching far down enough?" Zygad asked. "This one had a huge root system, as you can see." Fov answered, pointing at the one in the aquarium. "And I don't know about food. How would we know if it's getting enough food?"
  24. IC:Fiva"Alrighty Zyck!" Fiva called, trying to herd everyone out of the shop. "I believe he doesn't want to go with you people! Out I say! OUT!"
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