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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:MihaMiha frowned. Maybe the hammer wasn't made for setting broken bones. Just one more try won't hurt anyone... She thought as she grabbed a smaller hammer(this one made for reflex checking) and started hammering away on the leg. Hoping that with gentle taps she could move the bone into the right position. OOC:TDC, Virthee is needed in the medical ward! And/or anyone else who knows something about medical stuff. Cause Miha sure doesn't know anything about 'broken bones.'
  2. IC:ZygadZygad frowned. "Well, this is only an educated guess, and if you can't show me the correct species you might mistake the one I'm about to show you for one that looks remarkably similar." Zygad said, throwing a seed in an aquarium in his office. A plant that looked identical to the one in Nokama's hut grew immediately, rippling softly as the currents in the aquarium gently tossed it from side to side. "Is this it?" Fov"That's the one! Can you tell us where it grows?" Fov exclaimed, not even letting Brekan have a chance to talk, not that she wanted to anyways. ZygadZygad activated his powers, searching for the plant across the bottom of the sea all under Ga-Koro. "Check a hundred paces west of the entrance of Ga-Koro, then two hundred paces towards/in the water. You're going to need an Air-Bladder." Zygad said, pointing in the general direction. "Now if that's all..."
  3. IC:MihaMiha frowned. Venator wasn't supposed to be awake yet... She shrugged. She whacked him on the head in an effort to knock him unconscious again.
  4. IC:MihaMiha looked around. Seems like Virthee's not coming.She thought to herself. Here goes nothing! She swung the hammer down at the being's leg, hoping that he wouldn't wake up while this was happening. OOC:So TDC, is Venator that unlucky to wake up at this precise moment?
  5. IC:FovFov sighed. No matter how much he tried to get Brekan to talk to others, she never got good at it. "Nokama was concerned about a certain type of plant that posseses healing qualities. They're apparently going extinct and she wants us to find out why. Have you heard of them?" Zygad"An almost extinct medical plant? That describes many, like the Miracle Cactus." Zygad chuckled here. "But I believe the one you are looking for is a water plant, as Nokama was worried about it. I think I know just the one. Can you bring me a fresh sample just so I can make sure?"
  6. IC:Zygad"Well, Turaga Nokama will know more than me. Other than that... I'd try an archaeologist." Zygad said, shrugging. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you more." He noticed Fov and Brekan, who didn't seem to have been interested in the story all that much. "Can I help you two, or did you just want to know the history of the island as told by a doctor?" OOC:Hey, TDC, I'm tired of talking to myself. You should try talking once in a while. Like now. No really, have your character speak for once.
  7. What's on my mind? Umm... I'll get back to you on that one...

  8. What's on my mind? Umm... I'll get back to you on that one...

  9. IC:Fov"Wait, now I'm interested in the answer." Fov replied, suddenly interested in Zygad's answer. Zygad"I assume that you mean Mata Nui and his evil brother Makuta?" Zygad said cheerfully, not even noticing Brekan's discontent. "Well, I'm a doctor, so I don't know much about this sort of thing, but recently I've had to look up a few things about them as a few... customers have gone a bit paranoid, claiming that Makuta's after them." Zygad scuffed his foot uneasily. "What I know is that Makuta did something to Mata Nui, as a doctor I often wonder what exactly he did to him, maybe a drug or something. Anyways, whatever he did caused Mata Nui to fall into a deep slumber. Then, the six destined Toa arrived, Tahu, Onua, Gali, Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka..."(He continued telling the story, but I don't feel like posting his rendition of it.)"And that's all I know."
  10. IC:ZygadThe door to Zygad's shop opened. "Yes? If you're here about that fiery nutcase, I did my best! It's not my fault that-" he stopped talking when he noticed Jalkai's unusual shape. "Well this isn't something I see everyday. A Vortixx, a Toa, and a whatever you are, all together on one team. How can I help?"
  11. IC:FivaFiva slid back over to Zyckel. "I know that, and you know that, but those annoying adventurers don't know that. They think you should drop everything and go with them just because they asked you. And it's been a few hours, so I figured that they'd be coming back, as they just did." Fiva said. "And if you want I can stall them until you make a decision." he added quietly. Fiva slid back to the adventurers. "Sure I do! Just go down the street towards the Kohli Stadium. There should be a few trampled-to-death bodies."
  12. IC:FivaFiva slid next to the small group. "He's still deciding, I'd give him another day or so." Fiva whispered. "And his temper is acting up, so if you're going to talk to him, do it at your own risk."
  13. IC:Fiva"Okay, okay. Someone's temperamental today..." IC:Miha"So, first I try to move the leg back where it was so it grows back correctly." Miha said, looking around for the correct tool. "I guess that's what this hammer's for..." she said, lifting a large hammer.
  14. IC:MihaMiha finished wrapping up Venator's wounds and turned towards the leg. "Darn, Virthee's still not back." she muttered. "I was hoping that he'd come back and help me, but I guess not." She sighed and reached up for a medical book she had been reading. "Alright, how to fix a broken leg..." Fiva"So, are we going or not Zyck?" FIva asked. "I don't think you ever actually answered me, and it's been almost half a day." OOC:Feel free to have Virthee come back and help his daughter TDC.
  15. IC:FovFov and his companions arrived at Zygad's shop. "Alright, now let's talk to Zygad and see what he knows. Smoky, why don't you try asking him?"
  16. IC:Fov"Well everybody has quirks." Fov said, struggling to find the best in this newcomer. "Maybe he just has had a rough day or something."
  17. IC:OdhranOdhran smiled. "It's coming back. See that dot on the horision that's heading our way? That's my ship. Help me move it back by using your powers would ya?" Odhran asked, having used his powers to push the ship back where it was when he saw his ship sailing awaywithout BioBeast's permission somehow. OOC:Won't be that easy KNI. NOBODY takes my ship.
  18. IC:Fov"And if you had just asked him..." Fov said, walking over towards a random Matoran. "Hello there, I hate to bother you, but we are new to the Koro and need to give Dr. Zygad a message. Could you point us in the right direction?" The Matoran nodded, giving Fov the correct directions. "See?" he said, smiling smugly.
  19. IC:FovFov strode towards Jalkai. "Hey there," he said, trying to free the Matoran. "Let's not try to kill anyone, okay?"
  20. IC:OdhranOdhran, who had gotten lost on the way to the market, finally found his way to the produce stand. "How much does this cost?" he asked, pointing at the produce."A lot more than you can afford I would guess." the shopkeeper said, sneering at Odhran. "Now beat it kid, we don't allow poor people to shop here."Odhran just looked at the shopkeeper as he drew his sword. "Really? Two Swords Style: Sword Negotiation!"-----Odhran walked out of the store with all of the owner's stuff in a wagon as he cleaned his sword. He headed towards the ship.
  21. IC:Odhran"We need as many projectiles as you can find." Odhran said. "Disks, cannonballs, Zamor, anything and everything you can find." Odhran clarified.
  22. IC:Odhran"Well, we'll need tons of food, rum, and ammo to do all the things that's on the list." Odhran said. "I'll get the food, you get the ammo," Odhran said, pointing at Draebe. "And you can get the rum." Odhran said, pointing at Twilite. "We'll meet back here at the ship in three hours."
  23. IC:Odhran"Alright then, let's go!" Odhran called, launching himself towards the nearest plaza where he could buy some supplies.
  24. IC:Odhran"It'a a party celebrating my new crewmembers!" Odhran said cheerfully. "You can't have a person join your crew without having a good party! We'll pillage and plunder after the party." the Toa of Air explained.
  25. IC:Odhran"So, who's coming ashore?" Odhran asked the two remaining crewmembers.
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