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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:NightingWhile the females had been talking/fighting, Nighitng had enough time to charge another Lighting SuperNovArrow. He fired it at Dreenan, knowing that the brunt of the attack was going to hit her if it hit, but enough would hit Fehdran to claim that he wasn't treating her special. He hoped.
  2. IC:Fov"That works, we'll split up and meet back here in an hour." Fov said with a grin.
  3. IC:Odhran"I don't know." Odhran said frustratedly. He pulled out a map. "It looks like we can dock there." he said, pointing at a cantina that was close to the middle of the largest island.
  4. IC:Fov"It does, except for the fact that if this was as easy as getting a doctor and a Toa of Plantlife's opinion it probably would have been solved by now." Fov pointed out. "As for where he is, I have no idea." Fov said with a shrug.
  5. IC:IcarinIcarin followed, watching the murderer run, jump, and teleport from roof to roof. He just followed, never loosing the Toa. And people said being able to fly wasn't going to help. He scoffed to himself.
  6. IC:Fov"I was going to do both." Fov explained. "I thought that a Toa of Plantlife would be helpful in figuring this out, and a doctor might know where we could find the plant." He shrugged. "It couldn't do much harm, he seems to be in Ga-Koro right now." He pointed out, pointing at a nearby sign that proclaimed, "Zygad the Psychiatrist" was setting up shop in Ga-Koro.
  7. IC:Fov"I don't know, but I'm going to go ask someone who knows a bit about plants. I've heard of a doctor named Zygad, he's a Toa of Plantlife and might know a bit about the problem." Fov explained. "Unless you have any ideas." OOC:I couldn't resist bringing Zygad back, although this time as a NPC.
  8. IC:FovFov smiled. "I'd love to." Fov said happily as he bowed respectfully. "I thank you for granting us the honor of meeting with you." He walked out of the Turaga's hut, heading towards the closest medicine hut, hoping to find some info about the plants. OOC:Alright TDC, the quest is on.
  9. IC:IcarinIcarin felt the message melt and sighed. He put a sign in the air, with the address of where he was in the sky, hopefully far enough away so that the murderer couldn't see it.
  10. IC:IcarinIcarin slapped his face with his palm. Did they not see in the ice crystal that I clearly put where I was? He thought to himself as he watched the Murderer. He ignored the message, hoping they'd look at the message again before it melted. OOC:I have no idea where he is. He's at the same place as the murderer, and that's all I know.
  11. IC:Ice BoltAnd Ice bolt with a carved message struck right in-front of Keythrye. The message said, "Thedar, I have located the murderer and am following. I am currently at (insert location of murderer here), come quickly.Icarin(Your new employee.)" OOC:Hey, since nobody seems to pay attention to Icarin's post, which did say that he's trailing the murderer, I decided to get him backup. Let the games begin. (The murderer is going to have a hard time finding Icarin btw. He's a master at hiding.
  12. IC:FovFov listened for an hour or so, sitting and taking in all that the Turaga had to say with awe on his face. He had to keep back some tears when he heard about Takua and his crew's bravery and determination. When Nokama finally finished he was thoroughly moved by the struggles of the Matoran and Toa who lived here. He wiped a tear from his eye as she stood up. "I have been moved by your story wise one," he started, also standing up to help her clean the table. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
  13. But it shaves ten years off your life. So even if you do happen across one, it is ill advised to use it unless you're going to die without it. Yay for pointless trivia!
  14. IC:Odhran"Yeah, the chain of islands." Odhran said happily. OOC:No I ment, post in your next post, "Odhran's crew to Kumu Islets."
  15. Actually, they do grow in Po-Koro. A Turaga of Sand named Mir happened upon one in the desert and used it to keep Jasik alive long enough for him to find a cure.
  16. Can't be. It's stated to be a water-plant. Miracle Cacti grow mostly in Po-Koro I believe.
  17. *Gasps* Guys! Tuck has reveiled something horrible! A plant is going extinct! We must raise a group of Hippie Toa to save the plant! Anyways, for all we know this Makuta is a corrupted Miserix. That'd be an interesting plot twist. But, speaking of Miserix, could he have sent the Skakdi and Vortixx to Mata Nui to thwart the "Makuta's" plan?
  18. IC:IcarinIcarin, who had been flying by and watching the whole thing, saw where the murderer had teleported too. But he didn't try to attack, he just stayed in the air, watching, waiting for the murderer to slip up.
  19. Not really. Nokama seems level headed. Just got to pick your battles. Try someone from a calmer Koro.
  20. IC:FivaFiva turned towards Zyck. "So, are you going to go with the daydreaming guy, or keep your shop from burning down again?" Fiva asked sarcastically.
  21. IC:Odhran"Hey Draebe!" Odhran called. "We're going to set sail now. Our destination is, the Kumu Islets!" Odhran called, heading below deck to put his money away. OOC:Nitro Frost, you can make the wahi moving post.
  22. IC:Odhran"Twilite! Moylan took her share, leave her alone. Draebe, the bunks are over there." Odhran said, directing the crew.
  23. IC:FovFov nodded at the offer of fruit, relaxing slightly. He chuckled nervously, "We heard about how Vakama snapped last time a few people talked to him, so we were a bit nervous." He strode over to where Nokama had prepared a place for him and sat down, waiting for Nokama to begin her tale.
  24. IC:NightingNighting, who had teleported away before Dreenan even shot the plasma, laughed. "Gotta try harder than that Dreenan!" he taunted, as he launched a fully charged bow. Even if this baby missed the electricity would attach itself to anything close, mainly living beings. The arrow flew true as it headed towards Dreenan, who currently had her face in the dirt. OOC:Finally!
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