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Let's Henshin!

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Blog Comments posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. @Bio yeah we're definitely going to change it.


    As for the Sanctum Guard, so far, I've made reference to a more militarized arm, and a more police-esque arm.


    In response to this I've always felt that the Sanctum should have some kind of scouting unit. After all Ko Matoran blend in with their drifts real well, and there is the whole quiet thing.

  2. It truly is heartbreaking when one just gives up their life, no matter the circumstances. While I can't say I've experienced this first hand, I can imagine due to the death I have experienced. One should always seek help if they're contemplating such thoughts. I too offer my sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

  3. I don't think they should have ever been part of the group, rather circumstances should draw these members together. Having them once been members of a group is just going to restrict their past, and make their uniting together boring. First time feuds as different personalities clash will be gone, and that my friends is one of the greatest things about a group.


    Also I disagree with specializing so much as symbolizing, I mean if it fits in then it works, but don't make them jobs, make them more of skills. Allow their personalities to shape what they excell at, but above all personality does come first. For example make a Virgo a civilized being with the greatest manners. Make him introverted but very receptive to others ideas. Make them very worried about any criticism, yet they don't allow others to notice it. This is the essence of the Virgo sign, not that they have some job or the other. This Virgo could have whatever other skills you wish to give him, but he still remains true to the Virgo.


    @Bio Their really isn't much you need him to be, however do look up your Zodiac as it explains much of what the personality for that character should be, along with the element.

  4. As far as the Freerunners go, they aren't really in the Bad category per se. Are they thieves, yes they are, but they have set them selves up as men of the people with their Charity drops, something Zoma neglected to put in the Description. They are sort of the thieves guilds of this game, and run more along the lines of chaotic good to chaotic neutral. Thus merger with the Poisoned Blood would not work.


    They also have a sort of honor system in place as well.

  5. Honestly I don't want to start as a team but rather with characters spread out through the Island.


    Also about custom powers, I'm not going to be a part of the group if we're going to make them. The Zodiacs are symbols, all we're doing is substituting our characters for what each Zodiac represents. I'd advise each of you too look up exactly what you're particular Zodiac represents and then incoporate it into your character. You don't need custom powers to do that.


    Captain Marvel hit it real well by making the Gemini bipolar as opposed to clones. If you can't take of a way to incorporate it, look to Zealokan's list for inspiration.

  6. Guys, look it up, each Zodiac already has one of 4 different elements. Fire, Earth, Water, Air.


    For example Scorpio is Water.


    Also guys let's try and avoid completely custom powers.


    EDIT: Here's the list:

    • Fire — Aries; Leo; Sagittarius - hot, dry, ardent
    • Earth — Taurus; Virgo; Capricorn - cold, dry, heavy
    • Air — Gemini; Libra; Aquarius - hot, wet, light
    • Water — Cancer; Scorpio; Pisces - cold, wet, soft

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