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Let's Henshin!

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Blog Comments posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. We should probably put that in the Main Post then, so players know about it.


    Perhaps The Brakas and Freerunners can be called the Free Citizens Alliance(FCA), as they both consider themselves free citizens looking out for the interests of the other Citizens.


    The Nightguard are well the Nightguard.


    And I have no idea what the Poisoned Blood and Nui-Jaga's alliance should be called.

  2. I'm working on a podcast for the BZPRPG for a hobby. If that's not productive, I don't know what is. So yeah, Hobbies are very productive, the only difference is that rather than a physical reward of some kind(grades, money, etc.) you get back enjoyment and fun.

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