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Blog Comments posted by :Yami:

  1. So I wasn't the only one that actually liked the elevators?

    I loved those elevators because the allowed a lot of funny banter between party members outside the Normandy which sadly barely happens now.



    I thought it was better when Grunt followed my example and headbutted him too later on. They grow up so fast.


    Mordin is the greatest anything ever. <3

    Aboslutely I'm pretty sure a quarter of the time I was on the Normandy I spent chatting with Mordin.


    Thane. Is. Amazing. SHUUNNnnnn.

    And I'll continue the shunnnnnnnnnnning over Thane.




  2. The lady of the server, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft the banhammer from the bosom of the water, signifying, by divine providence, that I Black Six was to carry the banhammer. That is why I am your Admin.

    Listen. Strange women lying in databases distributing hammers is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical digital ceremony!


    Also, that Pink Floyd or Eagles question was VERY tough to answer. I love both, but I prefer Floyd.

    I mean, if I went around postin' I was a Forum Mentor just because some pixelated bint had lobbed a mallet at me they'd ban me away!




  3. Healing. Claws have much less practical application in real life than you'd think.

    But with skeleton would be awesome.



    think about all the damage you would be able to do even with out the healing power.


    But consider this, having sharp metal claws come through your hands will be very painful and will probably be very bloody.

    And also you probably wouldn't be able to control it at first and would end up sabbing yourself and then you'll be wishing you took the healing.



  4. Well your laptop is probably doing that because you aren't giving it enough air; for example, sitting it on your lap.

    Actually it is normally either lying o a desk or on my bed so I'm not sure wether that would count as not getting enough air although it is normally always on so it might just be it overheating.



  5. I swear, if it was only one geth that killed him...


    Anyways, there could be other reasons why it's wearing Shepards Armor, like a trophy of war. But I'm still holding hope that it was a trick by the Alliance and council so that he can be like a ghost.


    And besides, I sold that armor in the orgional. :P


    Yeah same here so I'm guessing it's canon if he keeps that particular armour.



  6. I have a similar problem in that I almost can never properly get to sleep and it takes absolute ages to get to sleep infact this usually leads up tome sleeping in past breakfast and about several hours late for lunch on the weekends which is annoying(More specifically lunch seeing as I haven't had a proper breakfast in a year).

    Infact the only way I can actually guarrantee a good nights sleep for one night is if I starve myself of sleep the previous day.

    This has had a really adverse effect on my personality where I once was well a lot less grumpy but after Insomia starded I became more sarcastic and cynic frequently,however sometimes I go through a few moments of happy go lucky-ness then pack to the sarcastic.

    Although my Insomnia may be partly because my bed is incredibly uncomfortable I can feel the springs poking into my back for crying out loud!and also it's directly next to the always on radiator and accidentaly poking your foot at a red hot radiator in your sleep isn't fun let me tell you.



  7. Xbox 360 it has a great online community despiute the fact that our bound to have your life threatened atleast once if you have xbox live.And true you have to pay but you get your moneys worth.It also has a very balenced amount of games with something for everyone.


    Also the red ring of death can be avoided if you are just careful with it also as long as you have enough common sense not to flip it to either horizontal or vertical whilst its on it won't shred your disks.



  8. Yeah computers can be completely unpredictable with games sometimes and sometimes (Example: My copy of KOTORII worked for the first year or two I kept it in near perfect condition then it just stopped working completely for no reason) I used a PC for gaming for years though I got a 360 due to my computer being unable to play many games that were made after oh lets say early-2006 :P



  9. I envy you I was really close to getting this game for the 360 a week ir two ago I had to choose between it and Devil May Cry 4 it took me about 15 minuits to decide Devil May Cry 4 although I was returning some games and I got 75% off because of it and it didn't occur to me to get Assasins Creed with the leftover money...I'm such a dummy.



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