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Silvan Haven

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Posts posted by Silvan Haven

  1. Loren- Ta-koro- Koro Gates


    IC: The Guard's newest Commander had been very close to making a move before Shaddix had spoken. As it was those first six words were enough make him pause. If it was true things on the island could be about to get extremely bad.


    Then came the rest of one of the most bizzare 'Don't Make Me Do It' gambits he had ever heard. Even as he wondered how the karz Dorian expected to be let into the Guard HQ after this another part of his mind was coming up ways to deal with the current situation. The rogue Toa had already taken Vakama from them, there was not way that Loren was going to let him take Jaller as well.


    He refrained from acting upon his Akiri's mouthed orders however. The former Captain may have been a hostage but that hardly took away his ability to form plans. And they would need all the coordination they could get when the time came.

  2. Loren- Ta-koro- Koro Gates


    IC: Benefit of the doubt or not, Loren had still been dealing with a potentially highly dangerous suspect. There was no way he was to let his guard down completely.


    Even so it was mostly a mistake on the former Deputy's part that saved him from having a Pakari enhanced palm send him flying.


    Had she replied to his question his gaze naturally would have returned to her and then the incoming palm when she tugged him down. Instead, he was only just starting to look away from the unknown figure beside them when she acted.


    With an almost instinctual thought he vanished from Tuara's hand with inches to spare. Reappearing several yards away and behind the pair he completed the downward movement her pull had sent him on. Pushing off of the ground with the hand that now rested there he rose to his feet.


    The blades at his sides whispered from their sheathes as he turned to face now hostile pair.


    So much for the benefit of the doubt.

  3. Loren- Ta-koro- Old Smithy


    IC: With a nod and a look to the skies the Toa was gone. The protective bubble of elemental energy preventing others from hearing their words vanishing with him.


    Before gravity could fully reclaim its hold on him Loren turned his head toward the koro gates. The smoke and haze filling the air made his vision less than it might have been. Not enough to deny him this though. With another thought he vanished from the hazy sky above the smithy.


    He reappeared about a yard off the ground in front of his destination. His knees flexed slightly as they absorbed the impact from the short drop. When making longer ranged jumps it was best to leave yourself some margin for error. Letting out a slight sigh the grey Toa straightened up and looked around. His mission was likely to be of limited usefulness. Chances were good that Tuara had already passed through the imposing stone arch.


    He was about to go ask the guards if they had seen the former Deputy pass through already when his gaze passed over her. She had a companion beside her, both of them wearing traveling cloaks. Judging from their build Loren guessed that the one with their head covered was a male.


    Turning to fully face the pair the new Commander called out. Not loudly enough to draw the attention of the entire courtyard, but certainly loud enough for his target to hear him.


    "Tuara Drigton? Would you mind coming with me? Jaller has a couple questions."


    He did his best to keep his tone and wording friendly. What they had found suggested dark things but he could at least give her the benefit of the doubt.

  4. Loren- Ta-koro- Old Smithy


    IC:"Sounds like she was more involved in how this fellow got here than she was comfortable admiting to you. I'm not sure what that might mean but but my gut tells me it's nothing good."


    "I don't suppose you have any clue where she was heading when she left your office, Sir?" He asked, only wishing it would be so easy. Tuara had run the Guard for a time. If she wanted to vanish for some reason it would not be easy finding her.

  5. OOC: Running multiple quests at once, how fun. In any case, Temple Run guys this is for you. Still working out all the rewards and traps so please bear with me. This is all being done on rather short notice so some of the stuff might be lacking in originality.


    Temple Run


    Po-wahi Desert- Abandoned Temple


    IC: On a closer look at the glyphs underfoot it became clear that they were in fact highly stylized versions of the basic Matoran alphabet. Coglike spokes jutted from the exterior of the circles while the lines and dots of the interior were joined by pictures.


    There seemed to be no clear theme to the pictures. They ranged from a foot stepping on a pillar to a bellowing Kane-Ra. Sometimes a string of letters with the same pictures in them could be found but without closer inspection it was anybody's guess what that meant.

  6. Looking back over things, I do seem to have overestimated the amount of sonic attacks that were being thrown around. All I can really say was that a recent funeral had left me feeling rather stressed and low on energy. Any open windows are not like that because they are broken.


    As the person running the quest could I just ask you to try and write less wall-of-text-like posts, Timageness? I don't mean to try and force you to do anything but it would make my job so much easier. Your posts can be difficult to get through at times.

  7. Loren- Ta-koro- Old Smithy


    IC: "I've uncovered what looks like the finger of a dead man. Was going to leave it to the Investigator here to begin processing but I can keep digging if you want. What do you know about this, Sir?"

  8. Hey, turns out I have internet after all. Traveling can be a pain.


    So about the windows. First of all, Ghidora, Po-koro is pretty well off. Certainly no worse than any of the other koros. All the windows were in good condition before the fight.


    Second, it seems that Timageness and I have slightly different ideas about what is going on. Dylan has no stone shards heading for her. Those were launched from very close range at Kynaera, and the open doorway behind her. (If I have her position wrong please say something Legolover.)


    Also there have been several high powered sonic attacks in an enclosed where the walls are filled with windows. Those things are not going to have fared well. As far as glass on the floor goes. Does it really matter that much too you? It's flavor text. If it bothers anybody we can just say that some of it bounced off the window edges back into the car.


    To clarify Hubert's post, he has my Skype nickname set to Lloyd Jr.

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  9. Loren- Ta-koro- Guard Headquarters


    IC: At first glance there was nothing unusual about the abandoned alleyway. Scattered bits of windblown detritus were tossed across the ground. There were no suspicious lumps or unusually dark patches of stone that might suggest some past conflict or crime. Even his extra sharp De-Toa hearing was unable to detect anything out of the ordinary.


    There was however, the still partially filled trash disposal bin that used to service the old smithy. It was quietly sitting next to the chute that formerly allowed for easy disposal of unwanted scraps.


    Cautiously moving over to it, Loren moved some of the decomposing trash around with the tip of one of his blades. The investigating was why he had brought Arnai along, but it would hardly do to have her or the Akiri stabbed because he got careless. The smell while unpleasant was relegated to a back corner of his mind


    Something glinted in the ambient grey light as he shifted a mostly rotten piece of wood. His eyes narrowed as he looked at it. The tip of a finger sat there. No twitches or other small movements that might signify life. It seemed unlikely that it was some mugger who had decided to hid under this much trash and then do nothing after Loren started shifting through their hiding place. Chances were good that this was what they had come here to find.


    "Arnai!" He barked, "Come here. I've got something for you."

  10. Loren- Ta-koro- Guard Headquarters


    IC: Instantly a bubble of elemental energies formed around the trio. Nothing said inside Loren's sphere of influence would make it to any listening ears. Despite his surprise the veteran Toa let none of it show on his face or body posture. This entire thing had possessed a clandestine feel to it from the beginning. It was a rare day that the head of Ta-koro's Rapid Reactionary Forces was called out for a simple crime scene after all. With the Akiri himself here it would not due to let anybody who might be watching any more information than necessary.


    "I've blocked off our noise sir. I can't guarantee that nobody around can read lips though, so it would be best to avoid talking about sensitive topics until we reach somewhere more out of sight."


    There was a wordless statement in his eyes as he passed by his superior though, on his way to enter the back alley first. No way was he going to let the Akiri go into the unknown like that.


    I had better start getting some answers about what this is all about.

  11. Yeah shaking an object a bunch will certainly mess up all the bits and pieces holding it together but that takes time. The sonic gun was set to cause people pain like a crowd control device. It's not going to to do much to the roof of a train car. Either that or that sonic gun was abruptly turned up high enough to blast through solid metal with a glancing shot, in which case the fragments would be flying up and scattering the desert.


    And for the sake of keeping the battlefield clear. I was running under the assumption that the positions of Kynaera and Guard 1 are currently the reverse of what you have there.

  12. I would like to take this moment to remind the players of the Train Heist that the cars of said train are made primarily of metal (with assorted furnishings of other materials.) Designed to withstand sandstorms, the occasional falling rocks, and limited attacks from hostile bandits.  Door frames and roofs are not going to be falling apart from a couple of nasty bumps and amped up death metal.


    Hey EW. The game is doing well enough, if a bit slow. Glad to see that your vanishment was not due to an ugly stabbing in a dark alley.

  13. Train Heist


    IC: Interesting thing about Kualsi jumps. You can't really hold elemental effect while doing them. Even if one possessed sufficient skill to both activate that mask and concentrate on their element at the same time, there is an infinitesimally small amount of time where the mask user for all intents and purposes does not exist. Without a constant flow of energy and direction the elemental effect will start to dissipate and vanish.


    So when Kynaera teleported the increased gravitational effects on the warhammer wielding Toa of Stone vanished. Returning him to full combat capacity as he turned towards the signature pop of a Kualsi user teleporting. The haft of his weapon swept across his body as he continued turning, deflecting the blades from their intended target and giving him an opening to fire a shotgun blast of stone shards from his other. In the extremely close confines the two were fighting in chances of dodging were slim.


    The impact vision was indeed a surprise. One that slammed the Calix wearing martial artist into one of the nearby seats. Gritting her teeth in pain, the young Sentinel got back on her feet and started watching the back of her fellow guardsman. As much as she wanted to jump back into the fight her endless hours of training had impressed into her the value of teamwork. It was much easier to fix a train car than it was to bring a person back to life.


    The Crystaline Toa that Dylan fired at had been expecting just such a move. Ducking out of the way of such a hurried shot was a simple affair. Before the bandit could launch a second shot two of the prisms launched forward from where they hovered. One from straight on, the other swooping in from the open isle. If they hit the would begin expanding across Dylan until all but her head was encased in a shell of refractive crystal.


    The Po Toa with the machete did likewise. It seemed that the conjoined Skakdi twins were being fairly effectively ganged up on by the other passengers. Entering that fight would simply confuse things more and increase the chances of friendly fire. And he did not want to get in the way of the crystals his friend was sending at the one with the bow.


    OOC: I can't find Dylan's profile. is it even in the character topic? Also I'm sorry if I've missed anybody. If I have please tell me and I'll add a reply.

  14. Loren- Ta-koro- Guard Headquarters


    IC: With a nod of his head and a sweep of his cloak, Loren turned and left the room. His new companion followed behind as they made their way out of the building and onto the ashen streets of Ta-koro.


    As they walked away the grey and black Toa could not help a smile from edging it's way onto his face. It felt like it had been days since he had last been outside Headquarters. It had certainly been several weeks since he had been out on business that did not involve setting up the Guard's newest branch. Maybe there would even be somebody something there for him to let out all his paperwork induced stress on.


    It was a solid fifteen minutes walk to their destination. An old run down smithy in a quiet section of a less well off portion of town. A good place to dump a body if one could not get access to one of the various pools and streams of lava in the area. Loren could make made a trip in a fraction of the time had he been working alone, but honestly, that was hardly a fair thing to say when one considered what his mask was.


    Everything was as expected on their arrival. A few homeless Matoran wandering the streets were the only signs of life as they approached the rundown structure.


    "Stay behind me." Loren said as he drew his swords. "I'll call you when I've confirmed it's clear."

  15. Loren- Ta-koro- Guard Headquarters


    IC: The RRF Main Branch had been set within the Guard headquarters for a variety of reasons, logistics, it's central location, proximity to other branches of the Guard. It was that last item that Loren was taking advantage of now.


    Barely three minutes of brisk walking had the heavily armored Toa standing in the section of the building belonging to the Investigators. Before him sat a large room filled with desks sectioned off from one another by low wooden walls. Here and there some of the walls had been taken down to allow for better communication between team members. At several points around the edges of the room were doors leading off to a variety of other chambers of equally varied purposes.


    Immediately before him however, was a rather large desk, behind which sat a rather striking female Vo-Toa. While not an Investigator herself she still performed a vital role for the department. Namely that of an organizer. When Loren needed an Investigator for some reason, it was through her that he sent his request.


    "Afternoon Aetha." He said as he approached the desk. "I find myself in need of one of your people. Anyone not too busy that I could borrow for a few hours?"

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