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Silvan Haven

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Posts posted by Silvan Haven

  1. Photothermic powder is not foreign tech. A PC came up with it and the staff at the time allowed it to be a thing. And while it is much like early versions of gunpowder it should be kept in mind that the staff have also also politely asked us to stop bombarding them with requests for cannons and firearms. Introducing guns to the RPG would significantly change the feel of the game.

  2. Semi-automatic crossbow: Using a system of wheels on either end of the crossbows limbs, the effort needed to pull back the string is significantly reduced. This allows the user to simply pull back on a built in bar on the side of the weapon, it being connected to another stub of metal on the inside of the string. reload time is further sped up by the addition of a spring feeder magazine system. When the string is pulled back, a single bolt is pushed up out of the magazine and into the weapon proper.


    Explosive crossbow bolt: Most of it is the same as a normal bolt, with the exception of the head. a downsized photothermic powder grenade has been attached to the front and modified to require a fairly serious amount of pressure before going off. Not enough to prevent the weapon from going off after being fired from a crossbow, but enough to avoid accidental explosions as the user runs and dives across the battlefield. Be aware however, that photothermic powder is inherently unstable and that the Mata Nui Technology Emporium takes no responsibility for accidental detonations. (AKA Don't take too many rough tumbles while holding these things.)


    Patero Splattergun: So far the only working weapon in the "Elemental" series, and even this one came out different than intended. A modified version of the standard Patero launcher, this one fires a blast of lamp oil out the barrel. It is then ignited by a slow match fixed to the opening, resulting in a spray of flaming liquid. The original plans intended for a bolt able to fly some distance. Instead of the current short ranged burst. Seeing that it was still an effective weapon, Lenat made some modifications to even out the spray and marketed it as a short range weapon useful for high damage first blasts in enclosed spaces.


    Electrical Generator: Lenat is proud to say that he has invented one of the first portable and versatile electrical generators. The basic idea is simple, a box of whatever size or shape needed is constructed with solar panels covering the inside. Racks of lightstones are then placed inside to generate the light for the panels.The resulting generator can range anywhere from the size of a house or all the way down to a single lightstone box, it depends on how much electricity is needed.


    Telegram: His most recent invention, the telegram is a system of wires running between two points. On either end are equipment to read the electrical pulses and turn them into audible noises. Said equipment on either end is the same kind used in radios, but without the bulky equipment needed to send and receive radio signals the resulting piece of machinery can easily fit on a table.




    The Mata Nui Technology Emporiums also sells various little semi-advanced quality-of-life items such as clockwork toasters. Custom items can be asked for and will be priced on an individual basis.

  3. I have a successful businessman with an indeterminably large amount of widgets at his disposal. Granted it took me a lot of time and several government contracts to do so.


    Also, buy my stuff. I have all these cool toys but nobody buys them.


    Ok, so here's a stupid question: I am terrible at describing things so I made a MOC of my Toa character but the thing is so small it may as well be a Matoran. Would that cause a problem?

    If you wanted the height of your Toa to be tiny, that's fine. If you want him tall, that's also fine. The MOC height is subjective for the most part, but a MOC two inches tall simply can't be used as a Toa, and a Matoran MOC can't be two feet tall.



    The only thing that matter about the size of the MOC is the the fact that a larger model means greater detail. It should be fine as long as what is made gives people a good idea of what the character looks like.

  5. A shotgun like that would certainly hurt but I doubt it could kill.


    And yeah, what Peele said. People are free to make basic Guardsmen wherever they feel like it, either with a new character or if it's somebody already being played. In the case of the latter you could PM the Akiri player asking them to control the recruiter, but it would be easier for everybody if you just did it yourself(provided you stayed reasonable) or just did a tiny timeskip over it.

  6. Kale Ironshaper


    IC: Turning away from the increasingly red faced Skyra, Kale spoke to Arankhe in the same deadpan voice he had been using before.


    "You'll understand if you stay with us long enough."

  7. Kale Ironshaper


    IC: "I remember hearing something about you chasing a butterfly shortly before that.  What happened that would make you chase the single one we have in our entire wahi?"

  8. Sen Fahl-The Stray Tach


    IC: "I think what she meant," Said the nearby Mandalorian, "Was that she had no desire to get involved in anything illegal. Even referring you to someone willing to help might get her into far too much trouble."

  9. Hey guys? You really don't need to quote the entire post every time you go back and forth. It worked well enough for the original review but now you are down to just a few points and quoting the entire RPG just adds extra stuff for other people to scroll through.


    It's late here so I won't go into everything I feel like commenting on, but I must point out that Bionicle does in fact have somewhat different laws of physics than we do and even if it did not I think that Metru Nui is advanced enough that it hardly matters.


    These people can make ships fly or mutate into hideous monsters by hitting them with solid pieces of metal. This is not proper science.

    • Upvote 5
  10. Kasper Harken-Near the Sandwich Press


    IC: Kasper groaned as he settled down at an unoccupied table. The last week had been nothing but practicing in the simpods and getting acquainted with his new Walker. The brand new pilot had just been getting some food on a rare break when the announcement had come over the intercom.


    And I bet the boss is going to want us to join in. Team building exercises and all that.




    The slightly miserable and very tired Walker pilot took a bite out of his sandwich and chewed.

  11. That could very well be it, and if this is still early in the war it would be before the inevitable attack by a faction trying to secure the energy for themselves.


    Oh yeah, in response to your comment about player spread. It is a risk, true. But I feel that a faction capable of surviving the manhunt after their creation will probably be active enough to not kill the game. The minor ones that were made just because somebody wanted their own faction are not going to last long.

  12. The idea that came to mind for the RaR disks was that you could have a list of basic traits. Those get picked by the RNG and then you tell the player the results and they fill in the details.


    Saves you a bit of work and makes the results more properly random IC.



    The almost total lack of plantlife does make me question where the supplies for each Metru comes from. Originally everyone would go to a recharging station in Ga-Metru once a year. With a war going on and everybody walling themselves off new lines of energy will be needed.


    As far as Ga-Metru itself goes, I also like it how it is. It makes sense that the district filled with schools and temples would try to stay neutral in a conflict like this.

  13. Toshiko-Rahkshi Hunters


    IC: The look I shot back up at Peho was only slightly less heated than the fire he had scorched me with. Call me spitefull but the guy may have permanently damaged my unrepairable equipment and I could already feel the pain from the burns creeping in as the adrenalin wore off.


    As I accepted Arvas' help I could not help sending out a rather nasty comment at the other thing that was currently bugging me.


    "Flabbergaster, shut the #### up."


    The guy had been doing nothing but tripping over stuff and almost getting himself killed the entire fight. He had no right giving the rest of us orders.


    OOC: Please don't take any of this personally, Toshiko has somewhat less of an ideal character than what I normally play.

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