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Silvan Haven

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Posts posted by Silvan Haven

  1. Kale Ironshaper- Ga-koro- the FowradiIC: While not unusual, people flying around certainly still drew attention. They drew even more attention when they suddenly flail around and then fall from the sky.Kale took a running jump off the deck of the ship and knifed into the water, swimming through the water at Kakama speed. It only took a couple of minutes to reach the spot where Tillian had hit the water. When there, Kale immediately dived down towards the dark shape that was slowly sinking towards the seabed. A motion caused a metal platform to form under it and lift the unconscious Mark Bearer up to the surface. Kale followed it and towed Tillian towards the beach.

  2. Kale Ironshaper- Ga-koro dock- the FowardiIC: Kale was using this time to relax after his efforts. He had taken a wicker beach chair and set it up on deck and was sitting in it while reading more of the Tome.The sounds of footsteps on the dock next to the ship caused him to sit up and look over the side at Dehkaz as he walked up."How goes the wedding?" He called out.

  3. OOC: Not really anything to say but I did not put this up yesterday soooo.INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:A2: Skinhok- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeA3: Clinvel- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeB2: Meltat- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeB3: Dacros- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeC2: Nytle- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeC3: Benser- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeC7: Skorhinjell-Small State- 20 IP 4 battalions- Next at July 10C14: Dertonic- Large Territory 15 IP 2 battalions- Next at July 11D14: Gorthin- Medium teritory 10 IP 1 Battalion- Next at July 12UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP4 Iolar helicopters 6 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IP50 Cathach Spec Ops soldiers 2 IP8 Fearthinn Self Propelled Artillery vehicles 8 IP50 (5 groups of 10) Sealgair 2 IP22 IPBASES:F2NATIONAL PROJECTS: Hostligns Now April 13- done August 13 75 IPWeapons development 5 IPOcean search- 50 IPLuminous rocket/moon launch- 75 IPPhotonics- Now May 22 -150 IPReconstruction of Pontolis- 10 IPNon-Newtonian fluids- 100 IPVisible light cloaking tech- 100 IPBUILDING: Total battalions- 607Toal IP used 587 total IP 645

  4. 11-1991 RYIC:Due to running into a technological wall, the research into the power cores was stopped and the funds diverted into other projects.The Fillions responded that the earthquake bombs were most certainly not WMDs. They may have been the most affective weapon against the Waalrusaan defenses but it hardly took down entire mountains by itself. The argument about the Coalition "attempt at genocide" hardly had any ground upon which to stand. Theirs had been a much more controlled attack, taking away things needed for further resistance. There was no attempt to kill the entire people of a nation. As soon as the surrender had happened, fresh supplies had been brought in and distributed. It was doubted that Waalrusaan planned on running in and saving the people that they had just tried to kill.Fillion troops began to pull out. Every month ten thousand troops would leave. The plan was to keep fifteen thousand men as part of the peackeeping force, to be rotated in and out every year.OOC: 100 IP into Non-Newtonian fluids100 IP into visible light cloaking techNot trying to pull a "Hey we just beat you up. Be quiet or else." here but what the Waalrusaans are arguing boils down to "If you are going to kill use then you had better kill yourselves!"

  5. Due to computer availability problems I have not been able to do more or less anything for a while. I should be getting my own computer soon and will be able to get on more often.Before that though. Recap?

  6. 8-1991 RYIC: The Fillion response was that they had no problem with Bylantium hosting the talks (assuming that the Bylans themselves had no problems with it). They also had no problem with the trials being held in Ventrsgaalt. There were doubts whether Aquileon would give up the base to somebody that they had just beaten, but that was not Fillion's problem.Fillion work crews moved the alien robots to the international city where study began on their internal power sources.OOC: Sorry about taking so long.I had:83 battalions4 Iolar helicopters4 Fearthinn SPAVs50 Cathach Spec Ops50 Sealgair Spec OpsIn another matter, 200 IP towards figuring out and recreating the internal power sources of the alien robots.Can I please have a reply to my last PM, Humva?

  7. 4-1991 RYIC: A slightly late message was sent to Varangia. The alien ship had been carrying the FTL drive when it stopped of there. It had stayed for a short time and then left without it. Would the Varangians like to say anything about where it was at the moment? How the pieces from the crash sight were to be treated had not been finalized yet and if Varangia was holding on to the FTL drive for their own advancement it made them little different from the people who tried to steal it in the first place.OOC: They don't know it just got sold and I was planning on saying this anyway. The alien shuttle was carrying the box with the FTL drive and was not making any attempt to hide itself. The amount of people watching it would have been enormous and it would have been hard not to notice that it left that behind. I don't know if anyone noticed this or it got answered, but my question about F2 belonging to somebody else even though I have a military base there, is still up.INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:A2: Skinhok- Capitol state-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28A3: Clinvel- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28B2: Meltat- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeB3: Dacros- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28C2: Nytle- Super Province-100 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeC3: Benser- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28C7: Skorhinjell-Small State- 20 IP 4 battalions- Next at July 10C14: Dertonic- Large Territory 15 IP 2 battalions- Next at July 11D14: Gorthin- Small teritory 5 IP 0 Battalions- Next at June 28UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP4 Iolar helicopters 6 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IP50 Cathach Spec Ops soldiers 2 IP8 Fearthinn Self Propelled Artillery vehicles 8 IP50 (5 groups of 10) Sealgair 2 IP22 IPBASES:F2NATIONAL PROJECTS: Hostligns Now April 13- done August 13 75 IPWeapons development 5 IPOcean search- 50 IPLuminous rocket/moon launch- 75 IPPhotonics- Now May 22 -60 IPReconstruction of Pontolis- 10 IPLaser upgrades 1.5- 40 IP- Done July 1Reworking radar systems for stealth detection- 10 IPBUILDING: Total battalions- 406Toal IP used 477 total IP 480

  8. 12-1990 RYIC: The Stan question was replied to what basically boiled down to, "Sorry, no. We have plans for them." attached to the message came a question of their own. Were the Stans planning on helping to come up with the photonic computers? Fillion had made quite a good amount of progress in the area and would keep going no matter the answer.A large amount of resources was poured into the computer research in an effort to finish soon.OOC: 90 more IP into photonic computers systems. Total number at 150 IP.

  9. 10-1990 RYIC: Fillion immediately began sending personal over to Raykin to begin setting up the embassy and invited them to do the same.It was rather late but the helicopter company was finally ready. They announced the release of a new type of helicopter. This one possessed pockets filled with hydrogen throughout the craft that reduced the overall weight and help hold it up. It also possessed a bigger fuel tank. Overall the result was along range helicopter that could hopefully make it to Skorhinjell or the newly discovered nation of Raykins.A couple of extra battalions were moved to the international city, bringing the total number there up to five.At the crash site the scientists then moved to the ones that had been hit by the missile strike. From the reports, one of them had still been moving for a bit after it had been sheared in half. That, combined with the fact that there was still a recognizable upper half at least gave rise to the hope that some of it was still salvageable, specifically the power core. Some of it had to have survived the strike for it to have been moving at all and that meant that they could at least gain an understanding of the principles behind how it worked. out how it worked.OOC:As far as the stealth detection radar goes, I said that I finished the project right before I started upgrading my radar stations. I figured that you would know what I was using to upgrade them with. I'm also pretty sure that I said how the stealth detection worked.I also noticed on the map that F2 is classified as belonging to somebody else. I do know that I placed an outpost there some time ago so this is a bit of a problem.

  10. Kale Ironshaper- Ga-koro Docks- FowardiIC:The voyage had given Kale enough time to finish setting up the cannons in their proper places. He stretched, hearing a couple pops as he worked out the kinks that had developed during the trip. Walking over the clearing deck, he picked up his sword and buckled it on. Feeling more secure, Kale looked over the heads of the Guardsmen for the other members of the crew. Some of them may have been part of the Po-koro Guard themselves but he figured they would stay more or less together.

  11. Kale Ironshaper- Po-koro Docks- FowardiIC: While all the Guard members filed on board, Kale just kept setting the cannons up. Most of the heavy lifting was done by his powers but some of it he did need to do by hand. Like the ropes that were currently trying very hard not to get into the knot he wanted.

  12. OOC: Xom, Lloyd already said that his ground troops left the area. There is nobody for you to shoot at.6-1990 RYIC: The stealth detection systems were finished and some of the resources from the project were moved over to bringing the Fillion radar systems up to speed.7-1990 RYIC: "Might I suggest we begin efforts to move the ship? This whole debacle has proven that the current area has too little security despite being surrounded by several battalions worth of troops." Dartin said.At the crash site a Fillion delegation arrived. This one was comprised mostly of scientists and workers with heavy construction equipment. There were soldiers as well but they were mostly there to make sure nothing happened to the civilians en route.After getting everything sorted out as to who they were, why thet were there and where they would set up their portion of the camp, several of the scientists began examining the corpses of the downed aliens. The first thing they looked for was if they had been alive or just some sort of highly advanced robot.A message was sent to the Rays, asking if they would like to send over an embassy and if Fillion could send one over in return.OOC: 10 IP towards upgrading radar systems with stealth detection technology.

  13. "I find it probable that they could be likened to the wolves of Earth. from what has been found it sounds like they were bringing scientific specimens for people to study before they crashed. Do we know why they crashed? If for some reason we are attacked it would be helpful to know why they did so.As for the question of where to put the ship and everything on it, I suggest the international city again. I was unable to answer the Stan representative's questions last time due to the pace of the conversation.but I will do so know. At present we have three battalions at the city as a standing security force. There have been plans to raise that force higher and perhaps get other nation to send troops as well. After all. there can hardly be complete equality between all those there if only one country has troops in the area. However, I must ask that the total number does not exceed twenty thousand men. Any more and the strain on the city may be too much.As far as the question of sabotage goes, it has been the main thing that we have been doing for the past two hundred years. If we were not good at it by now we deserve getting our stuff blown up or stolen. I'm sure that Aquileon would be willing to help in that regard as well, seeing as from what we all have gathered over the relatively short time we have known each other, they are the best at finding things out."

  14. 4-1990 RYThe Fillion representative had been reading up on the memos from before he arrived and had just finished as the call for Astaria to join Luminous was put to a vote."I see no reason why not. Fillion votes to let Astaria enter the project." He looked through a couple of papers in the binder that he carried with him at all times. "On the topic of technology and whatnot that could help in the project, I have a report here on a civilian project that has been running for a decent amount of time. Wounds that are inflicted while the person in in a zero gravity environment take a very long time to heal, if they ever. This project has been exploring the ability of light therapy to speed up the healing process. It has been proven to work while here on earth and it is hoped that it could make it so that people in space do not need to be immediately evacuated to Earth if they receive a wound of any kind.This combined with a weight suit set up to simulate similar levels of pull on the body as on Earth could make it possible for people to have extended stays on the moon with limited problems as far as their body goes. Of course the mind is another matter but this could at least help with one part of the problem."

  15. 4-1990 RYIC: Fillion had seen the objects as well of course.They may not have been anywhere near where the pieces landed but they had still gone streaking through space and some of the upper atmosphere before it was lost to sight from the many telescopes that had tracked their process. The landing spot was estimated and a military expedition was readied to go and see what it was. Of course, it took them some time to arrive and by that time everybody else had already gotten there. The real surprise came when massive amounts of troops began to be sent to the area. It was not hard to put two and two together, especially considering what they had already found in the crater. A message was sent to the Fillion representative to the Forum.(Forum of Nations)"May I suggest the international city? Situations such as this are the precise reason that we created it in the first place."The new voice came from the door to the room where the Fillion representative , a former military man by the name of Dartin Rollew, stood. His green and gold eyes were slightly squinted with annoyance as he continued."I am here to say that Fillion would like to offer it's experience with alien matters for the furthering of science and the protection of Earth in case such a thing is needed. We are currently in possession of what we believe to be an alien drilling station that crash-landed in the area that is known as C and D 14-16. We have been studying what we could find for the last few years and collecting several pieces of armor level metal plating that surpass anything that we have ever seen before."He paused for a second, looking around at the various representatives that were in the room.At least two reading books while probably helping to decide how the future of our entire planet goes. Drinks on the table, most of them probably alcoholic. No wonder people don't come here unless they don't have much in the way of choices."If you wanted other people to be in the dark about what you are doing you might not want to hold a Forum meeting and then invite most of the member nations. It does not take a genius to put together the pieces of what is going on in here."(World Stage)Of the coast of Raykin another hydrofoil appeared with the delegation from Fillion. They had neighbors now and it would not do to take too long to say hello.OOC: 40 IP into upgrading laser beam concentration and cutting power. ETA unknown.INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:A2: Skinhok- Capitol state-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28A3: Clinvel- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28B2: Meltat- Super Province-80 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeB3: Dacros- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28C2: Nytle- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28C3: Benser- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 14C7: Skorhinjell-Large territory- 10 IP 2 battalions- Next at June 19C14: Dertonic- Medium Territory 5 IP 1 battalions- Next at June 20D14: Gorthin- Settlement 0 IP 0 Battalions- Next at June 14UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP4 Iolar helicopters 6 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IP50 Cathach Spec Ops soldiers 2 IP8 Fearthinn Self Propelled Artillery vehicles 8 IP50 (5 groups of 10) Sealgair 2 IP22 IPBASES:F2NATIONAL PROJECTS: Hostligns Now April 13- done August 13 75 IPWeapons development 5 IPOcean search- 50 IPLuminous rocket/moon launch- 75 IPPhotonics- Now May 22 -60 IPReconstruction of Pontolis- 10 IPLow-frequency radar systems- 20 IP- Done June 14Special task force- 25 IPBUILDING: Total battalions- 353Toal IP used 342 total IP 395

  16. Kale Ironshaper- The FowardiIC: They reached the ship after an hour or so of traveling through the twisting, dim tunnels that honeycombed to Onu-wahi area. Luckily there were no rahi attacks on the way so the caravan emerged into the sunlight in one piece.Kale sighed as he watched the cannons being pulled towards the Fowardi. It looked like it would be several hours of hard work to get them in place with all the ropes and whatnot that were needed for shipboard cannons.

  17. 1-1990 RYIC: The colony was ready and set out for another piece of uninhabited land.2-1990 RYIC: Fillion meteorologists also noticed that the storms had cleared above Bylantium. And so, not knowing that the Stans had already done so, they sent over a delegation. It had taken several months for them to arrive, even with the new top of the line hydro-foil they were using. As luck would have it, the first port they came across was also the one used by the Stan delegation.As they came closer, they slowed down, allowing the hydro-foil to lower gently until it looked like just another boat. It would hardly do to go rushing in at full power and look like some sort of pirate.OOC: Colony to D 14, assuming that there is nobody already there.

  18. 12-1989 RYIC: The solar backpack generators were finally done and large amounts of them were sent to the troops in Waalrusaan to provide them with a more reliable source of energy during the winter months.The civilian company that had bought the hydrogen from Stan announced that they would be releasing a new type of transport helicopter soon after the new year rolled around.

  19. 8-1989 RYIC: In addition to the mining station, a collection of electrolysis rig were set up in the crater area.A special task force was organized to see if some way of getting the Waalrusaan civilians to not all fight to the death was possible. They worked independent of the coalition forces to show that all they wanted was for there to still be a country of Waalrusaan when this was over.OOC: 25 IP into the creation of hydrogen electrolysis rigs. One week.25 IP into the special task force.

  20. 6-1989 RYIC: The reply to the Stan question was, "What did they think all the troops were for?"In the mountains, several dead Howlers were transported to the international colony for study. They obviously had some sort of immunity to the Quartzblood and finding out why would be extremely helpful to figuring out how the deadly substance worked.An even larger amount of funding was poured into the ocean search and construction was started on an undersea mining station.Research was started on a radar system capable of detecting stealth craft through use of low-frequency radar. It would tell the operators if something was coming but would be incapable of providing a target lock.A call was sent out for colonists willing to brave the wild.The Fillion representative to the coalition suggested that it might be helpful if they started appealing to the people of Waalrusaan. Not all of them would be die-hard fanatics and if they could get enough of them to lay down their arms, then there would be no need to destroy entire cities.OOC: An extra 25 IP into the operation at the bottom of the ocean. I will now be mining the oil, diamond, iron and nickle that are also found in the crater.Low-frequency radar systems being researched- 20 IP- done June 14.

  21. Kealen-Tower of Tyis- PastIC: With a shrug, Kealen leaned against a nearby wall. Alan's mind might not be totally fixed but it was better then what he had been a week before."I'll be holding off on joining for now, but since I'm going to be staying with this guy until his head is more or less back in one whole piece I suppose I'll more or less be working with you." He called over to Tyis.

  22. 4- 1989IC: The reply to the Stans was that the ongoing expedition had found increasing amounts of Quartzblood and the military was being called in to help remove it from the area. The plan was to move it to the international colony and then start to figure out a way to neutralize it. If the Stans had a problem with it, then the Fillion government was willing to listen and try and figure out some sort of compromise.At the meeting in Waalrusaan, the Fillion commander pointed out that they would have to take the capitol eventually. If they took all of the other cities first the remnants would just fall back to it and the Coalition would find it an even harder nut to crack then before. If they took the capitol then they could also take out the leaders and cause the rest of the opposing forces to loose their cohesion, making the rest of the campaign that much easier. They could launch stun gas into the city before moving in to prevent the total destruction that had happened in the last city.OOC: The Fillios look at the Howlers and their relation to the Quartzblood sort like if we found a group of tribal people somewhere in Africa that worshiped some giant statue made out of Uranium-234. As of right now there is not much in the way of a group that is going to be able to keep everybody away from that entire area and there is no way that they are going to wait until somebody puts it in an ICBM and launches it at them or somebody else. They are willing to have the Howlers hate them for the next couple thousand years if they can keep it out of everybody's hands.@Xom, My guys are going in and out of a cave system, not around one of my colonies. A good deal of my guys also have multicolored eyes so I don't think looking at your guy's eyes would matter very much

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