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Silvan Haven

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Posts posted by Silvan Haven

  1. 8 -1987- RYIC: The expedition pitched their own tents a short way away from those of the Astarians simply to make it easier for the two groups to get organized when it was time to move out. When they were done, they began to freely mix with the other group. This was the first major gathering with people from another country that most of the Fillions had been to, so they were immensely interested in what the Astarians were like. The eyes were the most interesting thing for most of them. Many of the Astarians had different colored starts in their eyes, whereas many of the Fillions had disks of different colors in theirs.The military were also interested, this was their first time really seeing the armed forces of another country. They were curious, but not to the point of being overly nosy.After several hours of mingling, the Fillion commander walked up to the leader of the Astarians and asked if there was some quiet place where they could talk about the course that both parties should take.As night fell, sentries were placed around the perimeter of the camp. Farther out were a ring of dummies. Each one had a small tape recorder in his belt playing the sound of a man's breath. If something were to attack it, a large version of a glow stick inside, would break and leak out onto the ground, alerting the real sentries to the fact that something hostile was out there.OOC: Blade, I don't know if you noticed, but I invited some of your guys to come over and learn smart techy stuff at my schools.

  2. Kale Ironshaper- Onu-koro docksIC: As the ship gently bumped into the dock, Kale opened his eyes and stretched. He had been trying to contact people from the Song for the entire trip, with no luck. He walked out onto the deck just as Dehkaz called for shore-goers.He leaned back and stretched again while saying, "I'll come. I need to loosen my legs anyway. Still not used to traveling everywhere by sea, yet."OOC: I don't know if this was answered already since I don't have the time to read through the discussion topic with it's two and a half pages and hour pace. But we came here to pick up somebody's matoran engineer so that we could do the renovations to the Fowardi.

  3. 7-1987 RYIC: The theories about the metal split up into three main groups. The first, those trying to cling to the earlier idea of it being a space rock said that it had been forged some far off star, the second, saying that it had to have been from an alien spaceship. The third group sat in the middle and said, "Lets wait and see what we find."They kept at it though, despite it's baffling appearance. More scientists and funds would be diverted to the project as they become available.Down under the sea, the subs kept searching. They hoped to find more of the strange alloy, if possible, they even hoped to find the main chunk of it. The bit that they had found before could not have been the only one, nor could it have been the largest piece, if one looked at the size of the crater that had been caused.Astaria received a message asking if they would like some company on their search of the mainland. The commander of the Fillion troops doing exercises around their colony had started hearing reports of something snatching people from pretty much every colony on the mainland. He had gathered a group of biologists, geologists and other people who might be helpful and decided to go hunting. They would be accompanied by half a battalion during the hunt.Astaria had been asked because it would be helpful if the two groups could co-ordinate their efforts. Whatever data either group found could be sent to the other one to help build a more perfect picture of the eco-system of Europa.Fillion agreed to sign the treaty regarding how to treat non-combatants.OOC: Just a suggestion. I think the international colony should be marked as black. Nobody uses that color.

  4. 6/1987- RYIC: Researchers were immediately sent over to the coastal colony to study this new metal. The subs kept searching the ocean floor, there was no way that this could be the only piece down there. Most theories went that some massive meatior had crashed there in the distant past. There was another one about it being part of an alien spaceship that had crashed, but it was mostly ignored. A tunnel was started that started in one of the prefabricated buildings and went below the underwater to a sub port. This would both keep the subs from having to pass through as many pressure layers and prevent prying eyes from from above a chance to find out what they were up to.A team of engineers went to work on the jet engine technology that had come with the walkers. They were coming up with a way to make a helicopter compatible version.OOC: I entered Final Fantasy.The international colony was at K1310 IP towards recreation of the unknown alloy.20 IP towards helicopter jet engines

  5. Kaelen- Guild of TyisIC: He stood back as Alan was set down in the center of the circle hoping that the kasuba would not do anything too crazy. Like attack the council members, He was sure that was not going to help Alan's case at all.

  6. INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:A2: Skinhok- Medium state-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- Done May 10A3: Clinvel- Medium State-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- Done May 10B2: Meltat- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions Now April 16- Done May 17B3: Dacros- Medium State-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- Done May 10C2: Nytle- Medium State-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- Done May 10C3: Benser- Large State-40 IP 10 battalions Now April 16- Done May 10C7: Skorhinjell-1 IP 1 battalions- Now April 24- done May 15C14: Dertonic- 1 IP 1 battalions- Now May 1- Done May 16UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP4 Iolar helicopters 6 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IP10 IPBASES:F2NATIONAL PROJECTS: Hostligns Now April 13- done August 13 75 IPWeapons development 5 IPFiber optics- Now April 15 done May 15 25 IPBackpack generators 75 IP now April 20Ocean search- 10 IPBUILDING:NoneTotal battalions- 82Toal IP used 190 total IP 222IC: The helicopter company started to work on the desiegn for the new, long-range, helicopter.At the international colony, a new think tank was formed to answer just why the storms around each country had cleared just after they launched their first rocket. Theores ranged from, "Aliens did it" The intens heat from the rockets messed with the pressure systems in the storm clouds and caused them to disperse. They asked for weather data from the diferent countries to give them some of the datapoints they would need if they wanted to to figure anything out.The government of Fillion had never liked the idea of people claiming huge portions of the mainland as theirs in the first place. Placing a colony down and telling others to stay out of that area was fine but trying to claim a place and then getting upset when they found somebody was already there, or somebody got there before they set colonies down in that place, was rather petty.

  7. 4/1987- RY (Relative Year)IC: Extra money was sent to the newest Fillion colony for a project that had been in the works for some time.Some private companies sent a message to several Stan hydrogen suppliers, asking about buying some for use in a new helicopter design.After an extended period of getting to know each other, the Fillion government asked if the Atranians would like to start sending over citizens to the schools in Fillion.OOC: 10 IP put into searching the sea in C and D 15.

  8. IC:For some reason or other, Fillion did not have an official representative at the Forum. That was soon rectified as the situation went from bad to worse on the continent. The overall opinion of the average citizen had been, "You have 500+ square miles in that area alone, why not share?" But as everything had gone from bad to worse, they had started to look at the Waalrusaans in general as a bit power hungry. Fairly few of the missionaries sent to them had found anyone willing to convert, and the few that had were starting to rethink their choices. From their point of view, the colonists were acting in complete opposition of what the other papers were painting of them.Some months before, settlers from all over the world joined together and moved to map point K13. Now, Fillion sent three battalions to the colony as a protective measure, suggesting that the other participating nations do the same. If everybody sent an equal number of troops, then nobody would get any funny ideas about taking the whole thing for themselves. The Fillion government suggested that the photonics research take place at the new colony to provide an equal footing for both sides.Another Fillion company decided to get a jump on the global market. Private security was still mostly empty of competition. It was made up of former military men and possessed state of the art weapons,including small Griun weapons, although use of those were only to be used with approval of the government due to the sensitive nature of the technology.They were also willing to accept members from other countries in an attempt to better operate in all corners of the globe

  9. IC: A small Fillion game company had been trying to break into the market unsuccessfully and was about to go out of business. As a last ditch effort, they released a game where you controlled a party of heroes of different classes and went on an adventure to save the kingdom. They advertised it as a game with a new system of playing and a deep storyline.Weapons development came out with a new toy for the military.OOC: Weapon Name: SgianWeapon Description: The infantryman's best friend. A combination short-sword and pistol, the Sgian has an ammo capacity of 12 9mm rounds. It possesses a longer then normal barrel, the top and bottom of which are covered by blades. With the press of a bottom and a flick of the wrist, the barrel snaps into an extended position and an extra 9" of blade springs forward, bringing the total blade length to 18".Weapon Cost: N/ABlade, since I am your closest neighbor (not counting those on the other side of the map) I took the liberty of having one of your planes fly close enough to be escorted in by my helicopters.

  10. IC: The commotion had brought Kealen running from another part of the tower. He arrived just in time to see Alan being carried through the halls by Kaorus. Falling into step behind the two, he followed them through the stone halls of the tower."I should have been there with him. If I could have helped then none of this might have happened."

  11. IC: Once again, a slightly belated colony set forth into the unknown to tame the wild frontier. Immediately, a call was sent out across the world. Settlers were needed for the new international scientific colony.Several private companies began exporting handheld video cameras for the average person to buy. Another started selling cheep batteries by the dozen.The scout plane sent by the Atranians was met by a trio of helicopters and escorted to the nearest airbase.OOC:Colony set down at C14.Call sent out to everybody to start the science place.

  12. IC: The Fillion were immensely intrigued by the idea of the new computer type and said they would be delighted to help. They also said that they would be much more interested in the end result of the research then composite armor, so instead, they would put forward resources and scientists to help if they were able to have the technology when it was done.Money was diverted to help fund several universities around the country.The military begane to set up a base on an island in F2Fillion's main movie company began a TV show called Astra Porta, where a top secret military progect sent teams through wormholes to other planets.OOC: I added a few things to my last PM that you never answered, Humva.20 IP towards advancment of higher education across Fillion.A couple of fun facts. Not a single Fillion citizen has let a DNA sample be taken by Astaria. Those that tried to go there left when they got told that they had to have it taken.The only people who have practiced espionage of any sort for the past 300 years or so have been crime lords, so the entire area has a rather bad connotation in Fillion.INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:A2: Skinhok- Medium state-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- 3 weeksA3: Clinvel- Medium State-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- 3 weeksB2: Meltat- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions Now April 16- 4 weeksB3: Dacros- Medium State-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- 3 weeksC2: Nytle- Medium State-30 IP 5 battalions Now April 16- 3 weeksC3: Benser- Large State-40 IP 10 battalions Now April 16- 3 weeksC7: _____-Settlement-0 IP 0 battalions- Done April 17UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP4 Iolar helicopters 6 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IP10 IPBASES:NoneNATIONAL PROJECTS: Hostligns Now April 13- done August 13 75 IPWeapons development 5 IPFiber optics- done May 15 25 IPBackpack generators 75 IP started April 20- done May 18Re-armoring- 20 IPSchools-20 IPBUILDING:NoneTotal battalions- 80Toal IP 220 used total IP 220

  13. A message has been sent across the island with the Bloodbrand. If your character was ever a part of the Song then they receive it.The Bloodbrand is a sort of minor power that all Song members have, allowing communication across the island.Hopefully this will help drag them out of the void of inactivity.

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