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Silvan Haven

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Posts posted by Silvan Haven

  1. Kale Ironshaper- Po-koroIC: A low rumble reached Kale's ears, causing him to look up and over at the direction it had come from. A trail of smoke rose from a spot in the harbor. He pointed it out to the others before running of towards it.On his way he saw a pair of matoran with the equipment of Ga-koro navy personnel running towards the source of the explosion as well."Do you know what happened?" He called over as he slowed down.

  2. Kealan- Eastern BarrensIC: A hole in space and time opened several yards behind Elithes as he was sent flying backwards from the blast and a silver toa with white wings stepped through. The portal closed just in time to avoid Kealen being sent back through as the matoran bounty hunter slammed into him and sent him staggering backwards in an attempt to stay on his feet. He took stock of the situation and quickly filled the air around them with metal filings designed to deflect energy signatures. Effectively making it look like they turned into a cloud to anyone that saw energy.He recognized the other being on the barrens. He had been the one that had taken the Rhindon's other half from them back in that warehouse.He pulled out his Midak pistols and sent a volley of small balls of light at Dalmia.

  3. Kale Ironshaper- Po-koro- Guard HQIC: The metal was as good as he was going to get it without knowing exactly what was going to be done with each piece. He moved over to Dehkaz and began to help him clear the stone from the area.

  4. Not the whole city, the only major place that got destroyed was the Guard HQ. I think they would drop construction for a bit to go and see why that perfectly normal ship over there suddenly blew up. After all, it might be some pirate trying to get off with it's treasure.

  5. IC: The lasers my not have kept the invaders off Fillion soil but it had slowed them down. Commanders on the ground split their commands into small groups, each with it's own commander to make sure that there could be no decapitating strikes through indoctrination. Arms were stockpiled in small amounts throughout the islands to allow the teams freedom of movement and a steady supply of weapons even if some of them were found.As more troops started landing, they found the area covered in landmines, grenades were tossed at them from cover and those that threw them ran before return fire could be sent. Even the civilians put a fight, using anything that could possibly do harm. From sharpened poles to molotov cocktails to hunting rifles to cars filled with mining explosives set to go off when the invaders passed by.

  6. Hey Parugi, mind if I drop Kealen in the middle of the Elithes/Dalmia fight? I sort of need a place to get him back into the story and that one seems like one of the more open spots.Unless my doing that would mess with the story in some way. In which case I would be happy to go elsewhere.

  7. The amount of factions/clans/unions/whathaveyou in the old BZPRPG were uncountable. Hence the need for the reboot. The staff decided that there was too much backstory for new players to be able to jump in and not get bowled over.I just realized that there are ships blowing up in the Po-koro harbor and almost the entire guard force there is ignoring it.

  8. IC: The laser technology of Fillion worked wonders to help stave off the orbital strikes, the stuff falling apon them was cut apart and, with a little improvisation, a good amount of the pieces were able to be diverted into areas that had already been taken by the enemy.

  9. FIC: The military started consolidating their forces onto three of the islands. They being Clinvel, since it was mostly mountains, Meltat since it had the largest concentration of people, and Nytle, for the network of sea caves that honeycombed the islands.Small hunter-killer teams roamed the islands, targeting leaders and weapons depots.OOC: My country is more invasion proof against more conventional armies. Tall cliffs wont help you much when the enemy is dropping from the sky. Most of the country is covered by rolling hills and forest. Don't ask me how the trees grow up there.

  10. Username: Silvan HavenName: Kelean PhinFaction: Civilian (Day Run) Team Wing.Species: ToaGender:MaleDescription: A taller then average Toa covered in silver armor. The armor has an odd flair to it, there are too many extra swirls and edges to stay in good condition with the warrior life the Kelean leads. Due to an incident with in a Makuta lair with a great mask of Illusion, He now has a pair of wings growing out of his back. Unlike the rest of him, the wings are not silver but pure white.Kelean has a strong sense of right and wrong. However, this wont stop him from enjoying himself from time to time.Equipment: Six, four feet long energy resistant blades with no handles, a pair of small Midak Skyblasters designed for single handed use and a small datapad linked to his mind in a ways simaler to the Team Crests.Mask: KakamaPowers: IronVehicle: "Trinium Wysp" is somewhere between a small mech and a large suit of powered armor. It can fly using a combination of levitation disks and a high speed compressed air engine. It's about 19' tall and 5' wide and uses two high pecision lasers and weaken disks to take down threats.Biography: Kelean Phin is a roving Toa searching for new ways to hone his skills. He has come to the Day run to have some fun and maybie go on an adventure along the way. Shortly after the meeting in the cave, he got eaten by a pocket dimension and has spent the last few days getting out.

  11. Hey, I found Kaelen's profile.

    Username: Silvan HavenName: Kelean PhinFaction: Civilian (Day Run) Team Steel. Emblem is a red hot bar of metal.Species: ToaGender:MaleDescription: A taller then average Toa covered in silver armor. The armor has an odd flair to it, there are too many extra swirls and edges to stay in good condition with the warrior life the Kelean leads. Due to an incident with in a Makuta lair with a great mask of Illusion, He now has a pair of wings growing out of his back. Unlike the rest of him, the wings are not silver but pure white.Kelean has a strong sense of right and wrong. However, this wont stop him from enjoying himself from time to time.Equipment: Six, four feet long energy resistant blades with no handles, a pair of small Midak Skyblasters designed for single handed use and a small datapad linked to his mind in a ways simaler to the Team Crests.Mask: KakamaPowers: IronVehicle: "Trinium Wysp" is somewhere between a small mech and a large suit of powered armor. It can fly using a combination of levitation disks and a high speed compressed air engine. It's about 19' tall and 5' wide and uses two high pecision lasers and weaken disks to take down threats.Biography: Kelean Phin is a roving Toa searching for new ways to hone his skills. He has come to the Day run to have some fun and maybie go on an adventure along the way.

    Ah, thank you. I spent about ten minutes looking through the archives for that, don't know how I could have missed it.
  12. Wow I'm surprised that I'm still on Team Wing. I would have thought I'd been been kicked off due to pulling that vanishing act. Sorry about that. Computer problems stopped me from getting on here for long enough for me to miss the rest of the season.Now I just need to find Kaelen's profile and an IC reason for him to have not done anything during all that.Edit: I cant find it and I never saved it anywhere. Mind if I rewrite it from memory? There will probably be some differences from the original.

  13. Kale Ironshaper- Po-koroIC: The harsh sun of Po-wahi beat down on his head as Kale swept into Po-koro, once again sending a plum of dust up in his wake. He was headed to the docks to see if the Fowardi had set sail when he passed the destroyed guard HQ. He caught sight of Dehkaz and several others moving among the ruble. He kept going until he reached the Fowardi and placed the Tome as well as a few other things on the desk in his room before heading back to where the others where working.Without saying a word, he walked over to the pile of twisted metal that had been removed from the rubble and began to smooth them out the crumpled ones and fuse together the parts that were two small or broken to be of any use.

  14. Kale Ironshaper- Ga-wahi Riven DailIC: With one final ink covered metal plate, it was done. Kale leaned back and stretched, working out the cramps and loosening muscles that had stiffened over the past few days of him leaning over a table. Stacks of metal plates filled the corners of the room. At first he had planned on just reshaping a single plate for each page, but then he decided to leave each page a plate so that others could copy the book if they wanted.He closed the Tome of the Student and stood before grabbing his cloak and walking out the door. It took him about two minutes to return the book and explain what he was doing to Dail. Then he was running out the door and off to Po-wahi at Kakama speed.OOC: Kale to Po-wahi.

  15. OOC: I come back from a trip to find we are being invaded by Borgies! Killkillkillkillkillkillkill.FIC: Fillion had suffered ever so slightly less then the other countries due to it's laser technology. They were able to target incoming ships before they were able to come to ground, targeting weapon systems, drop pods and any other weak point in the armor of the oncoming hoard. Of course, all this did was give them a few extra hours to prepare. And prepare they did, reserves were called out, military and political leaders were sent to underground bunkers from where they could communicate to the forces in the field through landlines or normal radio systems. Several prototype mini-lasers were sent to the best marksmen in the army.A constant eye was kept on the sky to watch for the same orbital strike cannons that had hit Astaria. If anything of the sort was seen, every laser in the country would be focused on it, trying to find a weak spot that would spare them from whatever it was that they did.OOC: Oh and....INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IPBASES: NoneNATIONAL PROJECTS:Refinement of weaponized lasers 50 IP done April 3Research of electromagnetic generators 25 IP done April 10BUILDING:4 Iolar helicopters 30 IP done April 3Toal IP used-109

  16. IC: Fillion had been free of the storms long enough to join the international community in full. A diplomat was sent to the Forum of nations in Aquileon to propose the creation of an international colony. It would be neutral from all conflicts and would be a place for the scientists of the various nations to meet and compare notes for the furthering of science. The location could be decided by all those who wanted to send people to help found it.OOC: Basically it is a place to let anybody who wants to, pool IP and technological prowess into projects that they might have trouble doing by themselves.

  17. If you are starting the character then just say it in the profile. If you are getting one with a preexisting character then you need to have a reason for how you got it. Whether it be buying him from some random NPC or catching one in the wild and then training it.

  18. Kale Ironshaper- Ga-wahi- RivendailIC: Kale blurred into the center of Rivendail once again. He payed no attention to the others as he walked strait to Dail's quarters. There was a quick conversation and then Kale was walking back out and over to his own place. The Tome of the Student was under his arm. He opened the door and went in, leaving the door open behind him to let in the slight breeze that swept through the calm ravine. Placing the Tome of the student on a table, he retrieved another tome and set it beside the first. A pan of ink was set on the table as well, just beyond the books.Kale carefully opened the Tome of the Student and formed a metal image of the first page, dipped it in the ink pan and placed it on the first page of the second tome. He stopped for a second to let the ink dry and then went on to the next page. This was going to take a while.OOC:Kale is now in stasis for the next few days while he copies the book. You can talk to him, but don't expect an answer until I came back from my trip.

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