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Everything posted by Aris621

  1. It surprises me that no one mentioned Nine Inch Nails yet. The gritty character of some of their later songs really remind me of the All Insane Kids songs like 'Hero' and 'Caught in a Dream'. However, their lyrics is usually more bleak and harsh than it is heroic.
  2. Most of those are misprints.I believe the Dark Red Huna, White Huna and Yellow Ruru are all prototypes, not misprints.
  3. Of course the "Movie Edition Kraahkan" is a must have. Also the "Ultimate Dume Helmet" is pretty special and rare (I think so). But if you want some very rare masks, you should maybe looking for some prototype masks (like the Dark Red Huna, White Huna, Yellow Ruru.....) .
  4. Really? I have it too, so... yay.Well, your purple Pakari's and Teal Kakama are just from the Rahi sets, so those aren't really rare.
  5. Well, I actually don't really care about it. Now BIONICLE has been canceled, I can finaly start to collect the older sets I don't have (like sets from 2001-2003). But of course I would be very happy if BIONICLE will return..
  6. Your Black Noble Huna isn't rare or a misprint. You can get 2 of these masks with the Muaka and Kane Ra set (two Infected Hau on Muaka, and two Black Huna on Kane Ra)And I don't understand why some of those other masks are "Semi-Rare", because some of those just came with the Rahi sets of 2001
  7. No, the Inika masks aren't rare. That they were used only one year, that doesn't make them rare... Idk = short for "I don't know"... Well, if you have the normal-blue Ruru (not the light-blue collor of Nokama's mask), than it's probably rare, because thats a misprint from 2001.Or do you mean the Great Blue Ruru from the Karzahni set?
  8. Well, I did much things with my Toa Mata Canisters: When I first had them, I used them as the Toa Canisters of course, and I used the lid as a Suva. Now I use them as storage for my masks. When I was pretty young, I used the lids of the Toa Metru Canisters as tables or Matoran Spheres, but now I use them as stands for my racks of rare Kanohi masks.
  9. A Brown Ignika?......... Sounds interesting. Do you have a picture of it?
  10. In my oppinion, the masks with the best disigns are the Kanohi Vahi, the Great Kanohi Huna and of course the Kanohi Hau.
  11. Haha! I think your Huna just used it's own maskpowers
  12. My favorite Rahi are all the Rahi from 2001. I just like them all......I actually can't really remember my first Rahi set, but I think it was the Kikanalo from the Toa Lhikan set in 2004.
  13. Well, i've heard about the yellow ruru, but i've never heard about a yellow rau.....But if you are right about the photography, those yellow masks are just orange (i think...)
  14. Look at this picture on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/...=item4ab4370752 (maybe you can't see the picture, but if you just click on it you will see the picture)Some of these masks have weird metalic collors, and some i've never seen before like those metalic Akaku's and Yellow Rau..... are they painted?....... And there are also 2 rare yellow ruru.
  15. Awsome collection! I specially like your 4 VMKK's and your Yellow Kaukau (one of my favourite misprints)
  16. I tought the Tanoka was given out in LEGOLand Billiund in 2005, but I'm not really sure. I don't know its value.
  17. I will always be a huge fan of BIONICLE, and I really don't like HF (sorry for the HF fans). I don't like the story of it, don't like sets, just.... no, not really hate them,... but I just dont like HF.
  18. Nice collectionComparing with this picture, i'm only missing the Copper Komau, Golden Vahi and about a half of the 2001 misprints. (so i'm still missing a number of some rare masks, but i'm trying hard to complete my rare collection )
  19. Now I realise that there are pretty much sets that looks like a scorpion. Some examples are:- Nui Jaga- Kofo Jaga- Kraatu- Kinloka (looks more like a scorpion than a rodent)- Scorpio (of course)- Zesk (only because of its tail)
  20. I've made a picture of my special (rare) masks only. Maybe I will take a picture of my full mask collection soon.http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Aris621/Collectables/imgp2298.jpg
  21. Finaly! I've got my package with a Movie Edition Kraahkan (awsome mask...), Chrome Hau, Black Ruru, Clear Avohkii, Grey Hau and Krana, Disks, and a lot of other masks and parts.I've made a picture of my rare/special mask collection after I've got the package (also with a complete Power Pack) :http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Aris621/Collectables/imgp2302.jpgThose Krana are 3 Dark Purple Krana, and the 2 Disks are 2 Great Disks.
  22. Onua's mask is the "Kanohi Pakari".I also wanna have a complete collection of the Hau's, specialy the White and Yellow Hau. (I want to have a lot of masks )
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