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Elemental Ussal

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Everything posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. I.C. Ussalaius refused to follow Voi. He realized now that he was no better off than Voima. Jala seemed surprised."Why didn't you follow them?" One of the guards asked."The same reason I don't want to end up on the wanted list of Ta-koro.""I see.""I'd be willing to help track them down for you if you wish.""How do we know you're not going to stay with them?""You can send some guards with me.""That would be well, but they are needed here to protect Ta-Koro. I don't think they can be spared at a time such as this... However, you seem trustworthy enough. You may go alone.""Thank you. Until next time." Ussalaius saluted, and left the building. OOC: Ussalaius to Onu-Wahi____________________________________________________________________________I.C. Tradoris, Vulcanon, Nektaan robot "pet""No, I am not familiar with this area.""Me am. Me found a weapon shop around here not too long ago.""If there is one thing I distrust, Vulcanon, it is you.""Me sure me saw one! It's this way!" Vulcanon marched off down the street. "Uhhh... No it this way." Vulcanon travleled down a different street, and sure enough, there was a weapon shop.
  2. OOC: Tradoris, Vulcanon, and "pet" nektaan robot from Onu-wahiI.C. Vulcanon clumsily ran into Raiden as he was walking past. "Vulcanon! Watch where you're going!" "It not my fault if he decides to stand where me is going to walk!""How is it not?"Vulcanon shrugged.
  3. I.C. Ussalaius did not know if he could believe what Voima had said about Voi. But what if he is telling the truth. I will have to be on guard at all times around Voi. And Voima, I can tell, is quite the troublemaker. How can it be safe for anyone to put too much stock into what he says."Well, I'm ready to get this court thing started."
  4. I.C. Kranuka noticed a foreign figure looking at them. He nudged Dymiun, as he was the closest to him, and subtly motioned to the toa. "That guy? Do you know him?"I.C. Kotahk, Tamaka, Takana"Let's get out of here." The three, and Ardoku retreated from the battle field. It was hard to ward off rama attacks while running at the same time, but they were able to escape with minor injuries."Is everyone still in one piece?"Tamaka re-attached a piece of armor that had broken off. "Now I am."OOC: These three have left the fight.
  5. I.C. Ussalaius"And third thoughts, and fourth ones."
  6. I.C. Vompran formed some healing herbs and gave them to Dervian. They wouldn't heal him much, but hopefully he could numb his pain. He telekinetically lifted him off the ground and put him a safe distance away from the battle. A rama group flew at Vompran and a few other members of the ground squad. It knocked him backwards into a tree, but the Ve-toa managed to avoid his deadly claws. He smashed one's head with his sythe. He pulled out his grappling hook, grabbed one as it was at retreating from it's last hit and run tactics, jerked it to the ground, and killed it.I.C. Kranuka and the trio arrived at the inn. He sat at a table and waited for the waiter. When the matoran who worked their arrived, he ordered some fish, and a small cup of ale.
  7. I.C. Ussalaius went along with the guards. He wondered if he would get out of this one free.Just in case, he subtly hid one of his shurikan in between his mask and his face; the guards had not noticed.
  8. I.C. UssalaiusHoly Mahi. I'm in trouble."I don't think fighting will help our cause. It's bad enough for me to be in this situation. I don't want an innocent bystander in trouble for my sake too."
  9. I.C. Ussalaius"I'm arrested for being associated with 'canibals'. You wouldn't happen to know a lawyer would you?"OOC: ToaTapioNuva is controlling the guards.
  10. I.C. Kranuka (Le-koro)The toa get all the glory. Don't they. Oh well. At least I'm not dead. "Can I treat you three to a meal? There's an inn over there."
  11. I.C. Ussalaius This is the worst luck of my life..."Fine... Arrest me. You'll see I'm innocent." Ussalaius dropped his weapons. Better not to resist the authorities.
  12. I.C. Ussalaius followed along. You get what you give.
  13. I.C. Kranuka"To the village, then." Kranuka and Co. traversed through the jungle, and back to the Le-Koro.
  14. I.C. Ussalius"That's my kind of Wahi. I assume we'll go through the main highway tunnel?
  15. I.C. Ussalaius"I don't think that's what he meant by sense of taste."
  16. I.C. Ussalaius didn't even bother to pull out his weapons. He knew Voima couldn't put up any fight.Ussalaius wondered what Voi would do if he had a valuable clue to a powerful something. He didn't know him well enough to tell.
  17. I.C. Kranuka "Well, Mata Nui is a large island. It's not like anyone will notice."OOC: Firewalker and I were planning on having Kranuka and Ardoku reunited. Just thought I'd let u know.
  18. I.C. Ussalaius studied the body of Voima on the ground. It was badly frazzled by electricity. "What was he doing by this suva?"
  19. This is truly awesome. I love the color scheme and the detail.
  20. The body is a little too small compared to everything else, but I love the arms.
  21. OOC: from Ko-wahiI.C. Ussalaius followed Henkka, Stronin, and Trad, not exactly sure what was happening, but hoping he would be able to lend his skills wherever possible.
  22. I.C. Kranuka stared at the beast. "... I have no idea. Maybe Fehron can make some metal bars, or Botan some logs that we could roll him on. Dymiun can use his element to lift him onto the logs." Kranuka thought for a moment. "On the other hand, he isn't really in anyone's way. Just kinda out here in the jungle. Do we have to move him at all? And will he die if we leave him here alone? or heal? most Kraawa are pretty nice as long as they aren't infected.I.C. Kotahk, Tamaka, and Takana stared at the battle below."This is not our fight. We should try to steer clear from it." At the very moment, several Nui Rama bombarded them from all sides, thinking that they were members of the "Island Liberation Squad." "Then again, we may not be able to help it. Land the Kahu, we won't be able to hold this up for long." "It's worse than Karzahni out here!""You think?"Kotahk and the others were shot down before they had a chance to land properly. Kotahk noticed Vompran was about to be ambushed from behind on a Rama, and froze the Rama in a block of ice.I.C. Vompran (Leader of the ground squad.) Vompran was ducking from the powerful blow of the sword, and activating his matatu to retrieve his sythe, when he heard the sound of an ice blast behind him. He turned his head and saw a frozen rama about three feet behind him. He saw Kotahk had saved his life. He nodded his sincere thanks, and turned back to Kyju sythe at ready. He slammed his sythe into the earth forming a wall of plants between himself and the offender. Vompran turned to the rest of the ground squad. "GROUND SQUAD! WE NEED TO COVER THE STRIKE FORCE WHILE THEY ARE ATTACKING THE RAHKSHI!" Vompran caused the wall of trees to fall backwards toward Kyju, hoping he would either crush him, pin him, or stall him long enough for him to assist fighting off Nui Rama.
  23. I.C. Kotahk watched Ko-koro fade from the top of the skies. He hoped he would be able to return home some day. Tamaka and Takana, on the other hand, were glad to be away from the cold weather.OOC: To Le-wahi.
  24. OOC: Did he throw the knife, or stab with it? I'm assuming he threw it, because a kick has longer range than a stab. If Vompran were to dodge the kick, he would already be too far away to stab.I.C. Vompran was expecting a counter attack, and jumped backwards to avoid the kick, letting go of his sythe. He tilted his head as the knife flew past. Vompran decided to rely on his secondary weapon: a hook with a blade on the end. He attached a vine through the loop of the hook, making a grappling hook. He swung it around his head twice for momentum, and launched the hook from his hand at Kyju's feet, hoping he would be able to trip him up.I.C. Kranuka"Nice Job! Hmmm... Maybe we should have thought of the mask trick before we beat him up."OOC: I won't be able to get on for the rest of today.
  25. Kotahk, Tamaka, and Takana hopped aboard the kahu.
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