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Elemental Ussal

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Everything posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. Yeah, I like the comic images in particular. Maybe a little less giant lettering, a little more pictures. I like the font.
  2. I like the detail on the mask. The eyes look kind of like they are made of crystal or something. Nice effect.
  3. Nope. That would have to be a really early dinner.TPBM has rainy weather.
  4. I.C. Takana, Tamaka, KotahkTakana grinned. "Doesn't matter where you're from. Only where you're going. So, Where is this Kranuka character, and what's with the 2 dead Nui Jaga on the floor?""And the hole in the side of the building.""Well yeah, there's that too.""I was wondering myself..."OOC: Chaos Dralcax and I were just at this inn. Kranuka and co. are right outside.
  5. IC: Meanwhile, Fehron and Geon were attempting to fix the damage, with a fair bit of arguing. Botan rushed over to Kranuka. "Kranuka? Are you OK?" he asked.I.C. Kranuka looked behind his shoulder. "Who are you talking to?"OOC: Amnesia is the most cliche situation ever :3I.C. Kotahk "Fortune searcher... Sounds like you've come to the wrong place. Mata Nui is a perilous place. Even if you got a fortune, it wouldn't last long here."
  6. OOC: That was fun, but wow, I was wondering if mods would incinerate us or something.I don't mind a little auto-hitting as long as we win in the end.Later 'yall nice RPing with you.I.C. Ussalaius"Wow... That was easier than I hoped..." Ussalaius was teleported to Ko-Wahi.
  7. 2 weeks maybe? I've had lot's of periods of semi-activity, though. Like that time when we were having trouble with the internet, and the only way I could get on BZP was with my dad's mobile phone. He's using it most of the time, so that didn't quite work out.
  8. Scratch that, my newest are the three toa mata needed to create Akamaia. I got them off ebay.
  9. That definitely looks a lot better. The black piece on top that looks like a hat looks kinda weird though.I definitely prefer the second to the original.
  10. They're making a Candyland movie.Why does everything have to be a movie now? It just ruins the source media.Maybe the television industry is just running out of inspiration. Except that the only reason Bionicle Heroes DS recieved a T rating was because of the ESRB's rule that first person games automatically receive that rating - which thankfully they they have since recanted. If it had been released today, it would have almost certainly recieved the E10 rating. The point is, although they have licensed plenty of films based on PG-13 movies, it is very unlikely they are going to let a film based on one of their original products reach Transformers/Avengers/Indiana Jones/Lord of the Rings levels of violence. The whole reason TLC allows themes like that is that the legoification tones down any kid-inappropriate content present in the source material. Doing exactly the reverse by staring the heroes in a film with Michael Bay-style brawls is just insane, and thus (hopefully) not going to happen. I certainly don't want Preston Stormer turned into a bloodthirsty anti-hero whose idea of justice is excessive decapitation and executing already defeated enemies.Very true.
  11. No. NeverTpbm has a plant within eye-range
  12. I.C. Po-toa NPCThis warrior would not give up so easily. He blasted a stone from his hands, which immediatly shattered into a smokescreen of sand. He used his Po-toa strength to shatter the hand-cuffs by breaking them over his knee, grabbed his Matatu, and disappeared off to who-knows-where.I.C. Kranuka was having some trouble outside of the inn, remembering his own name. He saw a brown toa run off, and leave Le-koro. "Huh... Wonder why he's in such a hurry."
  13. I.C. Ussalaius"This is the part where he smites us down, right? Well, nice knowing you." Ussalaius rapped his black cloak around his head like a ninja mask for added protection and made a dive for the spear, using his Calix to dodge any beams aimed at him. He blasted fire behind him to shoot himself off like a rocket, towards the spear. He had every intention of getting that spear away from Voi, no matter what it cost him.
  14. Some of them. Particularly Super smash bros.TPBM knows what dog-food tastes like.
  15. Lego releasing a PG-13 movie just sounds wrong. They'd never do it. EVER. Particularly, I don't think Hero Factory would, just because of the targeted audience.That being said, I don't know what to think of a Pg-13 HF movie. I might like it, might not. It depends.
  16. I.C. Po-toa NPCThe toa's mask came off, and as it fell, he was bombarded with a barrage of crystals causing him to scream in agony.He growled and retreated. "Some day I will return!"
  17. I.C. Ussalaius"Holy Mata Nui..." He gazed out at space. "This must be some sort of trick!" He did as Stronin suggested, and unleashed his fire powers at Voi to the point where all he could do was regenerate. "Ire, let's try to make a fire tornado!"
  18. I.C. Tradoris examined his recently pilfered widgets. "Very well then. I am a Skakdi of my word. Vulcanon, you had probably better stay out here while we are in the weapons shop. Wouldn't want you to break anything." Tradoris scooped up the Nektaan and walked into the weapons shop with Raiden.
  19. Yes, I haveThe person below me has already been on the computer once already today.
  20. I.C. Npc Po toaThe warrior used his mask to shatter the crystal. He aimed the shards at Dymiun, Fehron, and Botan once more activating his mask. "Too bad crystals aren't magnetic." He looked at his shoulder. "Gonna feel that tomorrow.", he muttered.
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