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Elemental Ussal

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Everything posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. I.C. Vompran (Leader of the ground squad)"Great. Here are more. Who's that riding on top of them?" Vompran fired a Kinetic bolt at the one with Skaarn on it.
  2. I.C. Vompran heard the echo of Onyx's voice and gave a sigh of relief. That's one more that can keep fighting."So we're ready to blow this thing?"
  3. I.C. Vompran (Leader of the ground squad)Vompran was busy trying to hold off as many rama as he could. At first glance, he had thought Allyen and Auron were dead, but remembered that they had vision spells frequently.Vompran snared several Rama in his carnivorous plants, and fired thorns at several more. After killing about 8 rama, he switched to firing Kinetic bolts from his mask, giving his elemental energy a rest. Vompran waited anxiously to see what Onyx's fate was.
  4. I.C. Kranuka looked disgusted as he fastened the silk seatbelts. Once they took off, Kranuka's expression lightened... This was actually kinda fun!
  5. I.C. Vompran (Ground squad leader)"Don't mention it. I don't know their status yet. Hope they are okay." Vompran channeled his elemental into creating massive Venus flytraps (Like Dendron) and formed some pitcher plants and sun-dew plants as well.I.C. Kranuka"Ok... But If I fall, I won't be happy." He hopped aboard.
  6. OOC: Vompran, GROUND SQUAD LEADERI missed way too much.(Edited I didn't know Tohgno was on a gukko)I.C. Vompran Vompran spotted a soldier in lethal combat with a group of rama. He fired a barrage of thorns out of his hands holding off the rama giving Tohqno a chance to regroup himself. The toa of plantlife continued his battle, felling one rama with his sythe, another two by slamming them together with his matatu. A rama charged him and gored him in the shoulder with his claw as he was regrouping from the last attack. "ERRGG. I'm gonna feel that tommorow."OOC: BenLuke, what's our current location/objective. From what I've seen, we're in the forest a little ways outside the rama hive, right?
  7. OOC: Whenever Katuko and Nuju Metru work it out.I.C. Vompran"It should only be a couple hours. I've been getting kind of restless waiting for the attack, but I'm sure that once we launch it, it won't end soon enough."
  8. I.C. Vompran noticed Uar sitting near the lake. He approached the newcomer.IC (Dekuna):Cursing bad luck for the broken cart, Dekuna picked up the Matoran and began to run. The cart he decided to leave behind - they could come back for it later. He did, however, unfasten the rahi that pulled it so that the beast could follow them.With the help of Zealokan's powers and Aki-Nui's strength, the team soon arrived at Pala-koro, and found that Uar had already arrived. It looked like he was talking to a green and blue toa, so Dekuna went to greet him."Hello there" he said to the toa of plantlife. "We have heard that there will soon be an attack on the nui-rama hive, so we came as quickly as possible to give our aid. We are a part of the Hau Karda, a team of beings dedicated to protecting Mata Nui's inhabitants from Makuta's influence. I see that you met Uar here, and this is Tangrua (he indicated the Po-matoran), the toa riding the kane-ra and Zealokan and Payiges, and I am Dekuna. How can we be of assistance?"OOC: I hope Tangrua doesn't mind being carried.IC (Lema): Toa Lema, while patrolling the jungles north and east of Le-koro, was noticing an unusually large number of beings tramping through the forest this past day or so. From the tracks he found, they all seemed to be headed in one direction: east. The curious toa of air could not think of any reasonable explanation for this occurrence, other than that something unusual must be going on in his wahi. As a sworn protector of Le-wahi and its Matoran inhabitants, he decided to investigate the cause. Activating his mask of speed, he shot off at breakneck pace, before running straight up the trunk of a tree and ito its branches. From this high vantage point, he continued to half run, half fly through the treetops until he reached Lake Pala, where many beings were gathered. This must be the place.He dropped down out of the trees by the lakeside, rolling onto his backpack to break his fall. IC Dymiun, Fehron, Botan"Uh... Some help here?" Dymiun asked, the now disconnected generator magnetized to his hand. "Well, that worked, at least," said Fehron, trying to show Dymiun how to demagnetize the generator, "Now what?" "We head to the village," replied Botan. "Well, there is a better way," suggested Fehron. He focused his power and created a wheeled cart large enough for the four of them. It was designed so that Dymiun's magnetism could turn the axle. Seeing what they were doing, Dymiun provided some plant fibers, and, at Fehron's command, stretched them over a large metal frame to form fold-out glider wings. "Hop in," invited Fehron.I.C. Vompran (pala koro)"Good, we could always use some help taking out those rama. The attack will be launched in only a number of hours. By the way, I'm Vompran, one of the deputies of the ILS. If it seems fit to Madrihk, our leader, You could probably join the secondary ground squad that Kethrye and I will be leading."I.C. Kranuka (le-wahi forest)"Are you sure this thing will fly?" Kranuka looked a little bit nervous about getting on the flying cart. "Second, how are we going to take off? There are far too many trees around here to get a running start."
  9. I.C. Ussalaius"I believe so. Take care." With that, the fire toa made his way to an inn.
  10. I.C. Vompran noticed Uar sitting near the lake. He approached the newcomer.
  11. I.C. Vompran@ Reordin "Apparently so. If you need to do anything to prepare yourself, the time is now."
  12. I.C. Ussalaius gazed ahead and saw the snow-covered village. He had been there only once before. As he and Meja approached the village, he couldn't help but feel displaced. A toa of fire in an ice village is not something normal.
  13. I.C. Kranuka watched as the last rama fell. He sighed. "Done at last! Nice job everybody!"I.C. Vompran"Looks like things are heating up."
  14. I.C. Ussalaius "Very little. I came to Ko-wahi with a few friends of mine. I stayed behind the group a little ways to check on something, but I got lost and haven't seen them since. I usually rely on the sun to get me where I need to go, but with all the snow, it is rather hard to see."
  15. I.C. "My name is Ussalaius. What is yours?"
  16. OOC: Rama are pretty huge, and it would take a LOT of web to trap them all. I didn't think Botan got all of them.I.C. Kranuka"Yep. And there are about seven more flying in. I hope that's the last of them." I.C. Vompran was beggining to get restless waiting for the attack. He took the time to prepare himself mentally for whatever may happen.
  17. I.C. Ussalaius followed along silently.
  18. I.C. Vompran"I think we should mostly protect the demolition squad as they demolish, and take out as many Rama as possible." he replied in response to the strategy questions. I.C. Kranuka"OUFF!" he grunted as he picked himself up off the floor. A rama made a dive at him and knocked him over. "This is not my lucky day... Oh well, it's more fun than sitting around a hut doing paperwork all day." With that, he began jabbing and hacking at low flying Rama.
  19. I.C. Ussalaius"Are you going that way? There is safety in numbers."
  20. I.C. Ussalaius"Hello, I seem to be lost... Can you tell me where I am?"
  21. I.C. UssalaiusIn the distance Meja spots an elder toa. He wears a black cloak and wields the element of fire. He approaches her.
  22. I.C. Vompran gathered along with Kethrye and the rest of the ground squad. "I guess we'll share command of this troop, eh Kethrye?"I.C. Kranuka swung his blade like a mad-matoran trying to eliminate whatever rama he could. He didn't have much luck though. It made it even harder being stuck magnetically on the back of Botan. "If you could absorb the magnetic charge so we aren't stuck any more, that would would be great!" He said in a stale tone to Dymiun.
  23. I have all six 1.0 heroes, along with Meltdown and thunder. As far as 2.0, I don't have any, but I have Rocka, stringer, furno, and stormer in 3.0. I also have Evo 4.0, and that's about it.
  24. IC Botan, Fehron, and Dymiun"Yeah, not much help," Botan remarked. Activating his mask and copying the Gukko bird, Botan flew up into the air, striking at the Nui-Rama with his boomerangs and launching seeds with little tufts of hair on them, which caught the wind from the Nui-Rama's wings, sticking to the bugs and immobilizing their wings with vines, causing them to fall to the ground."Show-off..." Fehron muttered, activating his mask, flying as well, and striking at the Nui-Rama with chains."Hey! Some of us can't fly here!" cried Dymiun. He teleported into the air with his mask, hoping to strike as many insects with his spear as he could until he fell. However, he wound up high above the forest! "Uh-oh", he thought, as he fell. "OOMPH!" He hit a branch, slid off, and landed on the back of a very angry Nui-Rama. "AAAUGH!!! HELP!!!" he yelled, magnetizing his hands to the bug, hanging on for dear life.I.C. Kranuka wasn't sure exactly what he could do. He had had a different experience with falling toa before, which hadn't ended all that bad. Kranuka gathered up a huge hand-full of fallen forest leaves. "TRY TO TELEPORT A LITTLE ABOVE THE LEAVES!" Kranuka in the mean time, was waving his arms taunting at the Nui Rama which Dymiun was straddling. It seemed to ignore him, and was focused on Dymiun. Kranuka decided to throw his dagger at the Rama. The Rama was hit by the blade slightly, but still enough to to draw attention to Kranuka. The Rama flew towards Kranuka and was flying directly over the leaf pile. "NOW!"
  25. I.C. Kranuka drew his dagger. "I don't think I'll be much help in this fight, but I'll battle all the same."
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