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Elemental Ussal

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Everything posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. I.C. Vompran took the hook. "I won't break it. If it breaks on me, then that's another story." I.C. KranukaA russle in the bushes was heard, followed by a swarm of infected Fikou spiders charging towards the small group."Now I REALLY hate bugs."
  2. I.C. Vompran"I would prefer neither. Just the loop. And thanks again."
  3. I.C. Vompran"No, it doesn't have to be bladed but I would like for it to have a sharp point and a loop at the bottom where I could tie a vine or rope onto it."
  4. OOC: @ TahuNuvaGolden coincidentally, Kranuka the matoran is in Le-Wahi right now. :PI.C. Kranuka "Ya know, it is really humid. but a little steam doesn't bother me. Kranuka looked down on his arm and noticed about four or five moskitos buzzing around it. "What does bother me is the bugs in the steam. I suppose we should explore. I wonder if anything exciting has been going on since the last time I was here." Kranuka traveled towards Le-koro.I.C. Vompran, noticing that things were moving a little slow, decided to become a bit more equipped for the mission that lies ahead. (@ either Amerikos or Ackune) "Would you mind making a sort of hook weapon for me before the hive seige?"
  5. I.C. Vompran"Toa Vompran, elemental plantlife, a Matatu mask, and sythe. I am on the secondary ground squad."
  6. IC Fehron"Here, too, in case you haven't noticed those two Skakdi and that Toa of Sonics."I.C. Kranuka"Mata Nui is a dangerous place. Well, let's go! We'll have to make it to Le-koro first." The group went towards the Le-wahi highway.
  7. Awesome Mask.I used to use Blender, but my computer won't support the updated version.
  8. I.C. Kranuka"Well the Kumu Islets do sound interesting. I hear there's lots of crime there, so we'll have to be careful."
  9. I.C. Vompran talking to JMing"We don't really have any particular sign-up sheet. You just tell the leader, Madrihk, or one of the council members and we will let you join if you can help our cause."
  10. OOC: No, we met there and went to Po-Koro.IC Dymiun."Yes. I am Dymiun, Toa of Magnetism, and part of a Toa Team with these guys."I.C. Kranuka"Our little team is growing. If we get any more, we'll need a cause. Anything anyone here is particularly passionate about?"
  11. I.C. Vompran"So, will I be leading a ground squad or joining one?"
  12. OOC: Oh, I thought that was Po-Koro. :PI.C. Kranuka"A friend of yours?"
  13. I.C. Vompran disregarded Alfon's threat, expecting him to listen in anyway. Alfon was getting very predictable. All he had to do now was wait for Madrihk to chime in and introduce some order.
  14. OOC: You did nothing wrong. My char simply thinks he was a little quick to join the team. Variety in personalities is a good thing and leads to an interesting, unique plot.I.C. Vompran"Don't mind Alfon. He's a little extreme at times." He whispered to Americos
  15. I.C. Kranuka"Oh good, so which Koro next? How about Ta-koro? I've never been there."
  16. I.C. Tradoris and VulcanonAfter an explanation as to why he was doing it, Vulcanon and Tradoris combined their Skakdi abilities. Vulcanon's fire melted down the metal pieces to make a spider like skeleton, and Tradoris used his magnetism to shape it. They were beginning the production of a small Nektaan robot.OOC: about the power of a "pet"
  17. I.C. Vompran eyed the blue and white iron toa. He sure jumped to conclusions about wanting to join the ILS. But if it meant having more support for the cause, he was welcome to join.
  18. I.C. Kranuka looked around. He saw a green toa in the distance. "Hey I found him!" He ran over to the toa. "Botan, there you are!" as it turned out, it wasn't Botan at all. "Botan? Who's he?" embarrassed, Kranuka stammered "Um, sorry sir I thought you were someone else. " Kranuka looked around some more.
  19. OOC: 'KI.C. Kranuka"Is it like him to wander off?"
  20. I.C. Kranuka having finished his daily sales, was getting restless. "What so you say we move on to some other Koro? I can't bear to stay in one place for too long."
  21. I.C. Vompran"I will go wherever I am assigned."
  22. I.C. Kranuka nervously looked at Fehron with a look that said "You can tell me that AFTER the customers have gone."Outloud: "Well if you don't mind fixing it, that would be great."I.C. Tradoris and Vulcanon Vulcanon wandered around for about fifteen minutes until Tradoris found him. "You ditched me!" "Not on purpose. Come with me." Vulcanon was angry for a short time, but eventually forgot about it and followed his older brother. They went to a spot near Kromast's hut where there was a stash of metal shards, a broken ussal cart, and an iron ball."Here it is." Tradoris grabbed half of the pile of metal, and Vulcanon the other. The two made way to Onu-Wahi tunnels.
  23. I.C. Vompran"If we break a hole into the hive it should obviously be near the foundation-bottom of the hive so it will topple onto itself. We only need to actually destroy-break half of the base in order to make it fall. I suppose anyone with a destructive element could work on demolishing the lower hive, while someone with a stealthy element, like you said, could sneak inside and do some damage on the Rama. The only major problem with that plan is knowing how to warn anyone inside that the hive is about to fall." "Another matter, is how to keep the Rama from build-making a new hive."
  24. IC Botan"I am a Botan, Toa of The Green. I was on Fehron's previous Toa Team. Now we just have to reunite the rest of the team."IC Fehron"Well, who knows where Dymiun, Zircan, and Ion are? And Espa is... Well... You know."OOC: Dymiun will find them soon. Zircan and Ion are tenative names.I.C. Kranuka, Kromast"That's cool." He said casually. "Well, I guess it's time to get to work. No matoran lives long without it.""Well, goodbye then. If any of you need refuge for your travels, my hut is always open.""Thanks and goodbye!" With that, Kranuka set to work selling weapons to random matoran and toa on the street who looked a little light on the sort.
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