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Elemental Ussal

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Everything posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. OOC: @ Legolover361I.C. Tradoris saw a brown Skakdi with a Zamor sphere launcher and ran over to him."YOU THERE! I want to talk to you!"
  2. I.C. Kranuka"Well. That's not going to work." Kranuka looked at Fehron. "You grab his hands, I grab his feet?"
  3. The turaga probably still have them with the rest of their belongings. whether or not their belongings were destroyed or not remains a mystery.
  4. Ok, this year, I'm using Bohrok Kal as Christmas tree decorations. :)

    1. Parazan


      You should've sued the Tohunga as well.

  5. I.C.Kranuka"Ardoku?" He stared at the fainted plasma toa a moment, and decided to try to spill some water on him and wake him up. Oh wait, we're in a desert. There isn't any water for kios and I didn't bring any."I think he got heatstroke..."Kranuka shook Ardoku in hopes that he would wake up.
  6. I.C. Kranuka"Yeah... Now that you say it, it does look familiar. We aren't lost are we?"Kranuka looked at his map again, not knowing it was upside down.
  7. I.C. Kranuka"Nice job!"he watched the rahi scramble off."Well, let's continue." Kranuka checked his map and started out with Fehron and Ardoku in the direction of Po-Koro.
  8. I.C. (Tradoris streets of Xa-Koro) he walked outside of the restaurant, and posted a sign:"Recruitment for crime gang."OOC: please interact.
  9. I.C. Kranuka drew his dagger, but didn't rush into the fight. After all, we was only a matoranThe sand Tarakava shrieked in blind pain, and fell over as his Kanohi shattered.3 more sand Tarakava emerged."Looks like a hunting pack!!!"
  10. I.C. (Tradoris Restaurant) After seeing Delak leave, Tradoris changed colors back to yellow, and stepped up onto the table to continue what he was doing before: Recruiting for a crime gang."Recruiting for a crime gang, any interests?" Tradoris askedOOC: free for interaction.
  11. I.C. Vompran witnessed the death of Ferrin. Although Vompran followed toa code, he couldn't help but feel safer about his death.Madrihk didn't even bother to introduce-name me. He thought. I must blend-hide too well in the jungle forest. Or he just forgot cuz' of the battle-fight. "Hey, now we have enough toa-elements to cleanse-clean Madrihk's Kanohi-mask, don't we? After we element-charge that is."Vompran was interupted by Miraul. Then he was silent.
  12. I.C. Kranuka got off of the Ussal taxi, and started towards the open desert."Po-Koro is this way, I believe."The trio walked on in silence for a while. If you could hear the sun beating down at this time, it would be very noisy. Suddenly, there was a rumble beneath the earth. It gradually got louder, and louder, until finally a Sand Tarakava burst from the ground. It had an infected Kanohi."Tarakava!" Kranuka shouted.The Tarakava rushed towards the three.
  13. I.C. TradorisAs Delak had stabbed Tradoris, the Skakdi had shifted his grenade belt of disks so when, the sword pierced, he would hit the disk, mostly, and only cut through the upper layer metal and skin. As he bled, he was in rage, but decided he was now in no condition to fight, so he played dead. He saw Jild and Delak bickering, which gave him the idea of helping Jild, should he somehow get the lower hand... In all this, he never lifted his head.
  14. I.C. Vompran limped over to the rest of the fight, he had still been to hurt from the fortress' destruction to do much more than knock over the tree. He had watched the whole battle, between, Onyx, Ferrin, Madrihk and Alfon.He walked over to Onyx "Well... sorry for smack-hitting you with that tree. I thought you were one of Ferrin's..."
  15. OOC: He is trying to lose them.I.C. Tradoris mentally groaned as he saw Delak, but was pretty sure he could beat him. Although he was weak for a Skakdi, he was an equal match for a toa."You need somethin'?" he growled. He tried to sound like a different Skakdi.
  16. I.C. Vompran was in his own region, so he was pretty sure he could get a good hold on the fight. He controlled nearby trees that were still on fire from the fortress' destruction, and the trees began to fall towards Ferrin. He didn't really care if anyone else was in the way as long as Ferrin was gone.
  17. I.C. Vompran jumped (fell but caught himself on a branch just before hitting the ground) down from the tree.OOC: I Know that, Vompran was just wondering about the details.
  18. OOC: Tradoris is in the restaurant that Jild had recently come out of.I.C. (Tradoris Restaurant)before entering the restaurant, Tradoris shifted his color into a dark black and went to a corner near the back door exit sign.'I'd like to see those fools recognize me now' he thought as he order a small meal.
  19. I.C. KranukaKranuka paid the taxi fee for everyone and hopped on.
  20. I.C. (Vompran)What did Madrihk do while he was in Xa-Koro to get a crime lord to want him dead?Vompran thought as he finished eating and drinking an enormous amount. (due to the requirements of nutrients to make plants)He walked outside and jumped into a enormously tall tree, climbing to the highest branch to look see who was coming. It was hard to make out how many there were because of all of the trees in the way.
  21. I.C. Tradoris took advantage of the distraction caused by the fellow falling through the roof to try to slip away. He was heading for the inn.
  22. Awesome. I really like the staff. Keep up the good work!
  23. I.C. Vompran"I'd like to explore. It's not every day-moment I get to be in a castle-fort. First we meal-eat of course."
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