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Elemental Ussal

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Everything posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. My first post was in the BZPRPG. It was about "Vompran" trying to solve a murder mystery.
  2. I.C. Vompran"Hmm."Vompran quickly turned at the toa of ice and shot a vine grapel at Madrihk's face trying to remove his Kanohi.
  3. I.C."Good night." Kranuka says as he rolled over in his bed. "I get the floor next inn."Ardoku went to sleep, and shortly after, Kranuka dozed off.
  4. OOC: :lol:I.C. KranukaKranuka made a dive for the bed, but his short legs didn't carry him as fast as a toa's would.He landed on the bed and says: "Don't worry, I have a small sleeping mat you can borrow. It's in my pack with the weapons."Kranuka was wondering if this would lead to an all-out pillow fight.
  5. OOC: sorry guys, there was a problem with the BZP server so I couldn't respond for a whileI.C. VompranVompran had hardly heard Alfon yelling to him about fixing herbs to cure Madrihk's blindness over the Nui Jaga fight, and didn't have any time to respond.He walked over to Ledzel, Madrihk, and Alfon. He was bleeding a bit from a cut in his shoulder."You guys okay?" he asked as he began to create an anti-venom agent.
  6. I.C. Vompran"Hey, wait..." Vompran activated his plant powers to sense movement in the brush. Sure enough, there was some movement."It's coming closer whatever it is*"A Nui Jaga jumped Out of the brush and rushed angrily towards them...
  7. I.C. KranukaKranuka spotted an inn. "There's one."The three walked towards the inn.After some conversation and such with the inn-keeper, they purchased a stay at a room.
  8. If you ask me, Lego has been using their favorite elements (not the super power kind) from Bionicle because it was so popular, so newer fans who don't know what Bionicle is would get interested easier. It worked before, right? Only now it's on a newer generation. On another note I believe Lego split bionicle into 2 themes: Hero Factory and Ninjago. HF's job was to take the Robotic side of things, Ninjago was for the mystic, elemental powers, and collecting shiny golden stuff (Weapons = Kanohi) to beat an evil shadow associated dark dude with a staff. Just my opinion here. I'm not saying this is true, I'm saying this is what I think.
  9. for me it's probably Telluris, Nidikhi, Krekka, and I would have liked it if Lhikan stayed, but he did have an epic death.
  10. I'm thankful that I'm not the only person in the world that still likes BIONICLE.I'm thankful for the BZPRPG.I'm thankful for all the people out there in the community who I have so much in common with.
  11. I.C. Vompran"Sometimes, but I agree, it is too quiet-silent around here. You'd think Makuta was on a vacation or something."
  12. I.C. Kranuka"It's getting late. I say we head over to an inn for the night."
  13. I.C. VompranVompran looked over at Ledzel and Alfon, and back at Madrihk."No Slap-fighting from me. But I'll drag these two out of anything they get into." He said playfully.
  14. I.C.Vompran"Kanohi adsfjag klaf sjdj mmmmmmfff *SNORT* HUH?" Vompran awoke."Mmmm I smell breakfast. What is that?" He jumped down from the tree, and saw the fried carcass of a Nui Rama."Mornin' guys. Hey, up, you're Trakuda. --- er Trakuda you're up." Vompran was still sleepy.hmmm this thing hasn't even been eviscerated. He thought as he ate.After Vompran ate his share, Madrihk said something about lake Pala and sending a messenger to the turaga.
  15. I.C.Vompran"Yeah, I had some trouble make-crafting them, but they're done."Vompran hands out the mats, takes his own, and jumps in the tree to his tent."YAAAWn...zzzzzzzzzzzz"
  16. I.C. Vompran"sure thing. I never was much of a crafter though."Vompran puts a few soft leaves together, decides it looks terrible, absorbs the leaves, and starts over."This could long-take." Vompran groans.
  17. I.C. VompranVompran hops down from the tree."Niiiice."he says as he walks in and looks around.He knew he had to be cautious if he wanted to sleep here tonight. Mostly because Ledzel controlled the whole thing, and at any moment he could cave in the whole thing on top of them if he had any evil intentions. Vompran decided that he would just hope Ledzel wasn't secretly working with Makuta or something like that.Vompran using his Kanohi Matatu picked up the unconcious Trakuda and put him into the fortress.
  18. I.C. Vompran"Madrihk, me, then you."
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