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Everything posted by Malevolence

  1. From the Deserts of Sah n Dibum, our traveller friends make their way to the forest island of Mouldi Pheats. Once the home of the peaceful athletic tribe of Nin, it has been overrun by evil, mentally challenged Fleshifigs. but for now, let's just enjoy looking at some of the local sights.Among the many beautiful sights, there is the Hallowed Temple of the golden disc, the Skull Cavern - owned by pirates at one point, who made and sold verme 'golden' discs. of course, to even get on the island in the first place, you'll need to use The Ashwood Dock.Once on the beach, you'll probably want to pass through the gate of Doome and into the charming village on the other side. With its quaint huts, the Sacred Treehouse of the Mahnkei, the crept of the spider lord, and the leader's throne within.An interesting feature is the spiny maw of just desserts, golden teeth inserted between the cavern and the wall to prevent any from getting between them.
  2. this is a rather beautiful miniature. The waves aren't the best, but I'll admit I thought they were snow caps at first which made them more impressive to me. Now then, you want to REALLY impress me? Make a minifig scale Azkaban!
  3. So, White told us about the Daleks. He had happened to be in the Zezorspace when they appeared. A large oval was floating in the middle of nowhere, so he went to inspect. A top it he had found six Daleks, though none of them resembled those seen in the desert; in fact, none of them resembled anything he’d ever seen in the LegoVerse. They were all smooth and studless.“Where are we?”“There is no information.”It was then that a mysterious glowing orb appeared in the middle of them. Daleks being Daleks decided it was expendable, whatever it may be, so they shot at it. Only sounds of laughter emerged from the orb.“You Daleks are just as dumb as the first time I met you. See, I tricked your good old foe into using a weapon that would teleport you all into my own universe. I have a theory I’d like to test out. You Daleks find yourselves to be so perfect, but I don’t allow perfection in my universe.”There was a brilliant flash, and the Daleks were now like every other being in the LegoVerse.“What have you done to us?”“I have made you better, and worse. I have given you and your brothers emotions, and all the other qualities Davros once stole from your ancestors. I’ve given your bodies and minds the necessary elements to overcome these changes without the risk of insanity. But I’ve kept your original essense of evil intact, to see how you cope with it. Oh, and you now resemble everyone else in the LegoVerse, so don’t bump into anything hard or something is liable to snap off.”The brilliant orb vanished, and the Daleks were left to ponder this on their own. Then, one of the Daleks began reacting to a surge of some sort.“We are in the LegoVerse. It is a planet comprised of different realms connected only to the others via UniPortals.”The others reacted with as much interest as their emotionless metal bodies could communicate.“Each realm holds a special treasure. He who wields this treasure, wields the realm.”“Then our purpose is clear! We will steal these treasures and rule the LegoVerse!”“There is more…” Said the Dalek who apparently doubled as an oracle.“What is it, speak.”“The Emperor Dalek is alive and trapped in one of the realms.” _________________________________ “And so, the Daleks are now ruthlessly using whatever methods possibly to travel across the LegoVerse, steal the treasures of the worlds, and lay siege to the entire planet.”Kaei and Brick stared at White in shock. The information they had just been given was almost too much for their little plastic heads to contain. Finally, Brick opened his mouth and asked the most important question he could think of.“So wait a minute, the LegoVerse is actually a planet?”“That it be, boy. That it be. The creator himself gave the Daleks the information, so it’s bound to be far more accurate than anything we’d know.”“So, we live on something that is far more like a planet, with lots of inter-connected regions that are all reachable without the need for space travel or anything like that, and yet we call it a universe? That seems like a rather odd logic to use.”“If you want to complain about it, go on the internet and make a rant about it.”“What?”“What?”So, White Crabgrass Fields, W.C. Fields for short, navigated through the trans-dimensional ocean, looking for a portal key he’d left on a very small rock a few months ago. Kaei and Brick silently shared the thought that he had probably put it on a fish and it’d never be found again.“There it is!” His raspy voice broke out in a cheerful croak.Brick rowed their boat to the location White pointed out, and the thickly bearded ruffian fished the portal key out of the water, an octopus stubbornly clinging to it. A few shakes quickly loosened the obstinate octopus. It’d take more than a few shakes to free them from the equally obstinate pirate, though. There was a sudden flash, and sudden the grey waters that surrounded them were blue. Nearby was a beach and a dock. A few short rows and the ship was close enough for them to hop onto the dock. White was first, followed by Kaei. Brick was last to come out, wondering if he could bath in the sea water and change out of his dirty clothes. He’d been fishing in them, chased by alligators, and even more. Along the beach was a tall sturdy wall, A few metres away, the wall melded into a large ornamental gate. White observed their surroundings before finally speaking.“AH! We’re on the forest island of Mouldi Pheats. This is where the peaceful tribe of Nin live.”No sooner had the words escaped White’s mouth, than a sudden rush of colour wrapped around the three travellers. Men cloaked in red and black robes, with covered faces brandished weapons at their necks, completely surrounding them. Knee-jerking to this sudden attack, Kaei drew a ceremonial knife from her belt and swung viciously at one of the attackers. Just as he was about to respond with the sharp end of a spear, a clear melodical voice rang out from the distance. “STOP! Leave them alone. They’re safe, look at their skin.”Everything froze, and the robed figures backed away from the three, bowing in silent apology. Walking towards them was another robed man, in white and gold attire. He slowly removed his head cover, long brown hair falling lazily, framing his handsome face.“I apologise for the violence, but it is necessary in these days. Please, come with me, eat and refresh yourself.”They had freshwater, so the travellers could bathe and wash their clothes. Brick was the only of the three with another change of clothing. After sharing a meal with the natives, they sat with the leader in the skull-faced cave, and spoke.“Our village has been stolen from us. We are outcasts living on the beach, trying to take back the village that is rightfully ours.”“Who has taken it from you,” Kaei asked, brushing a hand casually through her hair.“Fleshifigs.”“You, the amazingly athletic and brave Nins are outcast by Fleshifigs?” Chortled White.“They are soulless, evil savages, but they are not complete fools, Fields,” This was the first time we’d heard anyone refer to White by his surname. “They also did not work alone. They were aided by a very powerful being. They believe it to be a god.”“A god that aids fleshifigs, I’ve heard it all.” Kaei said, in a shockingly cold moment unlike her in all senses.“Do you happen to know the name of this ‘god’ m’lord?” White asked, carefully choosing a title for the man who had not given us his name.“He has referred to himself as Dalek Ueti.”The three travellers stared at each other in cold fear. A Dalek. It was a Dalek who had teamed up with the fleshifigs, and stolen a village from this peaceful people. Dozens of thoughts flew through their heads. To run, to flee, to leave these people to their certain deaths and just move on and pretend nothing ever happened. But it was a single thought that resonated between them loud enough that it muted all others.“Let’s take back the village.” Can be reviewed here
  4. It kind of reminds me of the Beldam from Coraline. I must say it's a rather impressive build. You've managed to make it look slender, stick-like, without looking incomplete and having an air of menace. VERY well-done!
  5. Actually, there were 4, but I see your point.True, But Makuta Teridax was only the main enemy in the Trilogy.
  6. any and everything, to some extent. Folk music from various countries, the various rock styles, 'popular' music (How that gets to qualify as a genre I'll never know), orchestral, etc. I like smooth clear voices, so raspy gravelly voices are a huge turn-off aurally (With the Exception of Rowlff from The Muppet Show, of course)
  7. I see. I'm not sure I'd count a two-part Holiday special as a movie myself, but alright.
  8. this is really beautiful. I'll admit at first this seemed far more aquatic than the Hydruka, but looking at it closer, I'd venture to say it could pass for amphybious. The long spindly legs would be good for quick water navigation, but I can also see them being useful for climbing mountains and rock formations.colour scheme is quite lovely, the build is fantastic...i'm really tempted to dig up my technic/BIONICLE pieces.
  9. "the Cybermen - were pure evil, bent on some variation of "Destroy everything"."I think that's a very odd view of the cybermen.They were driven to replacing almost every part of their body with mechanical parts because it was the only way they could survive. Eventually, they become cold and emotionallys, being more machine than human, and somehow came to believe that this would be best for all humans. They are not evil, in my book, just a sorry race that suffered and became deluded in believing that what they were was better.Unless you're referring more specifically to the Cybusmen, in which case, I can agree that they definitely are more two-dimensional.Also, not to nitpick, but only The Master appeared in a movie, unless I'm mistaken. I'm sure for a fact that Rassilon never made it into the movie.
  10. Brick was fishing, Kaei was warming herself by the fire. One the opposite end of the island, W.C. Fields was staring at his beloved ship. Though to others it seemed to be a plain, dull hunk of wood, to him it was a glowing specimen of seamanship at its best."White, we've been stranded on this island for days," Kaei muttered in annoyance at his lax attitude."Look at that beautiful ship. He Magnificently spacious interior, her lovely curved slats and top-of-the-lign navigation. Even her magnificent silken sail inspires a song to echo within the cockles of my heart.""If we don't get off this island in the next thirty minutes, those cockles will be scallops!""Let's go."Later on, they had travelled across land and came across a new obstacle. A massive mountain."There must be some vehicle we can use to traverse this odd landscape.""I have my trusty motorcycle," Brick shouted out."FOOL! That's not a MOC! We could get banished for even mentioning it in these parts. No...we'll take the magnificent AEROPLANE OF DOOM "but I already picked what jacket I wanted to wear on the motorcycle.""Just look at this beautiful aeroplane! The amazingly wide wingspan, the The beautiful but most-likely-not-aerodynamically-correct Two-tipped tail, the overdone and ultra-violent gun-rack, and the ultra-spacious and comfortable pilot's quarters." "Can I still wear my jacket?""Of course."A few minutes later, they were soaring through the sky while the only words Brick could muster were "This is not the seat I wanted!""Quiet Brick, Or I'll shoot your toes off! Now let the kind people heartlessly critique both these mediocre mocs, and this bizarre style of posting them."
  11. Hocus Pocus. It was on the telly. Bette Midler was terrific, and I must say that, as beautiful as Sarah Jessica Parker is, I've never seen her quite as beautiful as she was in this movie.
  12. Sad that only very few sets seem to be buildings. Vehicles are nice and all, but I get sick of trying to figure out how to make a building/landmark out of their pieces. At least with building/landmark sets I always have the option of just plopping them in a world of mine.
  13. Hedgehogs, spiny hamsters with Bob Hope Noses. A quote from a moderately recent movie.
  14. I had a collection of over 5000 albums on an external hard drive...and it broke. Now I have to get my music collection back piece by piece, including some very rare/hard to find recordings. Absolutely Fabulous was inspired by a one-time skit by French and Saunders
  15. I planned on joining....well, even the downtime couldn't foil that plan!
  16. I've been to several orchestral concerts as a youth. That's it, actually. Two concerts in 21 years. Probably doesn't help that I live in a place where no good music is ever performed. Anyway, both were okay. One had a terrible set, though. It was a bunch of quiet pieces followed by some more energetic ones, so you were falling asleep for the first half, and going deaf the second half.
  17. Nutrition. I've never had any of the cereals that come with prizes.
  18. Impressive MOC, an a wonderful use of otherwise limited pieces. Though I'll admit I was somewhat distracted by the fact that you could actually afford one of the sets with the turkey/chicken body! I've been dying to get one but they always show up in the expensive sets!
  19. Thank you. P.S. I no longer need the approval of my superiors! I'm a big boy now!
  20. These are such gorgeous MOCs that I find myself with absolutely nothing to critique, aside from your use of Fleshfigs, which - I'm of the firm belief - should be melted down, used for other pieces or REAL yellow minifigs, and their existance entirely forgotten. But even then, that's just my personal belief and I can't fault you for using them, since LEGO seems to be giving them all the unique faces while real minifigs are getting generics more and more. The Dragons are lovely, though if these were real sets, I imagine their builds would be a lot simpler. One thing I REALLY have to praise is that this 'set line' is - for the most part - exclusively buildings and landmarks. There's just way too many Vehicles coming out of LEGO now, and while they have lovely pieces, it's really hard to implement them into my own worlds without tearing them apart and seeing what I can build. Granted, I tend to do that with LEGO buildings as well, but I always love the option of having real LEGO buildings I can implement into my worlds just as they are. I'll admit that I might just borrow/readapt the rotisserie from your Mountain Skirmish set, because it really is brilliant, and I've needed to find a use for my chicken legs other than as finger food.
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