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Everything posted by Malevolence

  1. Sharp Pointy teeth, odd hair, covered in cuts and bruises and muscley...Why is Kyo from Dir En Grey hugging that teddy bear?
  2. So...Aside from the Doctor Who/Sherlock watchers, I'm pretty much the only person regularly viewing British shows?
  3. "If you are not a body builder then why do you have that image and stuff of "69 days for a better body" :V"Because I am exercising to lose excess fat and add a little aesthetic shape. Bodybuilding is a sport based upon building size and muscle-to-muscle proportion. I don't care about either."I wasn't trying to be insulting, just honest. Ripped males are attractive to straight females and gay males, and that's the breaks."I'm not sure I get it...I supposed 'ripped' means lean/defined. But if it's attractive to both varieties, why make a point of mentioning it. Wouldn't that make it just 'attractive'? It'd only make sense to point out something sexuality-based if it were something that only applied to one.Anyway, I see that pink-bordered banner.
  4. Ehn, I prefer Asperger's, if only because I've liked most of the arguments supporting the idea that Asperger's has enough unique-issues to it that could easily allow it to be seperate from the Autism Spectrum. I'd also prefer the seperation myself, because honestly, outside of the High-Functioning variations (of which Asperger's is just one), when non-educated people hear Autism/Autistic, they tend to think of the *insert bizarre hand-wobbling gibberish speaking, cross-eyed imitation that's far too tedious to put into words* kind of person. It's something I've experienced in the work-place, and even on a day-to-day basis. When you say Asperger's, and give a small explanation, they think "Oh, Okay." But THe very mention of Autism and people are treating you like someone with a severe Case of Down's Syndrome, or ruthlessly mocking you and pushing the buttons that Asperger's has made excessively annoying due to 'fauly wiring'.Granted, This makes me somewhat biased. I imagine it WILL be called High-Functioning Autism (What a mouthful. I might actually tolerate abbreviations in this case), and I'll be an 80 year old still identifying myself as an Asperger's.As for your points. Those annoy me too, and I'll have no part of them, but I do believe it's just a negative quirk of humanity in general, rather than something all Asperger's have. By doing this bollocks it somewhat alliviates the annoyances of day-to-day life for a somewhat discriminated against/looked-down-upon minority.In many ways you can compare Asperger's to Homosexuals. In the earlier days when Homosexuality was far more condemned than today, the 'gay culture' popped up as something of a way of combating the stress this caused. You lead your 'normal' life by day, but at night there was an entirely different world and life where they could actually be the person they really are. but today, when it's more accepted, this actually turns around to become a negative. Now-a-days when gay people are striving for equality and being seen as 'normal' the culture that was once a brilliant life-saver in their days of hardship has become a mockery and is often used to discredit and ridicule their attempts at being seen as normal people who happen to have a certain quirk.I imagine that, if there ARE more Asperger's out there like the ones seen in this topic, eventually the time will come when this 'Aspies (ugh, I hate even typing that) vs. Neurotypicals'' attitude will turn around to bite them in the bollocks, and, just like with the now out-dated and unneeded 'gay culture' will be used as a weapon to ridicule and demean them as they strive to be treated as normal people who happen to have a certain quirk.I'd also say that you remark about building-up walls, on a personal level, is a bizarre combination of true and false. On the one hand, because I spent so much of my life being my hearing-impaired mother's voice and ears, It's become very easy for me to be polite, respectable, and speak in a professional manner to other people, especially older people. If I were to live my life going to stores, working in a professional setting, etc. I'd definitely have very little trouble. But on the subject of my peers, they are very aggitating to me, And if I had to be in an atmosphere (college) where I'd have to deal with them attempting to talk to me in a casual setting, It'd drive me nuts. That's not to say I can't/won't be polite, but it'll be a hard strain on me. Thus I tend to go everywhere with earphones in, and music playing. So in that way I can definitely agree (Though, Asperger's social issues due tend to be worst around peers, so that's no shocker). I'll admit that on a somewhat generalised scale I do tend to look down on my peers in this town, but honestly, that is because in every situation where I HAVE socialised with them (in professional and semi-casual (theatrical) settings), not a single one has ever proven themselves to be anyone worthy of my time. They're simple-minded, backwards, exclusively interested in drugs, sex, and ways of combining the two (then again, what small town doesn't have that?) and little to no interest in culture and expanding their horizons. I'd like to believe that given the chance to mix with human beings who do not possess these qualities, I'd find socialising and seeing eye-to-eye with them would be easier, but until that happens, I don't know.So...I agree and disagree with you, basically XD.But I will say that I LOATHE the terms 'Aspie' and 'Neurotypicals', especially being used so casually. I'm not and never will be an 'apsie' I am a person with Asperger's. If you don't have Asperger's...good for you, but you're not getting some special name because of it.Sorry if that seems to go all over the place. I was typing it on-and-off and might have lost my place.
  5. ^How is it doing? I've been interested, but never actually get to watch most shows on those channels.
  6. "You are trying to be sexy from a female/gay point of view, not bulky sexy, lean sexy."Congratulations. You managed to be insulting in such a hilarious way that I can forgive the insulting bit XDShe's wearing glasses
  7. Kate MossThey're both skinny, tiny, and have a lot of internal problems
  8. So, because LEGO is cancelling two non-convential experiment projects that have little to nothing to do with their main source of income (That being LEGO sets themselves) they're suddenly an inept company that can't keep anything running and are crashing quickly to their doom?I adored Bionicle, but this level of fan-based delusion is just ridiculous.
  9. I've seen the dating ads and honestly...exactly WHAT is wrong with them? I've seen far worse come on the Telly at 10, when those phone service ads come on.I seem to recall on the old forum, a banner for a website specialising in female bathing suits would come up a lot. It wasn't sexual at all, but I feel even THAT was more worthy of this complaint than these dating ads.
  10. wrong one, silly :PIt says something, but the text is too small. It just says Sorry.
  11. soundcloud, I believe it says. Along with a request of a click....but I only honour such requests when all my MOC topics have well-written, thought out comments and critiques...
  12. OdditiesWhy is Bowser so obsessed with her, and always kidnapping her...they aren't even the same species...Idiotic lack of confidence in one's masculinity, leading to the needless urge to use 'gender-specific' terminology to make one's enjoyment of something acceptable, even though a truely confident person would have no reason to do so, because liking something is just liking something, with no need for gender restriction.
  13. Well, it's nicely made, and inspires me on a daily basis.The person below me has a link in their signature.
  14. naughtinessAll Art Critics believe ALL art is in some way shape or form related to sex. Just ask Georgia O'Keefe.Outer Beauty.
  15. Electronic Violins in the shape of a rotting skeleton played by a one-legged transvestite with dwarfism named Murray, who was once the lead in a Panto of Carmen in Surrey, and is allergic to curry
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