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Status Updates posted by Kopekemaster

  1. Yes, I used to be Kopekemaster. Now I'm Kopeke Nui.

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      and you are still as quiet as ever XD

    2. Kopekemaster
  2. guh bionicle fandom y u so screwy

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      You figured this out when?

    2. Kopekemaster


      I've known it pretty much since I joined BZP, but am getting really bogged down by it right now.


  3. Will you continue Hanus?

    1. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      We're really hoping to soon! It's Rob's turn to write next but was preoccupied with getting a book published up until recently.

    2. Kopekemaster


      Ah. I understand. totally fine

  4. Is that a roman Cthulhu making a peace symbol? What is going on here.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      It's a chibi version of Cthulhu from Cthulhu Saves the World!


      He's wearing a tunic.

    2. Kopekemaster


      :D That's pretty awesome.
  5. The rainbow on your sig is missing a colour (indigo).

    1. Noxryn


      There was a reason I had to cut out a color (I think it made the sig too tall to fit with the forum regulations), though it's an old sig (well, I've had the images for a few years and assembled them into a sig last year)so it could've been a different reason (but I'm pretty sure that's it)

    2. Kopekemaster
  6. livin' it up

    1. fredestroy


      Reading over your overview it seems we have alot in common, as too why I am a friend of Hapori Tohu, I think some glitch happened when I tried to ad him last year. I am going to try and add you on MLN so look out for fredestroy.

    2. Kopekemaster


      lol is MLN still even going


  7. must...boost....your member rating....

  8. i'm constantly paranoid that i'm going to accidentally swear on here

    1. ToaTImeLord


      I thought it was just me!

    2. Kopekemaster


      it's because i didn't use BZP for a while (and still don't use it much) and swear a lot elsewhere online

  9. Where has CeeCee gone to? Or has he changed his username...

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Yes. Not saying to what. :P

    2. Kopekemaster


      Ahem, Your Evil Friend

  10. Been a while, eh?

    1. Mushy the Mushroom
    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      May your birthday be splendid! 

      ~vigilante greeter

  11. Hmmm, maybe I should change my profile pic.

    1. Chro
    2. Kopekemaster


      Then again, maybe not.


  12. I found you on Twitter. I'M OFFICIALLY A GATANUI STALKER NOW.

  13. Mac OS X forever!

    1. bioniclehero01


      Windows 7 for infinity! :P

    2. Kopekemaster


      Never!!!!! (Ah well, I do have windows 8 beta and alpha both on my other computer)

  14. come on, I'm down with the sickness >:(

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios
    2. Kopekemaster


      Lol I got better a while ago but couldn't think of anything else to change my status to.

  15. Oh well.

    1. John Smith

      John Smith

      I totally missed the satire (I may have started skimming once I realized it wasn't real). I actually think it's really funny now that you posted the whole explanation!

    2. Kopekemaster


      Well, I'm glad my explanation helped things. ^_^

  16. Wow, I'm approaching 1000 posts. Dat's gonna be craaaaayzyzyzyyzyz

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      My post count is cursed to stay low eternally. =P

    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      It makes me feel like a stalling defender defending warts. =P

  17. Is anyone selling Bionicle books for a decent price? Hopefully in a lot?

    1. Van Hohenheim

      Van Hohenheim

      you can check Amazon. they're currently selling Power Play for less than a dollar.

    2. Kopekemaster


      But the big thing then is the shipping. I can get most of the books for $.01, but then of course 3.00 shipping.

  18. the third law in your sig lol

    1. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      *puts on a Kakama* I'M FAST AS ****, BOIIII

  19. I see you like Lost.

    1. Kopekemaster


      Just started watching it.

  20. Holy cow you've played a lot of games.

    1. -Whiplash-


      Yet still not enough.

  21. My post count is my meager tribute to you. Well, until I get 556 posts, anyway.

    1. 55555


      Thank you Kopekemaster, the tribute is appreciated.

  22. Ah hah. Ha ha hah. I'm back.

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