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Status Updates posted by Ezorov

  1. Hey, bro, have you gotten too cool for the Ambage? :c

    1. Grant-Sud


      I can never be too cool for the Ambage and you guys! D: I've just been really busy. :c

    2. Ezorov


      Awww, well okay, I understand. :c Just hurry up and be un-busy soon, 'kay?

    3. Grant-Sud
  2. I want to live in a nest of your hair.

    1. Legolover-361


      You can borrow my mustache.

    2. Ezorov


      I'm thrilled. :D

  3. You are like an angel that died and then was reborn as a woman. I know because you still smell like dead angel. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aderia


      Its okay. Sometimes I dream of creeping on people with you while they trick or treat >=D

    3. Aderia


      ...well I'm assuming I do. I don't remember many dreams =/

    4. Ezorov


      I don't always remember many of my dreams


      But when I do


      We're creeping on people. :3


      ...But yeah, I can sympathize with that. :/

  4. I have pictures of you... hundreds. :)

    1. Cederak


      And I of you...

    2. Ezorov


      Oooh, even better! :3

  5. Ezorov

    Do you know anyone who pays cash for human teeth? Don’t worry, not my own. :3

  6. I wish I could sew myself to you. :c

    1. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      But that would hurt! Can't we compromise with a glue stick??

    2. Ezorov


      Huh, you truly are brilliant...


      Sure, sounds like a plan. :D

  7. I would do anything for you. Especially steal tranquilizers from the vet’s office. Seriously, say the word. I’ll do it.

    1. Janus


      What kind of tranquilizer's are we talking here? Horse? Because horse tranqs are for sissies.

  8. I made a blood painting for you. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ezorov


      Don't worry, I don't think I killed a single person in the process!

    3. JRRT


      You did better than me then, I'm afraid. =/

    4. Ezorov
  9. Hey, I don't know you very well. But you would make great soup.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kakaru


      I was thinking the same thing.


      And so was Janus.

    3. Ezorov


      I think it might be polite to say "thank you" first, and then you can be afraid. :)

    4. Sumiki


      Thank you!


      *is completely afraid*

  10. I love you more than my jar of fingers.

  11. I painted a picture of your soul. I’ll give it to you outside the abandoned knife factory at midnight. Come alone.

    1. Grant-Sud


      B-b-b-but I don't know WHERE the abandoned knife factory is!

    2. Ezorov


      Just follow the trail of pretty rainbows and butterflies. Hehe :3

  12. When BZP is ashes, then you have my permission to die.

  13. Woah, Sumiki, congratulations! :D

    1. Sumiki


      Thank you muchly!

  14. Just wanted to say that your av/banner is kind of fantastic. :3 Cyberpunk ninja? FTW.

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Thanks a lot! :D

    2. Dwanny


      Ezorov, you stole the words right out of my mouth. x3


  15. Hah, had to do a double-take upon seeing your name in dark(er) blue. Congrats on the promotion, V! Well deserved, I'd say :D

    1. Velox


      Haha, thanks, Katie. :) But yes, I love the new blue.

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