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Logan Tec

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Everything posted by Logan Tec

  1. hmmm 4th wall uses non bionicle charachter to be the judge so it can win. that foolish wall.... wait... it beat me to my own tactics NOOOOOOOO!!!
  2. Well if your using gimp I find that the fastest way with the ability to slelect all of a certin color. using the color plallets that come in most kits
  3. Calling it now Gavla as Judge Judy
  4. I like the rayge I might use this for that one comic that I actualy started and want to continue...... This is really nice tho
  5. I still like the orginal Janogfett figure the best. I mean look at dat head

  6. that explains how I can attack Loganto's cakes shop while u do your lawyer stuff
  7. well i'lll just got back to my hole baking more and more... AND MORE!!!! And then Tec proceded to bake browines that he gave to all the land but then he murdered all the cakes of his rival Loganto's Cakes shop putting him out of business
  8. This is neat. I love the old nes kinda look
  9. if it was who was cheaper I did say -10 but yeah if the person u hire doesnt bake u sweets fire em and hire me instead that way I get money for all the ads I put on my browine pan. (its like youtube but they have to see it untill they finish eating)
  10. Browines? perhaps u gota go kill the spider. or break some knee caps idk
  11. Tahu: Tell Brickshelf to fix its self
  12. HELLOOOO BZP i've.... wait i used that all ready......... hmm Follow the Link This is my first time painting and I think It turned out well started out simple with something I knew hau to make (eyyy puns) enjoy
  13. HA again u foolish lawyers Wat did u think my "fair" terms are or that the opponent will "willingly" agree. If anything i've made my self out to be a psychopath that bakes sweets. btw Loganto I have some fair terms u need to agree to that may or may not help Ghidora
  14. ok now i'm really going to go draw that picture eyyyy soran I gota thing for ya It involves lawyers and Browines
  15. I can just see Loganto just looking at his phone saying "carp" So green Ghidora and a white loganto with the wrong suits hands and feet.... I can just see wind playing on a phone or something like that XD
  16. HA!! I'm all ready insane why else would I bake all these brownies
  17. Hmm I got like 5 mocs all built that I really should take pictues of

  18. For the low low price of -10$ I'll personally make sure that all competition "willfully" decides to give up...... AND! i'll include another pan of brownies and whipped cream with free ice cream for no extra charge. hmm.... I really need to just go draw myself all crazy psychopathy eyes hunched over an oven with a apron on with a knife with cake on it. XD
  19. Foolish lawyers hire me ill bake u 2 pies a pan of brownies AND i am da Fedora master. If u lose ill just ahem strongly convince your opponent to agree to my "fair"offers
  20. This is defnitly bluring the lines. Bud It is a really good comic tho. I feel (we could have a poll ). The thing is tho he techincly can have this cause he said its about a matoran tongue sooooo he hasnt broken any rules just bent a few.
  21. My picture is version one of my self moc Tecnokua..... Wow that is a really old picture i'm on like version 5 now XD I should really post that
  22. Wow these are really good if u happen to know wat pencil were u using? I like how crisp and dark the lines are
  23. I belive u still got that sprite sheet?
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