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Logan Tec

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Everything posted by Logan Tec

  1. hmmm.... hmmmmm...quietly the LEGO group is now looking for everyone from gen 1 Bionicle to find out who's the alien. Dose this mean all our bionicle counterparts exist up in da stars
  2. How are u hosting this exactly. but this should be fun
  3. 1. enter fourms 2. check comics 3. check general art 4. check Bionicle creations 5. repeat 1-4 till something new appears I think I might be insane
  4. Wow its really cool to see the improvement of your art skills this is really good.
  5. Brickcon was fun but alot smaller this year then the last. lots of little kids tho. Heres to another great year of Lego

  6. My profile pic is my self moc wearing the head of the original 1999(?) jango fett action figure and he is posing like SIMPLY FABULOUS. and the background is some blue bin thingy I store my legos in
  7. I just reailzed that i'll be getting a new spinny mask in 3 weeks(?)

  8. I cant wait to either get the Mask of creation or Pohatu's new mask for my self moc

  9. The most evil thing bonesii could do is ruin our preconceived ideas on how Bionicle works with near facutaly sounding theories. XD Jk the most evil he could do is ban so that makes him a formidable foe. BEWARE THE SKULL SCHOLAR!!!
  10. why do I see neither party winning and judge Judy decides to sue them
  11. Dude I had no idea at the time but this apparently influenced a moc I built outa skull warrior and assorted parts. I guess I just loved the horns and bulk to him
  12. well since its a thing again. Dear C&T so recently i've heard of this word serious. I think its a muffin someone said its something smart ppl do but I thought smart was another muffin u know a smart seed muffin. do u guys know wat it is? -Tec
  13. see u guys in 3 days

  14. So skull warrior and skull scorpio are both non unique enimes judging by the characther trailers

  15. I'm so tired but I cant sleep till night otherwise I will mess up my sleeping. Danget Eruope


  17. Mascot? U don't live in your suit
  18. Nice how a meet the blank still felt like an actual comic rather than abuch of random slides with names.
  19. OFF 2 CAMP!

    1. Ghidora131


      We'll miss you! *sniffle*


      *gets out party equipment*

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