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AuRon the champion

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Posts posted by AuRon the champion

  1. Ic: Kristen Hailey (Chapter 3, One thing leads to another):


    The narrator decided he can't deal with this right now, so I'm going to do his job for him.




    Kristen Hailey. Mutant, High school student, Lesbian, amputee, mass murderer, psychopath, abuse victim, orphan, hopeless lover... You know, typical eighteen-year-old stuff.


    Oh, that's not typical? Hm. Oh well. Before we get to the meat of things, allow me to indulge you all into a recap of what you've missed while not in my head. There was chapter one, "the part were everything went wrong". That was a year ago. Chapter two was "Can't stop". Aka the part where I dealt with the voices in my head, got a bit more used to being a woman, got rid of my abusive ex, had every vampire in the world have interests in me and I contemplated suicide. Now we're here in chapter three! Welcome.


    I had more or less cleared out the voices in my head thanks to a vampire who formerly hated me and might have the hots for me. I had gotten Dallas to teach me how to drive. I had woken up, almost had a panic attack, and then me and Dallas went out and taught me how to drive. I confessed my crush on him. Then we went for donuts. This is all before noon by the way. We get to a Dunkin donuts, John and Julia (<3 as well) apparently kill someone, and Dalad sent me to get seats while he presumable chewed them out for it. Dunkin donuts is filled with a group of weird-looming super hero types, a priest looking dude, and some other people. Dallas finishes chewing them out, comes in, sits down, and his hugged by Rebekah who did her usual "appearing-out-of-nowhere" trick.


    That's where everything went to .


    A fight broke out between nearly everybody, and I watched as everything began to slow down. Time bubble. Dallas' doing. So from our perspective things are starting to wrap up. Someone turned into nothing but electricity. The cops had shown up and were firing at someone. I felt a bit sick inside. You know. Typical teenager stuff. It still isn't typical? Hm... Well, it still wasn't noon yet as I watched things play out in slo-mo, hands balling into fists and then relaxing. Again and again. At least is didn't have voices egging me on to doing something really stupid. I also felt... Sad. I remember silently begging to not have a breakdown in the middle of this madness.


    I also remember folding my arms as I began to shake, trying to find my internal happy place.


    I also remember realizing that I didn't have one.


    "... There's never going to be just a regular, normal day, is there?" I asked, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths as I tried not to have another mothering breakdown for the whatever day in a row.


    It was still the morning. I had woken up only a couple of hours ago. Up until we got to the Dunkin Donuts, it looked like it was going to be a regular day.


    Well, considering how things normally goes, I guess it was a regular day so far.


    I remember tears welling up in my eyes, the muscles behind them growing weaker than a Chinese dam as the water prepared to pour out on my face like Noah's flood was about to happen again.


    And my English teacher told me I could never use descriptive language. Suck on that teach (ps, not you Chilly-Lilli, the former English teacher).

  2. IC:


    Kristen grabbed a booth. She also realized there were a couple of weird-looking dudes in the Dunkin' Donuts, who were eating... With masks on.


    "... Sometimes... I wonder why this dimension has so many weirdos..." She muttered as she sat in a corner seat.

  3. Meanwhile the gender of characters I have is often in flux.


    (Warning, possible inconsistent terminology ahead!)


    When I started, most of my characters were of the male sex. Previously, I had written as a few female characters competently, but I usually didn't just because among my former cliche of 12/14-year-old writers, writing as someone other than straight guy automatically entailed sloppy makeout sessions (because that's what kids those ages automatically thought).


    Then I joined XMDD in the off-topic forum. And suddenly almost all my characters were female, or became female sex-wise. And often gender-wise (see: Kristen Hailey). Now it seems like everyone I write is a female character. Landes'Rehn from FTL, Jiyu (who at times has expressed desire to be female), Arden (and by extension Aeolus)... The list continues to grow.


    Actually, going back on the topic of Dasaka, I don't play these characters because I don't want to be forced into one option over another. I don't mind playing a female character, so long as I get to CHOOSE that the character is female. If I'm not allowed to influence arguably one of the most important aspects of the character, then I feel like my decisions on the character don't matter. My RP characters represent various aspects of me, and I don't want to have to give up control over what aspect they're representing.




    "So, which part of me did you come from?"

    "Don't ask."

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  5. I'm just gonna write about the characters I actual use nowadays...


    Jiyu was entirely planned. I spent what felt like ages holding in-depth conversations with EW as I worked on his character and plot, and to be honest, I would love to do that again. The more-recent posts with him have been much more off-the-top of my head, but I have planned some "fun stuff" in the future...


    Aeolus/Arden have also been sortof planned. A lot of their comings-and-goings have been very impulsive, but several things (such as them meeting Skyra) was intentionally planned and I had been wanting to do that for at least a couple of weeks before it actual happened.


    Everyone else? They were just characters off the top of my head, and I'm really, really starting to regret not having some greater overarching plot to attach them to...

  6. Ic:


    Kristen figured out how to put the car in park (it was kinda obvious since that was how the car started before she turned it on) and then turned the car off.


    "Shall we head inside?" She asked, pulling the key out of the ignition as she got out of the car.

  7. Hey more profiles:


    Name: Arcadia Grayson

    Age: 18 going on 19

    Loyalties/Faction: Mostly to her father. Unaware of where his loyalties lies.

    Appearance: Something like this: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs27/f/2008/092/0/6/064f3ed1d0c65728.jpg

    Skills: A natural mechanic, engineer, and tinkerer.

    Personality: Quiet, observant. Prone to quips, puns, jokes, jibes and jabs. She feels bound to follow her father's footsteps, and get revenge on SHIELD. Innately curious, and often disrespects others boundaries. Likes trying to instigate others.

    Weakness: A regular human with no powers or training.

    Bio: Her father came from the Cherokee, a heritage that definitely shows in her natural features. She never met the people who's lineage ran in her blood, or her mother for that matter. She simply lives with her father, who homeschooled her when not at work. Around the age of ten, her father was taken and killed by agents of SHIELD during a covert op, leaving Arcadia an orphan. For the next eight years she would be shuttles from foster home to foster home, the introverted yet talented girl wanted by none. By the age of fourteen, she began to research her father's personal life, eventually being able to piece together that he was killed by SHIELD. Then she did the illogical thing and tried to blow up the SHIELD public offices several months before New York. She was caught, and conviently held awaiting trial until Eighteen, and sentenced to jail for a long, long time.


    Except for the fact that her father's employers have learned that she's still alive, and that she had a semblance of where her father's work was going, something they haven't been able to do. So of course they're going to break her out of jail.

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