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AuRon the champion

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Posts posted by AuRon the champion

  1. If:


    Arden mournfully waved goodbye as Aeolus walked away.


    Many hours, one room, and. A book later, and Arden and Aeolus lay back, exhausted from expending all of their elemental powers in one go.


    "When you said you wanted something steamy, I didn't know you were suggesting actually using our power to make a steambath."


    "Best. Elemental power. Ever."

  2. Ic:


    "We're a mentally unbalanced fusion of two toa who horrid control over our elemental power and no usable mask power," Arden observed.


    "That, and despite her appearance, Arden isn't as smart as she looks."


    And that was how Skyra saw someone slap themself in anger, both Arden and Aeolus recoiling in pain from Arden's slap.

  3. Ic:


    "We almost died while having around the Maru at the Kink-Nui. And we met some people... From another island," Arden said, after a pause to think about all they've done.


    "Turns out, we can't agree on anything!" Aeolus exclaimed, starting to grumble beneath his breath.

  4. Ic:


    Arden intervened.


    "He's confused. We both are. Difference is, he's the one trying to yell about it," she said, folding her arms and frowning, "To be honest... I really don't know how to deal with this either... It's all really... I don't know how to- how to respond..."

  5. Ic:


    "Really? Because you're not half in control of someone's body. You don't have to think back, and can't figure out if it's your memories, or the memories of the person you're stuck with! I didn't ask for this, or want this! I was just testing out a cool mask that was given to me, and the next thing I know, I'm stuck in this woman's body. Something that doesn't bode well with me. At all."

  6. Ic:


    "Like what? We tried setting rules, but he keeps breaking them!"


    "Not my fault you're such a sometimes..."


    "See what I mean?"


    In response to Turo's question, Aeolus extended his palm and created a cloud of warm steam, which he sent at Turo.


    "That's how, dumbass."



  7. Ic:


    "All the time. All of the freaking time. You know what? He makes another lame joke, feel free to try to murder us. Maybe then I could get away with him."


    "When they said, "till death do us part", I don't think they literally meant it..."

  8. Ic:




    "Hey, I just want to put out that surprise sex change is probably better than dying, but it's worse being stuck in a body that you can only control half the time!"


    "I'd let you control more if you were nice, and weren't trying to seduce almost every woman we meet!"

  9. Ic:


    "Awesome, we're squared now. I'm Aeolus," he pointed to himself. He paused for a moment to put his hand at his side again, before adding, "oh right, and this is Arden. Say hi."


    Arden grimaced and said, "try to ignore him. He's just trying to impress you."

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