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AuRon the champion

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Posts posted by AuRon the champion

  1. Ooc: from ga-wahi.




    Being Aeolus, he promptly started to walk into ta-koro, except for the fact that he ran into some green toa.


    As he began to get up, Arden room her chance to retake control.


    "Aeolus! Can't you be a little more careful!? I'm sorry about that miss. He keeps trying to go off and do his own thing without asking me."

  2. Ic:


    "I agree with my fellow Toroshu," Jiyu stated, looking Kulrik in the eye, "We will settle this now, in the yards, or you will turn tail like the coward you are."


    And if you do run, I'll see to it that you meet a coward's end. Jiyu thought to himself.


    :Or, you can calm down now and prevent me from finishing what mother started.:


    Heads turned at the one who broadcasted those thoughts, with Jiyu's one eye widening in both surprise and... Some revulsion.


    :Seigyo, you wouldn't-:


    :I would. You're threatening my charge. I regret a lot of things Jiyu. I regret not getting involved between you and mother. I regret not being with Hana more often. I regret not trying to follow behind mother and become Toroshu... But I will not allow you fighting Kulrik become another regret. Regardless how I feel about Kulrik, he is my charge and I have sworn oaths to protect him until my last breath. So if you wish to duel him, then you shall do so over my dead body Jiyu!:


    Jiyu almost took a step back from his sister, who had quickly moved between him and Kulrik.


    "... We will hold this conversation another time. When there aren't... Pressing matters to attend to," Jiyu stated, already beginning to plan ways around Seigyo.


    Seigyo didn't feel brave for standing against her twin. More like downright terrified. Her brother was many things, least of all predictable. Or kind. Their mother had removed his kindness. Or any of his emotions other than pure blind rage and his destructive impulses. While she knew he often looked nonplussed at near anything, she knew for sure that he was beyond unhappy.


    She briefly even considered the thought of her twin even knew what happiness was.


    She quickly banished that thought as well.


    "Apologies for not acting sooner," she said softly to Kulrik, "... I was searching for... The right words. I apologize about my brother."

  3. If:


    They arrived at their destination in less than five minutes.


    Parking the car however, proved to be the trickier part considering how Kristen flew into the parking lot at over seventy miles an hour, and only breaked when she reached the parking spaces, resulting in the car covering three whole parking spots.


    "I think that was well done. So how do I turn this thing off now and get doughnuts?"

  4. Ic:


    Jiyu paused, taking a step back. His initial approach was too broad. Precision. He needed precision.


    "You're one to speak of honor, you irritable little peacock!" He shouted, before locking gazes with the Vilda first son...


    ... An launching a direct assault upon Kulrik's mind, the mental attack being comparable to an avalanche, or a great sweeping wave.

  5. Ic:




    She didn't know what to expect his reaction to be... And his almost nonchalant reply was the sortof thing that she really was dreading. Apathy. Dedication. Nice qualities.


    She forced a nice smile as she put the car in drive again and tore back onto the road, trying to think solely on driving again.


    "Wait a second. You didn't call me card."

  6. IC:


    To describe the mental landscape of the spirit-fused Toa would be like trying to describe a certain dark goddess in all of her unholy beauty.


    Nigh impossible.


    The two minds were almost irreparably fused, to the extent in which that separating the two could prove almost... Fatal. Everything about them was mixed, some memories of certain locations they had both been two had even been mixed together, creating an almost "corrupt" memory.


    Much less to say about the two conscious minds of the toa. They were autonomous of each other, but at the same time, bound. All their memories were available to the other, same with bodily functions. Everything, shared.


    That... Was really, really loud.


    Ignore Aeolus, look around. You have my permission at least.

  7. IC:


    "A reputation, and the first man to lead it- At least, until someone more suitable comes back," He retorted, his spear appearing in his hand.


    "And I wholeheartedly disagree. Now is the perfect time, since unlike you, I see no point in saving that which is already broken."


    He moved again, swinging the side of his soulspear, aiming to knock the sword from Kulrik's hand.

  8. IC:


    "You know... I've been really conflicted as of late... And, thanks to Ash, I've gotten my head cleared out... Sortof. It feels nice to think clearly for once- But as I was saying, I've been really conflicted. The voices, John, my arm, my body, Joey... I've had a lot of stuff I've needed to get over. I'm still not used to being a girl... It's weird Dal, I'm telling you. Like you have a lot more to it that just making sure your hair doesn't grow out too long. Like Bras. I hate them. I can't even really get them on... Or off. Or makeup for that matter. I don't even get the point behind that I just-"


    Kristen paused, realizing she had begun rambling.


    "... You've been there for me the whole way, for just near every step. I would've said this sooner, but like I said, being a girl is weird... And i can't say that this doesn't feel odd, especially since I used to be a dude..."


    She pulled over, out of the way of traffic for the moment, putting the car in park.


    "Dallas Green... I like you... A lot," Kristen said softly, staring into his eyes, "As in, more than friends. And, I know you have Tali, I know you're a guy and I say I'm a lesbian... I can't explain it... I- I just- I've been sitting on this for... A full year now? I just needed to get that off my chest..."


    She shifted in the driver's seat.



  9. IC:


    "Enough of your condolences. I've had enough. I've had enough condolences, and I've had enough of you. Running around and making a  fool out of my sister," Jiyu snarled, his eye locking onto Kulrik's eyes. He let go of Shuuan, "You try to flirt with everyone, including my sister, you carry your family name about as if it means anything, and worst of all..."


    He quickly strode across the room, raised his hand, and swung the back of it at Kulrik's head.


    "... You're a piece of ."

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