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Everything posted by Zacian

  1. Teridax uses his power of gravity to crush the Star Destroyer to and sinks it into the ocean. The Plan has to go on smoothly and Makuta is not the kind of male bio-mechanical organism who tolerates interferences. Pohatu challenges Kaupara to a race!
  2. Insanity drove him to death. The Shadowed One.
  3. Some more respect for Vakama. Nokama.
  4. Sprites failed. (I tried spriting Chimoru R using MSPaint. How well that turned out.)
  5. OOC: Sorry, I totally forgot about Nokhann. IC: Toa Nahra She smiled to the big red Toa. "You're welcome."
  6. I'm telling you guys, Unit is the killer. We're voting for the wrong suspects. Wouldn't someone like Avak know how to hack a security drone?
  7. IC: Toa Rebraz "Including me?" he asked. OOC: Wait what were we up to again?
  8. IC: Toa Nahra The green Toa admitted his real name was Kaen. That's a good thing to know. "Alrighty then. I'm Nahra." she said, smiling. And with that settled she opened the trapdoor, revealing a small staircase that lead to a room with lightsones decorated on its walls. She led them down the staircase. At one corner of the room there was a sack of fruit and next to it were some bottles of soda, with a few empty bottles laying around. At the other corner of the room was a bunch of clothes, blankets and pillows all stacked in one big messy pile. "Sorry, I'm not much of a tidy person. You guys should sleep here for the night, take as many pillows and blankets you'd like except for the ones on the other side of the room over there. Those are my stuff."
  9. IC: Toa Nahra She turned to the green Toa. "And you are?"
  10. No, no it won't. E: I really think Unit is the killer, but for the sake of saving my own rear, I'm switching my vote from Luroka to Ghrinch.
  11. Yo yo Piraka. Congrats on giving a tough one.
  12. IC: Toa Nahra Nahra led them to the inside of an old hut and closed the door behind them. She removed a large carpet on the floor, revealing a trapdoor underneath. "This trapdoor leads to an underground basement. I've been hiding in there for weeks."
  13. I vote Luroka for Vox's death. And I vote Blade for Underscore's death.
  14. IC: Toa Rebraz Was that even a real saying? Whatever. "Yeah, what the Air Toa said."
  15. He died along with G1. G3 Pohatu.
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