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Status Updates posted by Cratak

  1. I think my last comment got copied, like, 30 times. :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unauthorized Autobiography
    3. Cratak


      I award you with an imaginary pat on the back for doing what I didn't: actually counting them.:P I'm lazy.

    4. Unauthorized Autobiography
  2. My tasty cheeseburger, Ill wait for you-uuu...

    1. Unauthorized Autobiography
    2. Cratak


      He said "I am extrem-e-ly hungry, but I guess I can wait until then!

      'Cause you're his cheeseburger, his yummy cheeseburger,he'll wait for you-uuu...


      Yeah. Once you watch it, your life will be changed forever.

    3. Cratak


      In a good way, of course. 8D

  3. To eat, or not to eat? That is digestion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cratak


      I know, but it's a quote from my favorite Carmen Sandiago game that I played a while a go. Thought it was the funniest thing then.

    3. CeeCee


      It is pretty funny

    4. Cratak


      Even funnier when you see Shakespeare say it. :P

  4. Static! It's been awhile.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cratak


      That's too bad. Well, at least I know you'll be around. Say hi to the guys at the Message Boards when you get the chance.

      Also, you can change your name if you want.

    3. Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      alright,i should be able to regularly visit bzpower (legally)again!

    4. Cratak
  5. Mind if I friend you?

    1. Terra Nuva

      Terra Nuva

      not at all. I invite you to.


  6. Haha! The Great Being is revealed!

  7. By the way, happy B-day! (yes, I know it's a little late, but I haven't been on a lot...the norm :P)

  8. Just made Tohunga! Thanks everyone!

  9. Well, actually, no. I'm familiar with some of their songs, though. I prefer the sound of bands like Thousand Foot Krutch and Disciple.

    1. B.M.800


      Ahh, I see. Im a fan of them also... Had the opertunity to see them both in concert, both at the Creation fest here in PA. Looking forwad to their new music, ought to be good. :)

    2. Cratak


      *Yawn* It's late. Anyway, I have TFK's new album, and it is awesome.

    3. B.M.800


      Its out already? Huh... Yeah, Im not really up to date on these things.


  10. BTW, your bio still says 2.0. :3

    1. Hexann


      And now it deoesn't.


    2. Cratak
    3. Hexann
  11. You still on Bionicle Roleplay on Lego.com?

    1. Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      yep.im helping mamajulz deal with cheeto in the tower of the stone.

  12. I just went to BionicleMediaProject's website tronec.org. My mind was blown away.

  13. Don't you just love it when someone jumps out from behind a door and scares the living daylights out of you? Me too.

  14. It's raining outside...which makes this a great time to be on BZPower!

  15. Thanks for the help with about the post stuff. It was really...helpful...

    1. Sumiki


      That's why they hired me, I suppose. :)

  16. Thanks to Sumiki for helping me out.

  17. Well, long time no see....or posted....or whatever.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cratak


      Will the name be "Bionicle Lives"?

    3. Jowm


      Yeah, it will, where'd you find that out?

    4. Cratak


      You have the link to te former website in your first update on your profile feed.

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