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Status Updates posted by Cratak

  1. One year! WOOT! :)

  2. Did you happen to notice that iBIONICLE did a walkthrough for Bionicle Fighter?

    1. Katuko


      Never heard of him/her/it/them. I couldn't find any member of that name, so... PM me a link, that would be nice. :)

    2. Katuko


      Nevermind, I found it after using Google for a short while. And woah, I laughed till I cried. Thanks for telling me about this. XD

    3. Cratak


      Glad to be of service. :)

  3. Help me help you help me help you help me help you help me help you help me help you help him.

  4. Pray for me? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cratak


      I hurt my neck during practice today, and I don't know if it's a pinched nerve or something more serious.

    3. Shadow_of_Angmor
    4. Cratak


      Thankfully, yes. Turned out to just be strained pretty bad.

  5. Starting a stopmotion this week. Hopefully it won't be as bad as my previous three.

    1. Shadow_of_Angmor


      I remember when I made stopmotion movies. As long as yours aren't as bad as mine were, you will be fine. :)

  6. I have a strange sense of deja vu...

    1. sonyaxe


      Hmm.... I wonder why.

    2. Cratak


      Perhaps because we have the same profile pics...

    3. sonyaxe


      Hmm... that could be it...

  7. My fourth appearance change.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CeeCee


      I think I remember making a comparison before about our avs when you had Tahu Nuva lol


    3. Unauthorized Autobiography
    4. Cratak


      Yep. Still in my history.

  8. With 20+ posts gone...oh well.

  9. And we're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

  10. Listening to the Bionicle movie soundtracks. The MoL theme is so good...

  11. I like the new name and av!

  12. I'm surprised to say this, but Spanish might be one of my new favorite classes.

    1. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography



      It's the second most useful (and spoken) lanuage in the world (and maybe UNIVERSE! :P)

    2. Cratak


      :) I started doing a class w/ someone in Guatemala over Skypelast semester, but got a different teacher a week ago, and she actually speaks it as if I know Spanish as well as she does.
    3. Unauthorized Autobiography
  13. Scary.

    1. Hexann


      Yup, now if I had used the Eye Glow with GIMP, and enlarged 2x then it would look way more awesome.

  14. Made my first edit on The Chima Wiki.

  15. At the Disney Showcase. Pumped for my first game on the morrow.

  16. I just realized how much better Lego made their MBs. I kinda wish I was still in the Bionicle RPG there...

  17. Thanks for adding me! :) BTW, how did you find BZP?

    1. Brain Attack

      Brain Attack

      Read it in biosector01.com, most reliable source

  18. Rub some bacon on it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CeeCee
    3. Cratak


      The guy from Epic Meal Time. I don't know his name because I've only watched a few vids. They make me too hungry.

    4. CeeCee


      I dont know his name either but I watched the video. Hilarious lol

  19. Still have that cold? :P

    1. Terra Nuva

      Terra Nuva

      No, actually, the symptoms went away sometime yesterday, so I will get to comic making later. Thanks for asking, it means a lot.

    2. Cratak


      You're welcome. Hopefully, your next cold won't be that bad.

  20. Listening to Christmas music on my local radio station. 8)

  21. Your sig is awesome. Just saying.

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