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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Were the Toa Metru matoran masks like the Turaga ones or like the toa ones?Toa Lhikan had a reshaped Hau though. I don't know why, but he did
  2. Chapter 3. The news was being talked about all over Onu Metru. However Matoran Whenua who was check listing Floor 232 in the archives was totally oblivious to it. “Tarakava? Check. Bog leech? Check. Energy Hou…” Whenua looked over at the cage when the Energy Hound was meant to be. Nothing was there. There seemed to be no forced entry though. Whenua walked cautiously over too it, whilst being careful not to make a sound. At a closer inspection, he realised that the door had been left open. He was definitely sure he had shut it. He had a check list for that too. Slowly eased the huge metal door open. He whispered on the intercom. “Tehutti?... Tehutti are you there?” “Yeah, Whenua. Whats up?” he heard on the intercom. “Do you know if the Energy hound has been taken out of its cage tonight?” “Nope, why” “Because if not then its loose in the archives” Whenua hissed frightfully “Okay man, just… stay calm” “Just…get Vahki Rorzakh” “Well man, I don’t know. I bet hes busy tonight with all the riots” “Riots?” Whenua hissed. “What riots?” “Didn’t you here, Toa Lhikan has been found a traitor” “A trai…” Just then the huge sliver wolf launched its self at Whenua. Noticing just in time he jumped to the right of the beasts lunge, causing it to slam into the wall behinf him. When grabbed a tazer stick hoping to stun the hound. He hit the Energy Hound with the stick but nothing happened. It stood up to its maximum height ready to pounce. Whenua grabbed his knife and stabbed the monster in the stomach. The knife was way too small to reach any vital organs. There was no use running, as it was far too quick, and there was no use fighting as it was far too strong. “This is it” He thought. “This is how I die” But then something grabbed the hound from behind and slammed it into the back wall of its cage, and shut the door. Whenua looked up to see Vahki Rorzakh standing over him. Whenua nodded. There was no use speaking. Rorzakh never spoke, Whenua wasn’t even sure if he knew how… It was the last remaining Vahki of Onu-Metru. Instead of standing on two legs like the other five did, he chose to go quadruped, using his weapons as his front legs. He was definitely more beast than man. Whenua walked back to the main office where Tehutti was anxiously pacing up and down. “WHENUA!” He said excitedly. “Yeah . Enough of the family reunion.” Whenua waved it off “Tell me about this Toa Lhikan thing” “Oh… right… Turaga Dume has made a public announcement that Toa Lhikan has betrayed Metru Nui and is actually secretly working for Sidorak. Apparently he was being captured but somehow escaped.” “Captured? Who by?” “I don’t know… why is that important?” “Because the only things I know capable of doing it are the Vahki, and seeing as I would be Dead now If one hadn’t of jumped to my rescue, I take it their not the ones out looking for him” “Look… I don’t think it really matters. Do you?” “More than you know”. An exhausted Toa Lhikan stepped into the door way. Tehutti pulled out a knife. “What are you doing here?” “Relax Tehutti, I’m not a traitor” Said Lhikan peacefully."All though, Whenua, I am sorry about the Energy Hound.I didnt mean for you to get hurt. It was meant for a distraction for the Vahki so I could come and see you in peace" "That was you?" Toa Lhikan knelt down and put his hand firmly on Whenua’s Shoulder. “I need to know I can trust you.” “Trust you with what?” “You’ll see, when you meet the others.” “Others?” Toa Lhikan smiled and walked off out of the door and into the night. Whenua was to shocked to react immediately. Then it hit him what had just happed. He ran out onto the streets. It wasn’t the Onu-Metru had left a few hours ago. Rubble lay everywhere. The smell of smoke and fire lingered in the air; The remains of a riot, that had been prematurely silenced. It was then he saw the Po-Matoran sitting against the wall with his head in his hands. “You okay man?” Onewa looked up at him. ************* “Nuju?” It was Keerahk? “NUJU?!” “Yes, yes. Im okay.” He said “what happened?” “I just found you un conciess on this mountain. We’ve been looking for you everywhere?” She said. “Its just a good thing your too predictable” Keerahk was the Vahki of Ko-Metru. Nuju had a crush on her but wouldn’t dare tell anyone. He’d be a laughing stock. He could imagine all the new insults Onewa would have for him. He hated Onewa. Every day when he went down to the Ko-Metru market, Onewa and he crew would be hanging outside the shops, waiting for him. It had all came about when all the Maotran had to do basic training. Classes would be mixed, despite the Metru; worst years of his life. He wasn’t quite sure who the leader was. It was either Onewa or Akmoah, but Onewa definitely made his life a lot worse. Hewkii was okay, as was Hafu, But they were still just sheep when with Onewa. Pohatu was the best. Whenever Pohatu was with them, he would always defend Nuju. He just didn’t give a ###### what the others thought. Nuju respected that. Nuju’s head hurt like it had been whacked with a Kohli stick. Nuju was one of the main Matoran Keerahk had any time for. A lot of people didn’t like the Vahki, but out of the six that were left, he thought they were okay. He got up, lowly from the floor. Every part in his body ached as if he had been beaten to near death. The bright light of morning flew it to his eyes like daggers. “Do you remember anything?” She said. “Not much” He said. “Wait. There was something there” “What?” “I don’t know, but I think it had been following me. I didn’t notice it at first but there was a presecne.” “A feeling of what” “Evil” She looked at him. He wasn’t sure if she beloved him or not. He knew he wouldn’t. “A presence of evil. Really?” . He thought. Nuju didn’t believe in good and evil as such. He believed people make bad decisions and good decisions and that’s all there was to it. Last night had changed that though. There was something there; following him; waiting to pounce. The very thought of it made him shudder. “I don’t think Mata Nui will save us.” Said Nuju, pessimistically. “No? Why not?” She asked him “Because I was as close as I could get to the stars, and that thing still found me” She looked puzzled and then Nuju realized he hadn’t told her what Toa Lhikan had said about the stars. He quickly shrugged it off. She left the hut and wondered out into the snow. She often did this. Nuju wasn’t fazed. That was until he noticed he was clenching on to a note the whole time. In his shock he must have totally not noticed this. It was hidden in his palm so Keerahk couldn’t have noticed it either. Though what he was about to read, mad him glad she hadn’t. He un-crumpled the note and pressed it against the table to straighten it. It read: My Dear Nuju, Many the times we used to sit on these mountains together, looking at the stars. You will hear many things about me over the next few days about me. Whatever they say Nuju, do not believe it. If you are ever in doubt, just look up at the stars. The stars will guide and your brothers to light, to Mata Nui. You will know what is right in your heart. Stay strong, and united you will concur all. The stars will never lie Nuju. Toa Lhikan. Nuju looked up from the note. “Brothers?”
  3. Thanks. It is actually on the Forums at the moment. I am working on Chapter 3 as we speak. It does need a good polish though, you are right.
  4. Mata Nui is more like a God they know exists or at least existed. There are many theories about him being there, like the moons as eyes and the stars and all that.. He is still there in some spirit form but doesn't have a massive impact on the univewrs besides every one thinking he will save them from Makuta.However instead of them trying to save Mata Nui its about them trying to save the Matoran. i find that more believable. Im not sure if he will be a robot either. About Nokama though, she is a Matoran at the moment. The story is all about the six matoran "growing up" so to speak. They all have un desirable traits at the moment Nuju with his unsocial attitude and cynicism Vakama with his un-sureness in himself Matau being quite immature Nokama being to concerened what people around her think Onewa is just an all round A hole Whenu is probably the most grown up out of all of them
  5. Conquered, not concurred, as the latter means to agree. Should be Ko-Matoran, as the elemental prefixes are attached to the main word by a comma. Similarly it's Ko-Metru, also with a hyphen. And, of course, the same applies for other Matoran and Metru. The plural of Matoran is also Matoran, not Matorans. Also, a comma should always go before an ending quotation mark. The sudden shift in personification of the stars is a little jarring. Maybe removing one of the lines of personification would help? The name is spelled Lhikan, and it should have an apostrophe before the s, to indicate possession. Various other instances of this occur in the Epic, and should be fixed as well. When someone is addressed by name like that, it should be separated from the sentence by a comma. The words are spelled heroes and eyesight. Second, although barley is a word, what you were looking for in this context was barely. The second sentence is a fragment, and should be merged with the first. Also, in such a context, the words "no way near as big" seem to be much more colloquial than the tone of the rest of the Epic, so perhaps you could substitute a phrase like "much smaller than." Punctuation like that first period should be inside quotation marks, not outside. However, it should be a comma in this case, as it's all part of the same sentence. Also, he shouldn't be captialized, as it's part of the sentence with dialog. Helifted should be separated into two words. Also, I suggest combining the short telegraphic sentences you like to use into longer ones, such as "Vakama awoke, groggily lifting his head." In addition, numbers starting sentences are generally spelled out. Doorway is one word, and matron should probably be Matoran, as I don't think Nuhrii is a motherly woman. Fanboyism is another example of a word used in casual conversation that probably shouldn't make it into a more serious written work. Hero-worship would serve as a better word. A small note about this: in the actual storyline, Matoran will weaken and be comatose without Kanohi, much less being capable of animated conversation.These grammatical errors, although I've pointed out many of the rules to follow, would be largely corrected by a word-processing software's spelling and grammar check. I would highly recommend using such a device in the future.Anyway, in regard to the actual plot of the first chapter, little enough happened, but the interactions of the Matoran were written reasonably well. It would have been a little more interesting, however, if Nuju's premonitions were explained, rather than him inexplicably having such pessimistic view about the fate of the Matoran.~B~ Yeh sorry. Im really tired so the grammatical errors will be plentiful. I will do the prefix hyphen hing, thanks for that. Nuju didnt really have a premonition. He just read the stars. He didnt get any more info on the matter than we did. Also I dont think there are a lot of books that star of with ACTION, ACTION, ACTION! It will get a lot more plentiful in the action but its main focus is the characters rather than fight scenes. I actually find fight scenes rather boring on books.
  6. So this is my first in a hopefully large series of Novels. Its no way near finished yet but I think what I have done is a good representation of my writing skills(hopefully a good one). It is non Cannon but uses a lot of Characters from the original one. Its basically a re-write but I mean no offence to GregF in this so please dont take it the wrong way.I appoligse for any Grammar and spelling mistakes. I think I got them all but Im not surehttp://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5868
  7. Thanks. The first chapter isn't really boring is it? I didn't ant to make it SUPER ACTION PACKED! Do you think the characters are likable so far? Or at least understandable. That is very important to me
  8. Oh I see. Listen Taipu. I really appreicate the fact that you have take your time to read through this and find stuff thats wrong with it. At you point of veiw, you may be thinking I would get annoyed by people finding faults with my work but its actually the opposite. Can you pick out anything that you like from it(Ch1 or Ch2)?
  9. Like a said before, its not canon. Sorry for the confusion. But at an actual story stand point. What do you think of it?
  10. Oh sorry. I should have told you to read the entry before this one. It explains all that. Thanks for taking the time to read it though. Im sure they say mask power in Bionicle. And mask of time
  11. I have given my book the place holder name of We are Metru. I might go with this. Tell e what you think. I know its a slow start but give it time if you could. Chapter 2 Matau was hopeless. Hopeless at getting Ga Matoran. Him and a group of other Le Matoran would often go down to Ga Metru and see if they could pick any up. Eery one seemed to get one but him. It wasn’t as if he was unlikeable, or unattractive for that matter, but he could never seem to get Ga Matoran to pay him any attention. His problem that he was trying to hard. He was an overly confident green Matoran who if had payed more attention to his driving class rather than flirting with Ga Matoran, he might be flying the Ussanuis rather than fixing them. He was thinking this as he was waiting by the corner of Ga Metru with some Cravalie flowers he had brought at a completely overpriced shop. Still it was worth it. Because tonight he wasn’t just meeting any Ga Matoran, he was meeting Nokama. He looked down at the empty road and saw nothing. It was getting late. Way past the time the had arranged to meet. He had known it all along any way. She wasn’t going to come. He dropped the flowers in a binf and walked home miserable. To think, he had walked so far and spent so much, only to be rejected. He didn’t think he had ever been as excited as he was last night when he heard the news about the date. “That’s what happends when you ask Vhisola to do something for you.” He thought. As much as he like Vhisola he knew there was something not quite right about her. It had obviously been deliberate that she hadn’t told Nokama. “Shes totally obsessed with her” He thought. “probably didn’t want be getting In the way of their beautiful relationship” He half joked. He got to the border of Onu Metru. He glanced back at the direction of that lonely street before carrying on moving again. He eventually got to the town centre where the Onu Matorans were busily getting on with their night. They were only out in the air because it was dark. Most of them spent their days down in the tunnels where it was dark. “Strange beings” Matau said quietly, shaking his head. He turned around to see Vahki Vorzahk standing over him. “Matau?” He said. “What are you doing roaming the streets on Onu Metru at this time of night? Didn’t think you were one for History and culture” he laughed. Vorzahk was a tall barley humanoid… thing. He was tall but rarely stoop up to his maximum height. Vahkis were introduced to Metru Nui after most of the Toa had died to help out Toa Lihkan. There used to be many but now most of them had died out like the Toa in the great war against Sidoraks army. There were only six left, coincidently one for each Metru. Vorzahk was from Le Metru so he was painted a green colour to fit in with the rest of the inhabitants. Although the Vahki and Lihkan were on the same tem they rarely saw eye to eye. They believed that bad Matoran should be punished and Lihkan thought they should be helped. The Vahki had a strict reputation but the six that were left were okay really. Especially if you stayed in their good books. Vorzahk picked Matau up and ran back to Le Metru. He could run faster than Matau and didn’t seem to get tired at all. He placed Matau down outside is home and ran off into the night. Matau steped inside his hut. It felt empty and lonely. He hated being alone. He woundeded if Vhisola had told Nokama, and Nokama hadn’t come simply because she didn’t want too. He quickly shook the though away. Mainly because he knew it was true. He sat down on a tree branch as the warm sun set its orange glow on the sleeping city. Sometimes when the the city was sleeping like this, Nokama would sit on the beach and look out into the ocean. It seemed to go on for ever. She one day hoped to get a boat and go al the way out there. She wanted to discover new paces and meet the strange inhabitants that lived there. She threw a small pebel out but it failed to skim. She watched as it was submerged into the endless waters, becoming one of the many pebels already down there. A Nobody. She found it sad that no mater what happened it would ways be a nobody, even If it had of skimmed it would have still sunk to the ocean floor. It was like her, she would always be a nobody. She didn’t want to admit it but that was the reason why she never went on that date with Matau. Lets face it, he was a nobody. She wanted to be with some one that people would say “Oh my god, you will never guess who Nokamas with”. She cringed. It made her sound so shallow. Maybe she should have gone with Matau. He was a little immature at times but he had a good heart. She tried to convince herself that he wouldn’t mind as he was a hopeless flirt and was probably used to it. Deep down thoug, she knew it would have hurt him badly that she hadn’t gone. She looked at the two moons that light up Ga Metru like a torch. “Mata Nuis eyes”. She thought to her self. I wonder if he was judging her right now. She looked over to see a tall red and gold figure standing over her. “Toa Likahn!” She said. Happily. “Hello the Nokama” He replied. “What Brings you here” He looked troubled and scared. Nokama had never seen him like this before. “Whats that matter” she asked. “I came here to be judged by the great spirit” He said. “because I need to know what I have done wrong.” “What do you mean?” He looked at her as if he was going to break down in tears “Nokama?” His voice was trembling but he tried to hide it “Can I trust you to look after Metru Nui if I…” “Likahn” It was a new voice. Nidhiki. Nidihki was Lihkahns old team mate, but she betrayed him to join the Dark Hunters. Lihkan was hurt greatly by this. It was always known that there was something between them. It was a shock to Nokama as well. Nidihki had been one of her favourite Toas. “It’s time now” She said. She looked like she may have been crying too but Nokama wasn’t sure. “I dint understand” He said, more confidently now but still a little shakey.”Why would he…” “Shhhh” Nidihki hissed” and pointed to Nokama with her claw. Nidihki was part of the Dark Hunters. The Dark hunters were an organisation of mercenaries that people paid to do their dirty work. Nidihki was originally spying on them until they found her out. For a reason Nokama did not know, she joined them but had to swear he alliance to them by undergoing a mutation. Once a graceful Toa of Air she was not a four legged giant insect. She had gigantic claws instead of hands that could cut through almost anything. Nokama didn’t know much about the Dark Hunters except their leader was named the Shadowed one but had disappeared for a while now. Likahn walked toward Nidhki but just as he did he threw a round object at the ground. The thing exploded but instead of shrapnel flying out a high pitched squel cam out instead. Nokamas last sight was Likahn pushing a disorientated Nidihki out of the way and running off into the night.
  12. CeeCee

    My Bionicle Story

    Well the first person to come out is Onewa. There will be a few sort of insults but mainly people will accept it. I cant imagine some of the Piraka will be to happy when Hakann says hes gay hahahaha
  13. Sorry. I did mean to hit enter after every speech but the enter spaces were too big. I realise spelling and grammar is off, but I always intended to correct that. Thanks for the feed back man.Hope you read whats next to come
  14. I once found My Tahu with most of his limbs unattached and Lewa lying nest to him. I think it was becuase I sat on Tahu but it was still funny to see when I came in the room again
  15. CeeCee

    My Bionicle Story

    Sorry, I deleted all the comments that were unrelated to my blog. I dont mean any offence by it but please stay on topic
  16. Sorry. Im not talking about the Titans or after 2006 here.
  17. Chapter 1 The Matoran were always told that light concurred shadow. That Mata Nui would save them from all forms of evil. To many Matoran, that hope was still in their hearts. However to Nuju this dream was a lie. Maybe there was some truth to it at one time, but now it was nothing but a false glimpse of light force fed through drip feeders into the dying hears that would consume all they could get. There was many things that Nuju didn’t like, one of them was other people. He didn’t hate them individually as such, but the thought of having to keep a conversation going made his skin crawl. He, like many Ko Matoran, loved to look to the future. He spent a lot of his time up in the high snowing mountains of Ko metru, searching for answers in the snow. While Onu Matoran liked to follow the foot prints made by others, Nuju liked to pave away himself. He thought that dwelling on the past was depressing, all the wrong doings and regrets. The only way to really overcome this was to keep moving forward. Nuju let out a quiet laugh. “Onu Matorans would call that denial” he thought to himself. It wasn’t until he reached the peak of the mountain that Nuju looked at his surroundings. He had scaled this mountain many times before. He hated retracing his footsteps but he had climbed all the mountains the was in Ko Metru. He always thought that the closer you were to the stars, the closer you were to Mata Nui, and that you would feel the answers long before you see them. The stars gazed at Nuju , he smiled at them, but they only froned back. Not so much at him, but at every being in Metru Nui. He knew dark times were ahead. He looked at the brightest star on the sky, Toa Lihkans. He was glad Lihkan was still around. Maybe he would shed some light in the dark times to come. He had once talled Nuju that every star was a hero, and that they were watching over him. “Heros never truly die Nuju” He would say. Nuju liked that Idea. As Nuju gazed at the millions of eyes of great heros looking back at him, he wondered, if he would ever have a star. A movement in the snowy top forests interrupted him from his thoughts. A normal Matoran would not have seen this but Nuju did. When Nuju was first made, he very poor eye sight. He could barley see anything but except a fuzzy blur of all their shapes. He was in the fiery district of Ta Metru one time where he met a Matoran who specialized in mask making. They somehow got talking about Nujus poor vision and the mask maker offered to make him a “new eye”. Nuju accepted, but was cynical. A few hours later the red Matoran had come out with a telescopic scope. No way near as big as the ones on the telescopes he had at home. “Here, put this one one of your eyes”. He said. Somehow it seemed to fitted together with his white Matutu like building blocks. “What was his name? “Va?... Vaka? …Va…” Beofre he could finish his train of thought he was swept away by the figure from the Darkness. ************************************* Vakama awoke. Groggily helifted his head. He looked at the clock. 6:35pm. “Oh god, im late for work”. He said out load in a panic, jumping up quickly. That woke him up properly. It was only then he realised he was at work. Lying nest to his smelting pit with a half-finished Hau. Being a Ta Matoran he liked the heat. Too bad it made him sleepy to easily. “Sleeping on the job again Vakama?” It was Nuhrii. The dark red matron stood in the door way of the smelting pit, leaning against the side of the door frame. “Just resting my eyes.” joked Vakama. He liked Nuhrii. There was just this innocence about him that was hard to find in other Matoran, even himself. They had always been close. The started the mask making job in the same week as each other and had been friends ever since. He had always felt a bit sorry for Nuhrii. Vakama was by far, the better mask maker, but the effort Nuhrii put in to the job compared to Vakama made Vakama feel guilty. He guessed Nuhrii would have hated him if he wasn’t such a nice person. He absolutely admired Vakama. He would always try and make Kanohi as good as Vakama and every time he had made his “best yet” He would run and show Vakama. Not that Vakama minded of course, although sometimes he thought that Nuhrii was putting himself down to much because of his fanboyism.Vakama had always though himself as inadequate, despite his mask making ability. In fact, this only made it worse because it made him feel like an imposter, having little training on the skill yet being so good at it, not to mention how lazy he was. Turaga Dume stepped in with a Matoran with no Kanohi. “Vakama?” He asked rhetorically. “Why has this Matorans Kanohi not been finished yet?”. “Uh..Uh, just a second please Turaga.” He scrambled to pick up the parts of the broken Hau lying on the floor. Turaga Dume let out something between a grunt and a laugh and left the Matoran standing in Vakamas work shop. The Matoran was a Ta Matoran which meant he was a dark red colour. His hands and feet were a bright yellow colour. “Sorry about the wait” Vakama said. “Its okay” the Matoran laughed,” my shift doesn’t start until 8”.” Its Jaller right?” asked Vakama. “Yes it is. And that must make you Vakama, the great mask maker!”. “Right, the great mask maker” As Vakama said this his sentence trailed of into almost a whisper of embarrassment. Jaller noticed this, so he quickly changed the subject. “So, how does mask making actually work? ”Vakamas eyes light up, he was in his Zone now. “Well, Kanohi is a just a fancy word for mask. Each Kanohi or masks is made from a disk. Each disk has a different power. Some disks can be used for powerless Kanohi like ours, some can be used for Noble Kanohi like Turaga Dume, and finally some can be used to make GREAT Kanohi. Like the one that Toa Lihkan wears.” Jaller looked confused, so Vakama gave up. To think he was giving him the basics. “Guards, all strength and no brain” Vakama thought. “Listen, Vakama I really gotta go so is there any temporay masks that I can use for the mean time?”. “Uh, well there is this”. He picked up a yellow Mahiki. “This okay?”. “Great!, so you later Vakama!” and wioth that he ran out the door ready to start another 10 hours standing at the gate of Ta Metru, waiting enemies that they hoped would never come. Please comment on what you think.
  18. CeeCee

    Chapter 1

    Review Topic Thread:http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5870added finished the chapter to the thread that was locked. I hope this is okay. Please let me know what you think in the replies.EDIT: Just so you know, these are Non Canon. This is becuase there is some stuff I wanted to change in the orginal Cannon and now I can do that.Chapter 1The Matoran were always told that light concurred shadow. That Mata Nui would save them from all forms of evil. To many Matoran, that hope was still in their hearts. However to Nuju this dream was a lie. Maybe there was some truth to it at one time, but now it was nothing but a false glimpse of light force fed through drip feeders into the dying hears that would consume all they could get. There was many things that Nuju didn’t like, one of them was other people. He didn’t hate them individually as such, but the thought of having to keep a conversation going made his skin crawl. He, like many Ko Matoran, loved to look to the future. He spent a lot of his time up in the high snowing mountains of Ko metru, searching for answers in the snow. While Onu Matoran liked to follow the foot prints made by others, Nuju liked to pave away himself. He thought that dwelling on the past was depressing, all the wrong doings and regrets. The only way to really overcome this was to keep moving forward. Nuju let out a quiet laugh.“Onu Matorans would call that denial” he thought to himself.It wasn’t until he reached the peak of the mountain that Nuju looked at his surroundings. He had scaled this mountain many times before. He hated retracing his footsteps but he had climbed all the mountains there was in Ko Metru. He always thought that the closer you were to the stars, the closer you were to Mata Nui, and that you would feel the answers long before you see them. The stars gazed at Nuju , he smiled at them, but they only frowned back. Not so much at him, but at every being in Metru Nui. He knew dark times were ahead.He looked at the brightest star on the sky, Toa Lihkans. He was glad Lihkan was still around. Maybe he would shed some light in the dark times to come. He had once told Nuju that every star in the sky was a hero, and that they were watching over him.“Heros never truly die Nuju” He would say.Nuju liked that Idea. As Nuju gazed at the millions of eyes of great heros looking back at him, he wondered, if he would ever have a star.A movement in the snowy top forests interrupted him from his thoughts. A normal Matoran would not have seen this but Nuju did. When Nuju was first made, he very poor eye sight. He could barley see anything but except a fuzzy blur of all their shapes. He was in the fiery district of Ta Metru one time where he met a Matoran who specialized in mask making. They somehow got talking about Nujus poor vision and the mask maker offered to make him a “new eye”. Nuju accepted, but was cynical. A few hours later the red Matoran had come out with a telescopic scope. No way near as big as the ones on the telescopes he had at home.“Here, put this one one of your eyes”. He said. Somehow it seemed to fitted together with his white Matutu like building blocks. “What was his name? “Va?... Vaka? …Va…”Before he could finish his train of thought he was swept away by the figure from the Darkness. *************************************Vakama awoke. Groggily helifted his head. He looked at the clock. 6 strokes past Mid-day.”Im late for work!”. He said out load in a panic, jumping up quickly.That woke him up properly. It was only then he realised he was at work. Lying nest to his smelting pit with a half-finished Hau. Being a Ta Matoran he liked the heat. Too bad it made him sleepy to easily. “Sleeping on the job again Vakama?” It was Nuhrii. The dark red matron stood in the door way of the smelting pit, leaning against the side of the door frame.“Just resting my eyes.” joked Vakama.He liked Nuhrii. There was just this innocence about him that was hard to find in other Matoran, even himself. They had always been close. The started the mask making job in the same week as each other and had been friends ever since. He had always felt a bit sorry for Nuhrii. Vakama was by far, the better mask maker, but the effort Nuhrii put in to the job compared to Vakama made Vakama feel guilty. He guessed Nuhrii would have hated him if he wasn’t such a nice person. He absolutely admired Vakama. He would always try and make Kanohi as good as Vakama and every time he had made his “best yet” He would run and show Vakama. Not that Vakama minded of course, although sometimes he thought that Nuhrii was putting himself down to much because of his fanboyism. Vakama had always though himself as inadequate, despite his mask making ability. In fact, this only made it worse because it made him feel like an imposter, having little training on the skill yet being so good at it, not to mention how lazy he was.Turaga Dume stepped in with a Matoran with no Kanohi.“Vakama?” He asked rhetorically. “Why has this Matorans Kanohi not been finished yet?”.“Uh..Uh, just a second please Turaga.” He scrambled to pick up the parts of the broken Hau lying on the floor. Turaga Dume let out something between a grunt and a laugh and left the Matoran standing in Vakamas work shop. The Matoran was a Ta Matoran which meant he was a dark red colour. His hands and feet were a bright yellow colour.“Sorry about the wait” Vakama said.“Its okay” the Matoran laughed, “my shift doesn’t start until 8”.“Its Jaller right?” asked Vakama.“Yes it is. And that must make you Vakama, the great mask maker!”.“Right, the great mask maker” As Vakama said this his sentence trailed of into almost a whisper of embarrassment. Jaller noticed this, so he quickly changed the subject.“So, how does mask making actually work? ”Vakamas eyes light up, he was in his Zone now.“Well, Kanohi is a just a fancy word for mask. Each Kanohi or masks is made from a disk. Each disk has a different power. Some disks can be used for powerless Kanohi like ours, some can be used for Noble Kanohi like Turaga Dume, and finally some can be used to make GREAT Kanohi. Like the one that Toa Lihkan wears.” Jaller looked confused, so Vakama gave up. To think he was giving him the basics. “Guards, all strength and no brain” Vakama thought.“Listen, Vakama I really gotta go so is there any temporay masks that I can use for the mean time?”. “Uh, well there is this”. He picked up a yellow Mahiki.“This okay?”“Great!, so you later Vakama!” and with that he ran out the door ready to start another 10 hours standing at the gate of Ta Metru, waiting enemies that they hoped would never come.Chapter 2Matau was hopeless. Hopeless at getting Ga Matoran. Him and a group of other Le Matoran would often go down to Ga Metru and see if they could pick any up. Everyone seemed to get one but him. It wasn’t as if he was unlikeable, or unattractive for that matter, but he could never seem to get Ga Matoran to pay him any attention. His problem that he was trying to hard. He was an overly confident green Matoran who if had payed more attention to his driving class rather than flirting with Ga Matoran, he might be flying the Ussanuis rather than fixing them.He was thinking this as he was waiting by the corner of Ga Metru with some Cravalie flowers he had brought at a completely overpriced shop. Still it was worth it. Because tonight he wasn’t just meeting any Ga Matoran, he was meeting Nokama. He looked down at the empty road and saw nothing. It was getting late. Way past the time the had arranged to meet. He had known it all along any way. She wasn’t going to come. He dropped the flowers in a binf and walked home miserable. To think, he had walked so far and spent so much, only to be rejected. He didn’t think he had ever been as excited as he was last night when he heard the news about the date.“That’s what happens when you ask Vhisola to do something for you.” He thought.As much as he liked Vhisola he knew there was something not quite right about her. It had obviously been deliberate that she hadn’t told Nokama.“Shes totally obsessed with her” He thought. “probably didn’t want be getting In the way of their beautiful relationship” He half joked.He got to the border of Onu Metru. He glanced back at the direction of that lonely street before carrying on moving again. He eventually got to the town centre where the Onu Matorans were busily getting on with their night. They were only out in the air because it was dark. Most of them spent their days down in the tunnels where it was dark. “Strange beings” Matau said quietly, shaking his head. He turned around to see Vahki Vorzahk standing over him.“Matau?” He said. “What are you doing roaming the streets on Onu Metru at this time of night? Didn’t think you were one for History and culture” he laughed.Vorzahk was a tall barley humanoid… thing. He was tall but rarely stood up to his maximum height. Vahkis were introduced to Metru Nui after most of the Toa had died to help out Toa Lihkan. There used to be many but now most of them had died out like the Toa in the Great War against Sidoraks army. There were only six left, coincidently one for each Metru. Vorzahk was from Le Metru so he was painted a green colour to fit in with the rest of the inhabitants. Although the Vahki and Lihkan were on the same tem they rarely saw eye to eye. They believed that bad Matoran should be punished and Lihkan thought they should be helped. The Vahki had a strict reputation but the six that were left were okay really. Especially if you stayed in their good books. Vorzahk picked Matau up and ran back to Le Metru. He could run faster than Matau and didn’t seem to get tired at all. He placed Matau down outside is home and ran off into the night. Matau steped inside his hut. It felt empty and lonely. He hated being alone. He woundeded if Vhisola had told Nokama, and Nokama hadn’t come simply because she didn’t want too. He quickly shook the though away. Mainly because he knew it was true. He sat down on a tree branch as the warm sun set its orange glow on the sleeping city.***********************************Sometimes when the the city was sleeping like this, Nokama would sit on the beach and look out into the ocean. It seemed to go on for ever. She one day hoped to get a boat and go al the way out there. She wanted to discover new paces and meet the strange inhabitants that lived there. She threw a small pebble out but it failed to skim. She watched as it was submerged into the endless waters, becoming one of the many pebbles already down there. A nobody. She found it sad that no mater what happened it would ways be a nobody, even If it had of skimmed it would have still sunk to the ocean floor. It was like her, she would always be a nobody. She didn’t want to admit it but that was the reason why she never went on that date with Matau. Lets face it, he was a nobody. She wanted to be with some one that people would say“Oh my god, you will never guess who Nokamas with”. She cringed. It made her sound so shallow. Maybe she should have gone with Matau. He was a little immature at times but he had a good heart. She tried to convince herself that he wouldn’t mind as he was a hopeless flirt and was probably used to it. Deep down thoug, she knew it would have hurt him badly that she hadn’t gone. She looked at the two moons that light up Ga Metru like a torch.“Mata Nuis eyes”. She thought to her self. I wonder if he was judging her right now. She looked over to see a tall red and gold figure standing over her.“Toa Likahn!” She said. Happily.“Hello the Nokama” He replied.“What Brings you here”He looked troubled and scared. Nokama had never seen him like this before.“Whats that matter” she asked.“I came here to be judged by the great spirit” He said. “because I need to know what I have done wrong.”“What do you mean?”He looked at her as if he was going to break down in tears“Nokama?” His voice was trembling but he tried to hide it “Can I trust you to look after Metru Nui if I…”“Likahn” It was a new voice. Nidhiki. Nidihki was Lihkahns old team mate, but she betrayed him to join the Dark Hunters. Lihkan was hurt greatly by this. It was always known that there was something between them. It was a shock to Nokama as well. Nidihki had been one of her favourite Toas.“It’s time now” She said. She looked like she may have been crying too but Nokama wasn’t sure.“I dint understand” He said, more confidently now but still a little shaky. “Why would he…”“Shhhh” Nidihki hissed” and pointed to Nokama with her claw.Nidihki was part of the Dark Hunters. The Dark hunters were an organisation of mercenaries that people paid to do their dirty work. Nidihki was originally spying on them until they found her out. For a reason Nokama did not know, she joined them but had to swear he alliance to them by undergoing a mutation. Once a graceful Toa of Air she was not a four legged giant insect. She had gigantic claws instead of hands that could cut through almost anything. Nokama didn’t know much about the Dark Hunters except their leader was named the Shadowed one but had disappeared for a while now.Likahn walked toward Nidhki but just as he did he threw a round object at the ground. The thing exploded but instead of shrapnel flying out a high pitched sequel came out instead. Nokamas last sight was Likahn pushing a disorientated Nidihki out of the way and running off into the night.
  19. Im talking about the main sets of 2001 - 2005. Not the Titans of course
  20. CeeCee

    My Bionicle Story

    Okay for starers no Characters are going to be camp gays. Onewa and Hakann will be but they wont be in a relation ship so to speak
  21. CeeCee

    My Bionicle Story

    Dont worry it didnt. Besides, better its you that tells me than finding out the hard way from a moderator
  22. CeeCee

    My Bionicle Story

    I dont really need it any way come to think of it. In fact I wasn't even going to put it in. it was just a disclaimer. I take it attraction is okay though, as long as its clean
  23. CeeCee

    Chapter 1-Nuju

    This is on my Blog to with a little bit more info about it but I decided to put it on here so it gets more attention. I dont think this will be the full chapter. Its way too short, I will most likely add more but it will end and start the same way.There isnt much in the way of plot in this segment but focus more on my writing skills for it. Does it intrigue you? Would you like to see more?"Chapter 1-Nuju.The Matoran were always told that light concurred shadow. That Mata Nui would save them from all forms of evil. To many Matoran, that hope was still in their hearts. However to Nuju this dream was a lie. Maybe there was some truth to it at one time, but now it was nothing but a false glimpse of light force fed through drip feeders into the dying hears that would consume all they could get. There was many things that Nuju didn’t like, one of them was other people. He didn’t hate them individually as such, but the thought of having to keep a conversation going made his skin crawl. He, like many Ko Matoran, loved to look to the future. He spent a lot of his time up in the high snowing mountains of Ko metru, searching for answers in the snow. While Onu Matoran liked to follow the foot prints made by others, Nuju liked to pave away himself. He thought that dwelling on the past was depressing, all the wrong doings and regrets. The only way to really overcome this was to keep moving forward. Nuju let out a quiet laugh. “Onu Matorans would call that denial” he thought to himself.It wasn’t until he reached the peak of the mountain that Nuju looked at his surroundings. He had scaled this mountain many times before. He hated retracing his footsteps but he had climbed all the mountains the was in Ko Metru. He always thought that the closer you were to the stars, the closer you were to Mata Nui, and that you would feel the answers long before you see them. The stars gazed at Nuju , he smiled at them, but they only froned back. Not so much at him, but at every being in Metru Nui. He knew dark times were ahead.He looked at the brightest star on the sky, Toa Lihkans. He was glad Lihkan was still around. Maybe he would shed some light in the dark times to come. He had once talled Nuju that every star was a hero, and that they were watching over him. “Heros never truly die Nuju” He would say. Nuju liked that Idea. As Nuju gazed at the millions of eyes of great heros looking back at him, he wondered, if he would ever have a star."
  24. Actually, Mutran wore the Mask of Silence, as did Chirox. I'm not sure how that suits the two of them. As for Vultraz, the best match I can think of between personality and mask power is that the Great Mask of Scavenging encourages killing because its user can siphon strength from dead victims, and Vultraz is a murderer. Some of the above matches, such as the ones for Karzanhi, Helryx, and Tuyet, are very clever, good thinking.*checks BS01*I guess Mutran used his mask when he wanted some peace to write his journal. Or... other things.Okay Ill just stop before I get banned.Has any one done lesovikk yet. And Dume
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