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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Yeh, Lewa is pretty free spirited. Good connection.
  2. Dont worry. I do too. I only call him terri on the site so people know what Im talking about
  3. Sorry. I coundnt really phrase Matau correctly. I know it has no story connection but it think its a nice little Easter egg
  4. I know it sound really corny but I wouldnt have killed any one. Every one settles there differences and stuff. As a count down towards the entire Bionicle universe comes to an end and everything blows up, yet every one dies happy. That would have made me cry.
  5. Ive just noticed this. Ill start with the Toa MetruOnewa: His character is a bully. His mask power forces people to do thingsMatau: He is a show off. His mask power is pretending to be something he is not.Nokama: Good at understanding. Her mask lets her understand RahiVakama: He is very un self confident and feels like a nobody. His mask makes him invisibleNuju: He is very practical and uses his brain a lot. His mask power lets him move objects with his mindI couldnt really think of one for Whenua but you guys can help me. You can do some for the other characters too.Do you think this was deliberate?
  6. It would make sense if they adapted to it. I was locked in Dark cage, I would start to see really well in the dark. Im sure it has been said that Onu matorans eyes really hurt when they see light
  7. "Almost all...":wince:Anyway, it looks like the reference has failed us slightly - and it could be argued the opposite way. Onu-Matoran became sensitive over time to ground vibrations to warn them of Rahi attacks. Time to go to the OGD...Sp po matorans arent the strongest
  8. So there have been some pretty amazing mask powers in Bionicle history. There have also been some awful ones.Take Whenua for example. His mask can glow in the dark, big whoop. The other Toa could get the same effect by taping torches to their masks.What do you think is the worse mask power?
  9. Yeh. Nupuru always reminded me more of a Ko-Matoran. Like how he was really clever and could fix stuff.
  10. Right now I have the three cogs(at least on my screen) I just wondered if I can change this as I have seen people with Toa Mata masks and things like that.Thank to any one that can answer this.
  11. I guess. Its just that Onua and Whenua were both made to look stocky, while Onewa I imagine to be quite slim
  12. I know but I wouldnt have thought Onewa would be able to bead Whenua up.
  13. Po-Matoran have greater strength, and Onu-Matoran can see better in dim light.Po matorans have greater strength? I always thought Onu Toa were the strongest.
  14. What could the po and onu matorans do?
  15. I agree. There all quite generic. Some of them were good though. But if you think about it thats atleas 18 new characters coming in every year which just makes things a mess
  16. Maybe. But the Nuva power might be different
  17. Ill use an example of Tahu here.Would Tahu get a Noble Hau(Im guessing will look very similar to the great Hau)Or would he get a Noble Hau Nuva?
  18. Maybe he forgot to report in here or isn't a frequent poster. Give him time.This. He also might have ordered them over seas or the poster is being slow. eBay is rarely a scam if you know how to use it. To be fair. Hes probably building his Rahi right now hahaha
  19. Yeh sorry for the confusion guys. This is what I meant.And... really? 7 feet tall?
  20. Yes. But then there are usually childlike qualities to everybody, including the oldest humans, or Turaga, etc. I'm thinking Matau's tendency to play practical jokes as a Turaga for example.Thats true. But this is Matau were are talking about
  21. While that's true, and I agree that on Mata Nui they had to "grow up fast" in that way due to the Rahi, let's keep in mind they spent thousands of years working, and working hard, in Metru Nui. It still doesn't seem much like children to me. More like industrial workers. Unless we want to see it as child labor lol.Also, Lhikan/Vakama would probably look like citizen to hero to us if Vakama wasn't smaller.I know the Matoran wouldn't be completely like OUR children. If that was the case, mo work would be done. But there is defiantly a child like element to them.
  22. I always imagined them the size of an average tall human. Maybe 6.2.
  23. You have justm put into one post what I have peen trying to get across in a whole thread. Thanks man
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