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Flex Lord Splash

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Status Updates posted by Flex Lord Splash

  1. 'Cause when it's all done You throw your sneaks up and call it a good run I admit, that I would never rather them burn me I don't know where I'm headed, but I know it's a journey

  2. "All I see is Fireworks" Inb4 4th of July.

  3. All your base are belong to us!

  4. And I want everybody to view my autopsy, so you can see exactly where the government had shot me.

    1. Madara: Mangekyou Master

      Madara: Mangekyou Master

      Since the PM system looks dead on my end, I was wondering if you had received anything about the Hellfire Heist I had in mind?

  5. Anyone ever watch the X-Men cartoon from the 80's? Remember the theam song? Dananananananan! X-Men!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flex Lord Splash

      Flex Lord Splash

      What?! I live in Florida man! LOL I watched Spiderman too, I'm surprised you never saw the show when it was on TV. What about X-Men Evolution... that was a good one too

    3. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      I saw that. Three months ago. On Netlfix. D=

    4. Flex Lord Splash

      Flex Lord Splash

      Yeah I watched some of it on Netflix, nostalgia was strong man. Oh and I guess the show was from the 90s not 80s, makes sense. Watched some of X-Men Evolution on Netflix too, great show.

  6. As the mask of deception falls off the face of humanity Unveiling the grim reality of duality In which everyone is a casualty, no one will be exempt Truth has many shades It's not a matter of black and white, but gray Although many, we are one, so in the final analysis Could it be that we are fighting a war that can't be won?

    1. Highly Suspicious Person

      Highly Suspicious Person

      I got into a war with a frozen chicken nugget once. I found it on the ground and tried to stomp on it, but it kept on slipping out from under my foot and I had to go find it to try and step on it again. Then it went over a fence and I couldn't get to it. But I will have my revenge! >:(

    2. Flex Lord Splash

      Flex Lord Splash

      Noice man, very noice. That chicken shall be destroyed.

  7. Because XMDD is the RP COT deserves, but not the one it needs right now...

    1. Constructelf


      What do you mean?

    2. Snelly


      duh duh duh!

    3. Flex Lord Splash

      Flex Lord Splash

      Idk was just quoting Gordon from The Dark Knight at the end but filling in XMDD instead

  8. Beware... his song... about big butts. He... beats you up while he plays it!

  9. Chapter 2: Welcome to Weapon-X has begun.

    1. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      Card escapes. Card is then captured by human police and thrown in jail. Go figure.

  10. Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier...


  12. First day wasn't bad.

  13. Get a darn avatar you hippie


    1. Eevee


      Hehe thank you. <3

  15. I haz no friends on BZP, or pokemon. :(

    1. Wade.


      There you go.

  16. I should update this, maybe

  17. I was taught to act my shoe size, never my age. Make that size 12.

    1. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      HAHA! I can act more immature than you even though I'm sure I'm at least a year older than you! >=D

    2. Flex Lord Splash
  18. I'll chop your head off!

  19. I'm 20 now. I feel old.

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