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Timelady Gallade

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Everything posted by Timelady Gallade

  1. Granted but yo are killed by a DH. I wish my Nui-Rama was lego, not real.
  2. Right IM back. I've got a lego bootleg delak. Pretty good though. I might some pics up.
  3. GRanted but get a heart attack the next day and you must eat pi-flavoured pie for the rest of time. I wish I could find a REAL Nui-rama at a car-boot sale for £1 and I buy it. And its complete. With box and instructions.
  4. What was his name? I liked it too. Oh and Hero Factory is awesome.
  5. Granted but you're blown up by a nuke. I wish for high quality Sips.co dirt.
  6. Granted, there now named after poisonous plants. I wish I didn't drop dead from exhaustion.
  7. I lost Jetbugs head. And I have never found it.
  8. Its a toy. I wish for me to do my homework with perfect grades.
  9. Granted but it sets on fire. I wish for pie-flavoured pie.
  10. Its fine now. It says it runs out of memory. I can still play classic though. :3 And the no placing problem was fixed by me changing of the buttons on my mouse to Secondary.
  11. Your knowledge is just of you saying Pi. I wish my mutant evil ostrich didn't eat me.
  12. You are eaten by a mutant evil ostrich. I wish for a mutant evil ostrich that is under my command.
  13. Denied. I wish that Squids wouldn't kill me. -.- (And people wonder why I hate squids)
  14. Granted but its dino poo instead. Ewwwwww... I wish that I can find my 5 diamonds that I can't find in my SSP world.
  15. Granted but it eats you. I wish for a fewabceuw4b i.
  16. They are now 80 year old. Way to go Delta. Ninja'd Granted but its a safety dangerous can. I wish Hogwarts was magical and Snape didn't exist and that Dumbledore wasn't killed.
  17. Granted but they fly away and sing happily as they fly away. I wish I went to the SCHOOL Hogwarts
  18. Granted your killed. I wish I was in Hogwarts. :3
  19. Granted but The Forgotten One uses it for his show. I wish his show would be AMOUS. In a good way. :3
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