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Timelady Gallade

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Everything posted by Timelady Gallade

  1. I think posting it on the mods topic on the MCForums might work. Meanwhile on Burn's server.... I got stuck in lava. Lagged out and quickly turned off my computer. About 6 hearts left. Tryed to tp to my lab, but missed out the slash and the lag (for me) made it so I couldn't go back and put in the /. Any chance of enabling keepinventory? Just so I dont ragequit and not come on for half a year. Its happened on one my SSP worlds( my first one) Though I was about to drown, exited and didn't come back.
  2. Yeah I think so.Someone actually pointed that out on BBC America's official video for it. lol
  3. I like how NOONE here noticed 10 in TNOTD when Oswin was standing, looking over the city. He was in the corner. Sneaky 10.
  4. Just got myself a porper twitter. Dont mind me, just following B6 and Dw. Dont mine me.

    1. Timelady Gallade

      Timelady Gallade




      rip my grammar....

    2. Timelady Gallade

      Timelady Gallade

      also, it has the same name as my username

  5. It began in 20011, when i was 9, and i got vesok and avak for £5 altogether from the local car boot sale, new in the box. The rest, as they say, is history. Yeah, I began late.
  6. How about a peice for attaching 2.0+ hf helmets on to a mata head?
  7. The toa from 2001-2004 in a box set, the rahi and vilians in two differnt box sets, and the rakshi as one big box set with a kratta pack. And they must have the first kind of ball joints.
  8. I did have a misprint mask once. A brown ruru me thinks. THEN I LOST IT. duh
  9. I once hurt myself by pointing the old boxing glove luacher at my face( eye). Owch. Only hurt for a few minutes though.
  10. Im still waiting for Burn to come on so I can buy a god sword. How much is a god sword...?
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if it's "Who." That way when people say "look it's Doctor Who" or "I'm cosplaying Doctor Who," they would technically be right. Plus in Hide when the guy asked "Doctor who?" the Doctor replied, "If you prefer." -CF I have a feeling it'll be William Hartnell or something. Hey, it would be a nice tribute for William. :3 Also, is it me or does the First Doctor look like the best grandad EVER?
  12. If anyone has seen a god sword called (the) Master Sword please let me know. Somehow I lost it...as usual. Also, I cant make my TARDIS bigger on the inside because of Wilf's portal. D: Leads me straight to his portal. Ah well.
  13. Seen the latest episode. Basically, The Doctor gets trapped by a super cyberman, and is made to play chess with a sorta evilish verson of him called Mr Clever. You'd think he'd come up with a better name. xD And warwrik davis is in SO YAAAAAAAY. I wont spoil the rest. Also, Season 7 finale next week methinks.
  14. I wonder if the headset thingy that turns Timelords into humans can turn Human's into Timelords?
  15. But.. but... their daleks are really nice...I actually have 1, the yellow one. :3 Nice and delak-ey. EXTERMINAAAAAAAAAATE *coughs* But yeah, lego doctor who would be nice, I seriously want a tardis. NOW PLEASE. I also wanna see the Zygons (A.K.A Orange Shapeshifting Evil Trolls) and/or their ship, with Martha and Doc. (yes I did read the book) And how about Lego Narnia? Or Lego Lego...heh heh
  16. I like how I'm listening to Trock right now... *taptaptaptap* Also, anyone feeling sorry for the blind girl apart from me?
  17. *whistles* Wait, hoe many episodes of Sherlock are there? And then compare that to like, 400 and something.
  18. Yay, finallt got FtB to log me in...lawl Turn's out twas the wrong password...lol
  19. I can't even log into FtB. Is it because I'm using a migrated MC account?
  20. Guys, what happened to Jenny anyway? We know she livid...that or she died on a planet. I kinda want her to meet Clara.
  21. Rebuilding my tardis so it fits a nether portal inside. Also, Blade is back. YAAAAAAY!
  22. I've just noticed the Doctor's cot was in the archives (is that what it is?). Awww. :3
  23. I'm reading it was actually the Seventh Doctor's from before he got his signature Question Mark one.Oh right...arkwaaaaard So anyone wanna try Fish Fingers & Custard? Seems nice
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