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About RobotProphet

  • Birthday 11/27/1990

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    Writing books, short stories, and poetry for fun. Too many movies and books to count. Being a HUGE robot fan, Bionicle was one of my first inspirations as a young writer when it came out. I have a serious emotional connection to the Bionicle characters and books. If it weren't for Bionicle, I probably wouldn't be the writer I am today.

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  1. Much like any other theory based on the Bible and works of literature like John Milton's work, shadows (or darkness) was there from the beginning. But it wasn't specifically created or crafted, it was and like an evolutionary form of light. The darkness that was the void was there as a nothingness, but the darkness from one's evil actions is from his twisted heart that rebelled or was hurt in some way. Main point: Shadow wasn't created, it was there the minute light got in front of something.
  2. When shadowed masks crush the land, when morbuzahk grip and twist my mind, when I’ve used all my power and more to barely cope, I will still look up to the stars and hope. This Toa’s faith will never falter.

  3. And such is the end of a hero...--In remembrance of Toa Matoro Mahri

  4. Bionicle had just started to become popular when I and my siblings discovered it. I was 12 and it was Summer of 2003. My whole teenage years were almost completely dedicated to Bionicle's story and characters. That was the big thing (we even made a home suspense/comedy movie about watching LOMN and running through the house away from Makuta ). But we bought the figures ALL the time--at every Christmas, birthday, Easter, and family gathering. We didn't get all of them, but 70+ figures still isn't considered enough to me, especially when it comes to important characters that are missing in the collection like the Toa Nuva. (Me at 22) we still play with them, and actually just got them out last week making poses and taking pictures. Bionicle will always be with me because it left a memorable mark on my life. I wouldn't be the writer or creative consultant I am today if it weren't for Bionicle
  5. Oh my gosh!! It's weird that you all are saying you're like Vezon. What the heck! Honestly, though. At the time the Adventures book series was slowly being released I was in the midst of my teenage years, so I was a lot like Vakama Metru in a sense that I felt like I had to take on everyone's burdens by myself, but was always a member of the pity party because I couldn't take the pressure of being a leader when it is obvious in my life I'm meant to lead others. Currently... I'm a born leader, but I still don't like the idea of all that responsibility. I think I'm selfish, but everyone around me says I do all I can for others. I have a hard time moving forward, but I've come to terms with growing up--sort of. I'm anti-social half of the time but I've learned to take what comes my way and accept surprises like someone coming over unexpectedly. Help me out here guys, I'm not sure which character I match with the most, (but Onewa is my favorite
  6. It's kind of a silly idea. It's why Transformers movies have humans. It's why Terminator had humans. Kids like robots, but adults need a human anchor to relate to. this post was rather assertive. Anyways, Adults don't need a human to connect to. The Toa are so adult like, i don't think that they would have a hard time connecting to any one of the six. Exactly! (I love you <(^o^)>)
  7. Well, the series is already as dark as it can get. Whenever I read the books I get this foreboding feeling of hopelessness. But if it were geared toward an older audience it would only be darker in a sense that some kind of blood would be added, maybe they would bleed black protodermis or something. Also, I'd have to agree that there'd be some kind of romantic situations--that wouldn't be the primary center of attention, but you'd have the characters admitting their love for each other or fights over love and what not (which would mean they'd have to have more female characters instead of always having one girl on each team). The colors of the world would be toned down as well to send a message that the series is not a colorful adventure for younger children. It might also have more of a metallic feeling to it rather than an elemental feeling...if that makes sense. Well said! But Tahu and Gali would make a good twist on romance because opposites attract. And with the way he feels about her when she goes insane in Island of Doom. But they should build their offspring, sharing each others spiritual energy or something into the final product to give it life--because kids' series or not, Bionicle junk and stuff is wrong! Romance would be sharing a piece of each other's life energy, not sex scenes for the romantically declined who happen to be obsessed with Bionicle. I'm not talking to anyone inparticular, I'm just saying if rewriting the series is going to happen, NO SEX! They may be part organic but they don't need reproductive parts.
  8. Seconded!! Onewa is an amazing character! Even though they were limited to story and time while making the films, they could of at least reveal more of those characters' personalities so the audience that was unfamiliar with them could get a taste of who they are. I love Onewa )!
  9. Thanks for adding me as a friend

    1. RobotProphet


      No prob. I like your opinions :)

  10. It's kind of a silly idea. It's why Transformers movies have humans. It's why Terminator had humans. Kids like robots, but adults need a human anchor to relate to. Yes it is. The books were solely there to make you buy Bionicles. Greg did work hard on it, true, and he did a darn good job at it. But you're trying to claim that these books are better than anything else you've ever read. That's makes me think you really haven't read all that much or you just love Bionicle a little too much. I know that it was made to sell the toys. I'm just saying that it's such a good story with such great characters that it deserves more than that. And I don't think adults need a human anchor to relate when it comes to a great story. That's the beauty of analyzing: Recognizing something for what it's supposed to represent, seeing human context in characters that aren't human, and understanding how you can relate to those non-human characters and their emotions. It's kind of a silly idea. It's why Transformers movies have humans. It's why Terminator had humans. Kids like robots, but adults need a human anchor to relate to. Well that depends. I mean the writing is nothing special, but the story is really original and has a lot "meat". Its one of my favorite fictional universes thats for sure Exactly, Commander Ceecee.
  11. Poor red hero, yellow eyes, her heart-light fading, he's tempted lies; Redeemed it said, friends saved too late, masks of power or deadly fate?; Darkness drips, vines atwist, bounty hunters, violent hiss...

  12. Here's the deal: I'm the only one I know not on the internet who loves Bionicle. So when friends, classmates, whoever asks the question, "What's your favorite book?" I have a real hard time explaining that I love Bionicle more than anything I've ever read, and why I love it. I actually love it because it's the only book series I know that is a universe about just robots with serious emotions--no humans. That's one reason why it's awesome. But I love literature, film analysis, and literary analysis as well. Being in the middle of my busy life, I don't have the time to score through great works of literature, so here's my question: What works of literature could you compare with the Bionicle books and movies? Anything. Characters, events, identity crises, emotions, locations of Bionicle that can be compared to literature. We, as fans, already know that Bionicle is worth our passion, but this would give people who see the word LEGO on the covers proof that Bionicle is not just a 12-year-olds' ambition to buy toys. Greg worked too hard for it to be just that.
  13. Gosh, Bionicle is riddled with sadness and hopeless tear-enducing moments. Yes, the death scenes are incredibly sad and all of them get to me, but I think the saddest Bionicle moment would have to be in Legends #2: Dark Destiny--the book not the comic. Jaller's rallied up five of the bravest matoran to go save the Toa Nuva and Takanuva came along with them. As we all know, Takanuva and Jaller have been best friends since forever, and share a strong bond. They love each other as blood-brothers with Jaller even dying for Takanuva when he was still a matoran. Jaller and the five matoran accidentally pass through an invisible wall that keeps matoran in and Toa out. After some heartfelt arguing, Jaller insists that they move on and the toa of light go back to Metru Nui. Takanuva reaches forward to touch Jaller, but the wall stops him. He gets choked up. Jaller tries to lighten the mood by joking and Takanuva says, "...You died once for me...don't die again..." Jaller tries to smile but has to look away from his best friend because he can't control his emotions. T0T!! It's so sad! I can't believe the emotion going through this scene! It ends with Takanuva calling to Jaller and saying, "...You would make a great toa." This seperation--realization that they will never see each other again, to me, is sadder than any death scene.
  14. The Piraka are brutal, but other than Zaktaan, the other five are dense and clueless. Even Zaktaan doesn't have the bigger picture of everything and what becomes of them seemed like kind of a way to get rid of them before the series moved on. I'd have to read the books again, but off the top of my head I think Sidorahk would be #5 in my top 5 because of how evil and intimidating he is in the books between numbers 7-9. Roodaka would make #4 because she's so sexy and insane--plus Kathleen Barr makes a wicked evil laugh in the Web of Shadows movie. #3 would be Makuta Krika. At first he's evil, but then he turns around and confesses how much he regrets being evil. Producing a good reason for the reader to have sympathy for the character is a great way to get into your heart. #2 I'd say is Makuta Teridax. Sure he's not that intimidating in the films, but he's got a great back story and is awesome in the body of Maxilos. I'm not sure who would be my #1 best Bionicle villain, but I'll know when I read the books again.
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