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Jakura Nuva

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Everything posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. OOC: Okay, thanks for the heads-up IC: Varan I awake. The gukko has brought me far - the Fau swamp, I believe. He has done his job well, so I reward him with something that all creatures need out here - the mercy of a quick death. I stumble around, my head unclear. The exact events that had just occurred were... foggy. But my mind is not on this at the moment - but rather my naked face. I trace the scars over my eyes, and know that I must find a new Kanohi, and soon.
  2. OOC: FYI. Voxumo and Requiem, I will be switching to first person for Varan once he awakes from unconsciousness.
  3. IC: Varan Varan roared, more with rage than pain, as Chivinix blasted energy throughout his body. It was intense, and almost knocked him out. Almost. Enraged, Varan used the last of his power. As he released his epic burst of gravity, he aimed it straight for Chivinix, knowing that it's unpredictability would have one of three effects. It would either weigh Chivinix down so much he couldn't move, make him so light he'd drift away, or simply blast him across the Koro. But as he released it, it also benefited him - the force of the power jetted him away, causing him to fall, down down down through the foliage below, and escape from harm. But the sudden weakness that came with his power surrender was immense, and he had little time to call his gukko before he blacked out. This time, though, the gukko did it's job right, carrying him far away.
  4. IC: Varan Varan was no fool. He had barely any power left, and he was weaker than ever. And he was supposed to shake this insect's hand? But he knew this could be the only way. He reached out and grasped Chivinix's clawed hand. "Deal."
  5. OOC: Okay, guys, I'm bummed that we always miss each other. We really need to set down a time to be on and stick with it. As for the energy, I'm really trying not to be a god-modder here, but the power he recieves comes from the Master. If it's consolation, though, this power will run out, too. The difference beteween this and normal elemental power is that this power is extremely strong, but runs out quickly, only allowing short bursts and tiring out Varan rapidly. IC: Varan Varan heard the creature's plea, and decided to use it to his advantage. The last of his energy was almost depleted, and he knew it was wise to cooperate. He stopped his advance on Zeth and turned to Chivinix. "I will concur, beast... but only on one condition. Assist me in this Toa's demise." He pointed at Zeth. "If you do..." he smiled evilly. "I will feed you more meat than you can imagine. Courtesy of my own Master."
  6. IC: Varan But in the confusion, the hulking monster rose above them once more. And he was furious. The infection had spread among his whole body. He didn't need a mask. He needed no weapons. He was now a puppet. And his mission remained. With a thrust of his spindly arms, Varan blasted a wave of solid gravity towards Chivinix, and raced for Zeth. OOC: Hey Requiem, I'm still not completely decided about Varan's pre-Fallen name, so if you could just call him Varan for now, that'd be great while I think up a name for him.
  7. 100% Hothead, 0% Burnout

    1. Ghidora131


      100% Hyped, 0% Happy

    2. Ghidora131


      100% Nuva, 0% Nutty

    3. Ghidora131


      100% Gruesome, 0% Girly

  8. 100% Clever, 0% Classy

    1. Ghidora131


      100% Kevlar, 0% sassy

  9. IC: Zelvin (Markets) The next morning had the old (no, not quite) woman navigating the crowd of the Le-Koro bazaar, a task that anyone would find daunting in the right circumstances. She had a serene smile on her face, still pleased by yesterday's successful business endeavor, and today she felt she was going to treat herself to a little something special to celebrate. Even as she was about to finish her search, what caught her eye but a young Kru-Toa wandering about, seemingly a bit lost. She had caught her eye because she looked awfully familiar, Zelvin could swear she'd seen that face in the mirror back in the day. So she put on her sweetest of sweet smiles, and came up to her fellow Toa of Crystal. "Hello, dear, is there something you're looking for?" IC: Vrina Vrina narrowed her eyes as she heard the voice of Zelvin speak behind her. Without hesitating she turned around sending her skirt swishing a bit as she moved. Her right hand immediatly rested on one of her rapiers and her mind gripped one of her stilettos ready to use it the first chance she got. However as she now got a better view of the toa before her she still seemed cautious "Is it really any of your business what I am looking for? I could be hear scoping out this market figuring out it's weak point so I could come back at a later time to rob it, or i could be here trying to find a vendor in need of a hunter..: Her voice held a soft note of warning behind it as her eyes kept on Zelvin IC: Chivinix Chivinix could hear the word that Varan uttered and instead released the energy that had been building within his hand aiming directly for the ba-toa's mask and hopefully through that to the head. He would make sure he was the one killing in this situation and not the killed OOC: For the record, he was only thinking it, but oh well...
  10. Hey, guys, make sure to check out TheThreeVirtues on YouTube for reviews, in-depth discussions and hilarious/informative podcasts for Lego and Bionicle! Subscribe to them!!

  11. Hey, guys, make sure to check out TheThreeVirtues on YouTube for reviews, in-depth discussions and hilarious/informative podcasts for Lego and Bionicle! Subscribe to them, they're awesome!!

  12. IC: Varan Varan awoke. He heard the voices of beings arguing above him. But he payed no attentions to their words. HIs head was splitting, the pain surging in and out like a torrent, and only one thought kept occuring in his broken mind: "Kill."
  13. IC: Varan Varan twitched on the ground. And as he slept, the nightmares came back...
  14. IC: Kaama The heat bothered Kaama. Sure, he was used to heat in general - he lived in a tropical jungle. But that heat was moist, and heavy - the kind in Po-Koro was thin and dry. It made him hack on the air itself, and he couldn't wait to get out of here. But first, the mask. It was important, for some reason. Why or for what purpose was not his business - he simply knew that it was his job to keep the mask from the hands of the enemies. Kaama had descended quite awhile ago, and had his Gukko head back to Le-Koro - he knew that the bird could not survive this weather. Heck, he could barely stand it! But he knew he could simply catch an Ussal to Onu-Wahi or something when he was finished with his objective here. And speaking of objectives... Kaama wandered through the bazaar, wading in among the masses of Matoran here for trading. He passed numerous stands, where Po-Matoran were shouting out deals and whatnot. But the stand Kaama was heading for was much more important than saving a few widgets. He reached his target, a smaller set-up right in the corner. There, a young Matoran of Iron stood, polishing a few kolhii balls. "Hello!" he exclaimed when Kaama approached. "What can I do for you?" Kaama brought the satchel forth and flung it at the Fe-Matoran, who nimbly caught it. "Keep it safe... Brother Juurok." Juurok gulped and nodded. "Of course, Kaama." Kaama turned and scurried back down the street.
  15. I believe so; it was most likely to provide a mystery to the character. There was a reason why the Turaga always called him "The" Makuta rather than just Makuta - it suggested that there were more than one, but also showing that he was the top guy - hence the "the".
  16. OOC: Good to see you again - BTW, his name before Varan was Riihus
  17. I agree with Arthaka's Nephew's original post: it was most likely due to the love of mystery surrounding the character, and a name almost ruins it (For some people). Me personally, I quite enjoy his name - but I also wouldn't like it less if we never got his name. Win-win for me .
  18. IC: Varan The hurricane around Varan had reached it's climax. Trees were being thrown, branches were whipping fiercely at the beings standing at the platform, and a fury of leaves sliced through the wind - it was pure torture. And Varan stood in the eye of it, delirious to what was happening. He had fully released Zeth's throat, and as that Toa staggered back, a screaming voice erupted in Varan's mind, telling him to kill Zeth. But for the first time ever... he questioned authority. For the sole time in his existence, he asked himself: Why? And then pure shadow-energy brutally forced it's way into his mind, the fiery orture fogging up his senses and overloading his brain. He screamed and tore at this face, trying to rip it all away. But the pain wouldn't leave. He howled in agony... and the storm around him began to subside. The skies grew clear. The gravity fields diminished, and all that was left was the smoke pouring from gashes in Varan's head. He collapsed, and all went black. It was over. For the first time, the impossible had happened; Varan had failed. And the Master was furious.
  19. First off, thank you for addressing my hopes ! As a note, though, if they were to give us the famous characters (Tahu, Takanuva, etc.), I'd hope it wouldn't be in Stars-like form - blech! Secondly, I didn't mean like "blood and gore, murder in the night" dark when I said totally dark. I was sort of referring back to the 06-07 years, where the settings were shadowy and the villains scary - like Thor: The Dark World dark. A reboot - hmm, not sure about that... But a TV show would be splendid - and a TV show worth watching would be even better!
  20. Here's my opinion. To start off, two things are quite obvious. Firstly, if Bionicle were to return, the sets would not be the same. And secondly, the story could be different. Let me explain, starting with sets. There have been numerous rumors about where the molds for the original Bionicle parts have ended up, but bottom line is they will never be used again in sets - even the Kanohi will probably be remolded for new heads if Bionicle returns. So, where does Lego go with this? What I can see is two options. First option is the Hero Factory molds. This has already been used with Hero Factory, Legends of Chima and the Superhero constraction figures. It's a good bet that it would be used for Bionicle's return, too. Obviously, some new armor/mask pieces would be created to differentiate it from the others - just like the different pieces used for the three (well, two) currently running constraction lines. Bottom line, though, is that the same style will most likely be used. Second option, this one less likely, is a completely new mold for Bionicle pieces. This means new limbs, new body piece, etc. TBH, it'd be nice to see limb/torso pieces that could be used with both HF and Bionicle armor pieces. But despite the beneifts of new pieces, this is quite unlikely to happen, though not impossible. So, over all, set design would be different, no question. Old masks may be used, but this seems unlikely. But, who would get featured in the sets may be the question on people's minds. Here's what I see. Again, there are two most likely options. We could get the best of the best from the previous Bionicle line - Tahu, Takanuva, etc., redesigned and revamped in a way that screams modern tech. Villains would most likely be new characters, and Titans may include giant reptilian creatures (from what we saw in the last stories of Bionicle). The problem with this is the same problem that will be explained further in the story section: old characters, new line directed (largely) towards new fans. These people wouldn't know who these characters are. Or, we could get (this one more ideal) new characters, from new Toa/Glatorian to new Matoran/Agori, the most likely would be the introduction of a new cast. Heck, the name of Bionicle may remain, with heroes, villagers, and villains that aren't what we're used to. Who knows? So, in the end, sets will be undeniably different. No question. Now, is this bad? No, not at all; not for me at least. A good reimagining of Bionicle parts could be - interesting. Let's move on to story. I see three things in this future. Let's start with this. We need to be honest with ourselves, folks - if Lego were to create a new Bionicle line, it wouldn't be (entirely) to please the old fans; it would be to draw in new fans, and get the same popular reception from before. And so, new toyline, continues with old story, but not as tied. Does this mean no ties to the old stroyline? No, not necessarily. But it would most likely be a new setting, a new introduction, etc. But this is only one option. Now, the second. This is much more unlikely; this what people want, but probably won't get. A continued storyline. This would be where the old line was completely brought back. All story elements kept, all plot the same. But there is a problem (here it comes)... new toys, old story. And it's extremely hard for new fans to draw into an old storyline. So, Lego's biggest hope may be to start with a completely new story. I know it sounds horrendous, but it's probably the best chance for Lego. And onto three. So, perhaps the greatest chance for Lego - the terrifying remake. A Bionicle that is and isn't Bionicle at the same time. This is great for new fans, but perhaps not for old fans. That's why I think Lego will probably go with the first option I stated - both a continuation and something new. That way, it will appeal to both older and newer fans, and draw in more money. This is our best chance. Now, for the last statement which fits into both categories - what will it be like? And here's my answer: Take Ninjago and Chima, put them together, and give them biomechanical bodies. There's the new Bionicle. To be frank, Bionicle's darkness will be eliminated and replaced with a kid-appealing light feeling to it. See what Lego has done recently. All of it's "custom" themes have been light and cheery (mostly), and what are the odds that something dark is going to be thrown in? Not very high. Okay, final summary. If Bionicle were to return, the story will most likely be a new story, but with ties to the old one. Will new characters be seen? Only time could tell... It would be lighter than before - maybe not Lego Friends light, but lighter. The sets are a point of controversy - it's really Lego's decision as to what are made, and it depends on the current story. Now, what would I like to see? I'd like sets totally revamped and rethought, new versions of Takanuva and Tahu, a totally dark theme aimed at collectors and die-hard fans... but hey, those chances aren't great, are they ? Also, I'd recommend watching the amazing videos by TTV in the category Bionicle: Autopsy. They are wonderful in-depth examinations of Bionicle's past and future. For this specific subject, one is obviously the one to watch; but I would advise you to watch all of them. P.S. My basic answer to the question posted by Dorkpool is that I would want everything to return - sets, serials, and story. Also, a TV show would be epic
  21. Not allowed to join TTV... FOREVER ALONE

    1. Ghidora131


      (Sad corny mu8sic starts playing) I'll go get the tissues.

  22. IC: Varan Varan barely felt the blasts as they connected with him, even though they did massive damage. He was in shock. He recognized Zeth.
  23. IC: Varan As Varan stared into the hopeless eyes of his victim, he suddenly felt himself choking. He looked down at his quivering body and began to loosen his grip. He was shaking, and ha all of a sudden became exhausted. He felt his control over himself slipping...
  24. IC: Kaama Kaama whipped his Gukko into full speed. As much of a coward as he was, he was also stubborn, and was the best at running. He flew into a mass of tall cliffs and winding canyons, hoping to lose his enemy.
  25. IC: Varan Varan then did the most irrelevant and stupid thing he had ever done, something that betrayed the situation in all entirety. It defied the laws of logic, it defied reason and sanity. It defied definition. Varan smiled. He closed his giant hand around Zeth's throat and began to squeeze, slowly.
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