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Jakura Nuva

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Everything posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. My understanding was that Greg felt it was illogical for a species incapable of procreation. He has a good point. But by the same token, free-will and emotions (with the possible exception of fear) do not really make sense for nano-technology, and yet they are obviously canon, explained as the result of an anomaly in the system of the Matoran Universe. It seems quite possible to me that what little romance we saw, childish as it was, could also have been a result of said anomaly. This... this is something I've wanted to bring up somewhere, but you did it pefectly for me It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me - if, because of the anomaly, Matoran have emotions and feelings, why is love not among them? Obviously there is no reproduction, and thus no attraction of such, but why does this rule out the emotion of love?
  2. Well, since the thread hasn't been removed... I realy like BioNerd's proposal. It makes a ton amount of sense, and would be awesome to see. How do you know? So far, we haven't even gotten official confirmation that Bionicle is returning.
  3. After (guh-doy). WYR face a horde of Rahkshi or band of Barraki?
  4. Guys, I don't think your supposed to talk about things like this on here - potential spoilers and whatnot. EDIT: Nevermind, I think that may only apply to links and/or photos
  5. Hey, great to meet you Yeah, pretty much all of us on BZP have had Bionicle as a big part of our childhood at one point, and with the rumors of it's return in 2015 it's no surprise that we're getting new members. Which is awesome, of course! If you need anything, you can PM one of the Mods to ask questions (I'll help too if you wish). BZP has a lot of interesting threads up as well as the currently running BZPower Role-Playing Game, so I can't wait to see you out there on the boards with us. Oh, and don't get too disappointed if you don't receive replies immediately after posting - things are slow sometimes Hope to talk more with you soon, and welcome back!
  6. IC: Mesonak "Oh yeah... that's what we're doing. Well then, what next, parnter?" Mesonak smiled and tilted his head to one side. IC: Varan Varan sensed another presence near him. Looking up slightly, he could make out another being directly in front of him - a Toa of Electricity, to be specific. What now? He could feel his endurance beginning to collapse, and he knew he wouldn't be able to fight her. He needed the Master. IC: Jakura A tall Ta-Toa wearing a hooded, trench coat-style jacket took a seat across from Arjun and raised his glass. "Yes, here's to."
  7. TBH, I just want to see a lot of promotion for it, like we had back in 2001. That really made Bionicle feel special and unique to me - seeing all those teasers and posters that make things mysterious. That's a big part of it for me. For me the big thing was the promotions in the expanded universe sense - the comics, games, books, websites and all made it feel like something you could really immerse yourself into. Given how TLC has handled recent lines I think it's safe to say we'd be getting a lot of that with a returning Bionicle line. It'd be awesome to have some viral marketing leading up to it as well. I'd kill for another online adventure game or RPG. Definitely. A MMORPG is what I want to see, something similar to Lego Universe.
  8. TBH, I just want to see a lot of promotion for it, like we had back in 2001. That really made Bionicle feel special and unique to me - seeing all those teasers and posters that make things mysterious. That's a big part of it for me.
  9. That would have sucked that you only missed one canister set, i hope you can find it one day for a cheap price, I've seen a few used Tahu Mata's recently on ebay for a pretty cheap price usually under $30You can get them a lot cheaper than that - like, from around $10. I should know, I scour them on a regular basis.
  10. Mata Nui: Tahu Metru Nui: Vakama Voya Nui: Matoro Mahri Nui: Jaller Karda Nui: Lewa Nuva Bara Magna: Gresh
  11. Well, for collectibility's sake I can see that happening; but I think the point of the Stars was not just to give us fans new version of famous characters, but also to give us pairs of arch-enemies. That's why it's Gresh vs The Skrall, Takanuva vs the Rahkshi, and Tahu vs The Skakdi (Nektann). While the Bohrok-Kal was certainly a tough foe for Tahu, I think the Piraka were definitely his match on the battlefield. Also, with the way the story was going, it wouldn't make much sense to include the Bohrok or Bohrok-Kal.
  12. I personally want to see more from Daughtry. Crashed was an excellent song.Though, Creeping in My Soul and Gravity Hurts by Cryoshell are pretty high up on my list, too.
  13. Kalmah. Helped his Toa buddies cuz dat's what friends do.
  14. ( Whatheheck? Not very specific...) Hmm... the Red Star? Maybe? Abandoned his melee weapon for two ranged ones. Cuz he has two hands.
  15. IC: Varan Oxygen. Wonderful, glorious oxygen. His lungs nearly burst with it as he broke through the water and clung to the shoreline. Weakly crawling his way out of the swamp waters, he reminisces of the battles he had just fought. They were after him - all of them were. And now, nothing. Only that insect thing was still pursuing, and he escaped him. So, now what? He remembered. Kaama, that coward. He had Varan's prize in Po-Wahi. Shaking the water off of his armor, Varan fashioned a new cloak from large, brown leaves and root-rope. He made a staff from a broken branch, and began hobbling out of the Fau Swamp. Po-Koro was far, sure - but he was out of options. OOC: Open for interaction IC: Mesonak growled. "Okay, okay, fine! Jeez. Now - wait, why are we teaming up? I forget."
  16. I'm hoping it will. However, I'm still dubious about it. And yay, that means this is the 700001st post!
  17. Okay, some questions. First off, is there still room to join? I don't want to jump into the middle of a story or something. Secondly, Is there a limit to how many characters we can each have? Could I control a whole team on my own (if I so desired)? And third, can I have characters that I use in the Official BZPRPG?
  18. "Of one thing I am certain - I have nothing more to fear from Mata Nui. But this universe and its people have everything to fear from me." - Makuta Teridax, BIONICLE: Makuta's Guide to the Universe
  19. Ta-Metruan mask-maker, of course! I love building things - and heat. It'd be a good career for me.
  20. Well, quoting Kongu himself on why he wanted two blasters, "Two hands."
  21. I'm ready for reveals! Don't get your hopes up. Your disappointment will be far greater should nothing be revealed. ... I didn't say Bionicle reveals. I meant reveals in general.
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