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Jakura Nuva

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Everything posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. Gravity Hurts - Cryoshell or The Touch - Stan Bush
  2. I agree, but I'm not bothered by it. Canisters were good for their time, but today they seem wasteful (both in terms of the space they take up, the cost they add to a set, and their impact on the environment). I hope for the pouches to stick around, and/or maybe some type of creative cardboard box design like what we saw for the Legends of Chima Speedorz sets this year.You're right about them taking up space, but the canisters were always a large part of a Bionicle set. They often had a level of playability themselves, and it was fun as a kid pretending they were rocket ships or something. But yeah, getting the Speedorz box style would be cool.
  3. One thing I just realized, though... the way things have been going with the HF and Chima constraction lines, we probably won't be getting Bionicle figures in canisters anymore
  4. You gotta lotta talk, but is that all ya got? I seen more class in a Maxilos 'bot! Master of Shadows, please! Cummon, give me a break! Everybody knows you're a full-time fake. Me and my Avohkii, we touring the scene! Bringing ya to your knees with the light we bring! You want me to follow you, ya epic fail? Sure, after I consult the magic toenail! (Mata Nui, what have I become?)
  5. Berix. Only Vorox with a name we know of.
  6. IC: Jakura "I was being metaphorical, of course. No literal riding." Jakura sat back again. "No, I'm hunting it. Yes, a Skakdi. One just like I described. They said he lives somewhere in Le-Wahi, hidden deep in the jungle. Frankly, I was wondering if you had heard - or seen - anything about it." Wait, Jakura thought, why am I asking him all of this? Am I really this desperate for company? He shook his head, and crossed his arms. "Though, I don't need a Suletu to realize you don't like me. Why?" He smiled. "Or maybe it's my accent throwing you off."
  7. Kualus. Dark Hunter with a hatred for Visorak.
  8. Well, I don't know... despite AT's obvious popularity and how much I enjoy it, I'm not sure I can see Bionicle as a show like that. It's just... too silly. Lego has six display cases (The Hobbit, The Lego Movie, Super Heroes, Mixels and Star Wars) of wich the last one hasn't been revealed yet. As far as I know Lego's conference is on sunday, so I guess we'll find out more in a few days. Hmmm. Interesting why they'd want to keep one secret...Quite obviously it'd be a new theme...could it be? I'm going to laugh when it's not Bionicle and this thread dies JK If you think that a lack of a Comic-Con reveal would kill these rumors (true or not) you're way off base. The fact is, that we have seen LOTS of evidence. Until the evidence we've seen gets debunked, or a different new constraction theme arrives without a smidgen of further evidence for BIONICLE, the hype isn't going to die. A Comic-Con reveal is possible, but not all that likely. However, that would not say anything about the possibility of the rumors being true. It's not like we were promised a Comic-Con reveal for the new constraction theme anyway. Uh, yeah, I know... Hence the "JK" I put after I said that.
  9. Lego has six display cases (The Hobbit, The Lego Movie, Super Heroes, Mixels and Star Wars) of wich the last one hasn't been revealed yet. As far as I know Lego's conference is on sunday, so I guess we'll find out more in a few days. Hmmm. Interesting why they'd want to keep one secret...Quite obviously it'd be a new theme...could it be? I'm going to laugh when it's not Bionicle and this thread dies JK
  10. IC: Jakura Jakura smiled beneath his hood. He liked making others feel uncomfortable. "What Rahi? Well, he's about seven feet tall, covered in melted spikes, and has no face. Ever heard of it?" He leaned forward, his bright yellow eyes shining through his hood's darkness.
  11. I know you said if, but I was asking why you are so sure when we don't even know if Bionicle is asking; and you obviously answered it just now.And I'm not calling you liar, but if Greg has said it a million times, how come people are still discussing whether it will be a reboot, continuation, etc? Can you quote him? I don't know that Greg has ever weighed in on whether a reboot or continuation would be more likely. I've been reading through several pages lately and don't recall such a thing (but those were recent pages; maybe if he said it farther back). Searching just now he said this though: Which is basically what everybody had agreed on here years ago. People may be getting confused because of the sentence that came right before it: But you have to keep in mind that Bara Magna was called a 'reboot' -- this isn't what people seem to be meaning by it lately (as in start over in 2001 plot). Greg seemed to mean by that that something very new was one possibility, or a real reboot might be used. What he actually suggested, though, was a continuation, in the context above. Point made. Thanks for the quotes.
  12. (Dang you... I had a feeling that that one was the Doom Viper, and ugh! Lehvak-Kal! I should have known!)
  13. Wow... I actually read all of that But your point carries across well. It'd be nice to see a new writer who took this to a different level - the only problem is that I love Greg's work, and to see someone else write stories may not sit well with me.
  14. I know you said if, but I was asking why you are so sure when we don't even know if Bionicle is asking; and you obviously answered it just now.And I'm not calling you liar, but if Greg has said it a million times, how come people are still discussing whether it will be a reboot, continuation, etc? Can you quote him?
  15. Lose the game, since that definition is up for debate. WYR see Tahu be killed through torture or Takanuva killed through slow poisoning?
  16. My understanding was that Greg felt it was illogical for a species incapable of procreation. He has a good point. But by the same token, free-will and emotions (with the possible exception of fear) do not really make sense for nano-technology, and yet they are obviously canon, explained as the result of an anomaly in the system of the Matoran Universe. It seems quite possible to me that what little romance we saw, childish as it was, could also have been a result of said anomaly. This... this is something I've wanted to bring up somewhere, but you did it pefectly for me It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me - if, because of the anomaly, Matoran have emotions and feelings, why is love not among them? Obviously there is no reproduction, and thus no attraction of such, but why does this rule out the emotion of love? I like to think that MU inhabitants are capable of love. Friendship is a kind of love anyway, so I don't see why romantic love is such a problem. A lot of people today engage in healthy, loving relationships but are celibates, so I guess it's not hard to believe that MU residents can value the same kind of love. Non-canonicity aside, I still ship Macku and Hewkii. This got weird very quickly. Exactly. Toa and Matoran alike have shown their ability to exhibit friendship, which is a form of love in itself. I don't see why a romance-type of love is impossible. And yes. Yes it did.
  17. Devastator. His Kanohi looks like a Nuva shoulderpad.
  18. #OmegaTahu #BionicleReturns2015

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