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Jakura Nuva

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Everything posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. I personally don't believe their characters have the proper chemistry to survive in a healthy relationship together, particularly contrasted against the idea of Kopaka and Gali. Plus literally everyone has been trying to ship them for the past 14 years because of the myth that opposites attract (fire+water) and this makes for good relationships, which it generally doesn't in realistic terms.(also just a heads up: image-only posts, whether or not they have text, are still considered spam around here because people end up posting reaction gifs instead of contributing to discussion) Nail on head. The problem really is as simple as Greg avoiding a complex issue with a few poorly-chosen words.That may be true, but I still can't see Gali with Kopaka... he doesn't seem like the kind of guy interested in a relationship.
  2. I always thought that time had always existed before the Vahi, but when it was created it immediately became the "controller" of it.
  3. You know, if/when Bionicle returns, it's likely that there will be a TV show; and if there is one, it's possible that there will be representations of MU romance in that. I mean, look at Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu.
  4. Greg's explanation was problematic and improperly representative of realistic relationships. The point of my post was to deconstruct his reasoning, not yours. it's too obvious to ship my friend
  5. And... where are you getting this information? I'm pretty sure Lego hasn't said anything about this yet.
  6. 3:3 would be nice, but I can't see that happening. Also, it seems like it's more than just Bionicle - even on superhero teams, e.g. the Avengers or the Justice League, there's usually only a couple females. Notice how a single female was added to the new Avengers movie team, but with her came two more males (well, one's technically a robot).
  7. But that's irrelevant. Are you telling me that people who can't sexually reproduce can't love? No, that's ridiculous. But the biological imperative behind that is what makes romantic love, as interpreted by Greg in that post, and in this universe that imperative does not exist, ergo, no romantic love. Boy oh boy. I'm not going to jump right into this but I have to just say this. No, biological imperative makes neither romantic nor sexual love. It just doesn't. Sexual reproduction has nothing to do with love, romantic inclination, or sexual desire. Greg decanonized all of this rather than face the quagmire that is the romantic spectrum. When it comes down to it, he didn't want to simply say "bionicles don't reproduce because they don't have genitals" but he skirted around the issue with the now infamous "romance isn't canon" quote, despite there being obvious allusions to relationships of the sort in canon (and non-canon) material. Edit: This post counts as spam; please make sure your posts contribute to the discussion. -Wind-
  8. IC: Jakura Jakura sighed and put his hood back on, though not as far up as before. "Well, I hate being dramatic; let's just say he did something to me, and I've been hunting him for ages. When I finally found him, our battle was elaborate - my fire versus his ice blaster. I triumphed in the end, but I was foolish; I chose to spare him, and in return he attempted to stab me in the back. I set him on fire in retaliation, and he ran, screaming, into the forest. When scorched spikes and Skakdi scales washed ashore a few days later, I assumed I had killed him, much to my dismay. But by gathering local information and piecing it together, I can confirm that he survived. Now I just need to find him." Why the Rahkshi did I just tell him that? Jakura thought. But he knew why. Ever since the loss of his team...
  9. Its a UCS set, and it has strong relation to Comic-Con, being a DC set. Wait, the UCS Tumbler has been confirmed as the mystery box?
  10. But that's irrelevant. Are you telling me that people who can't sexually reproduce can't love?
  11. *Ehks Internally* (wait a second... Ehks from MakutaFest?) (Oh dude... you're right. WHY?!)
  12. Actually, Zane ZX and Kai ZX had gold armor, while Jay ZX and Cole ZX had silver armor. The same is true of the badges, headgear, and buckles on their 2013 costumes, and the shoulder armor they wore with those costumes in the TV episodes. Lloyd ZX also had Titanium Metallic (gunmetal) armor, but that's changed a couple times (the version in the Character Encyclopedia had gold armor, as did the Golden Ninja version and the version in Overborg Attack, but the new version in Battle for Ninjago City has silver armor).Dang it, I knew I'd probably get them mixed up! Well, still, I prefer those Ninjago color schemes.Previous post now edited.
  13. Breakout all the way! Along with its creativity and reintroduction of theme characters as Aanchir said, it was also the first HF line to involve every Hero created so far.
  14. (I was thinking of Keetongu/keetorange)
  15. I'd have to agree with you on Kopaka; I personally am not a fan of the gold on him. I would have preferred the type of color system used with the Ninjago ZX figures: Cole and Jay (black and blue) had silver armor, and Zane, Kai, and Lloyd (red, white, and green).
  16. Mantax. His toy introduced a new color to the Lego system that fans have named after him (partially)
  17. IC: Jakura "My friend," Jakura said slowly, pulling his hood down, "I did more than hear of him." Jakura wore a red Kanohi Kualsi that faded into silver at the edges, and his bright yellow eyes shone even clearer now than before. But the defining feature of his face was the long, jagged scar across his right eye. "I fought him. And I thought I won."
  18. Everything about that pose is purposeful and intentional, with the express purpose of conveying an actual character in a single photo. I strongly believe, as a photographer and MOC-maker, that he's only one of two mocs in the entire poll that are posed in any sort of visually interesting manner. Self-voted because I honestly think I built the best MOC in the poll. If I hadn't, I would have voted for Tamaru or Dreife. I like MOCs with character and dynamic motion, and I think only 4, 7, and 11 achieve that, but I don't much care for the construction in 11. Whereas I have the opposite problem with 10, I love the construction, hate the presentation. I'd really love to see a photo of him leaning casually on his axe I voted for yours, mainly because it's unlike anything I've seen before for Lewa or otherwise, and I enjoy it.
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