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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. What a magnificent scene. 10/10 would nominate Mafia XXII for an Oscar! And oh, by the way... *rolls dice* ...voting Anung Un Rama, whoever the heck that is. With all these name changes, it's kinda hard to keep track of things.
  2. Killoe: As I return from futile quest for the livery stable I notice, with some surprise, the girl from the stagecoach approaching me. I immediately doff my hat and greet her with courtesy and a quick smile. "Good afternoon, señorita. My name is Dan Killoe, at your service."
  3. I would vote, and happily, only I'm dead.
  4. IC: [ Hammerlock ] - Onu-Koro / Wise Man's Archive An hour after-- (what would be, except we're underground) --daybreak... I'm on the move. Yadda yadda 'nough said. And about fifteen minutes later I'm rounding a quiet, mostly deserted street corner at the edge of town, coming into sight of the Wise Man's Archive. I'm just in time to see the front door swing open and smash a scrawny little Po-Matoran in the face, hopefully breaking his nose.
  5. IC: [ Hammerlock ] - Onu-Koro > LOGBOOK_ENTRY #0-001: This just announced... Exo-Matoran now available commercially to the public. Government, authority figures, military, appear to be retaining most legal design rights and schematics. Will try to learn more once I can. Important to understand strengths, weaknesses of new technology; particularly that of a military origin. How can one such as I continue to dominant on the battlefield? ...only by knowing and exploiting the loopholes. Market demand for Rahkshi armor, a key component of the Exo-Matoran, is already beginning to climb. Expect it will blow the top off the charts once word gets around... This was not an original aspect of my plans, but I sense financial opportunities revealing themselves. Rahkshi 'bounty hunting' will be lethal business. And lethal business is my business. - Hammerlock
  6. Shadowhawk - Prosecution: The Shadowhawk raises a hand, as if to imply casual objection, and drawls, "The prosecution concedes the point, fishers64. However, on behalf of said prosecution, I would like to bring notice to..." After a long moment of paper-shuffling, he pulls out what appears to be printed records of multiple text messages. "The following communications occurred between Mr. Venigard and Miss Sapphire, within a period of forty-eight hours prior to the murder. These documents have been obtained directly from the Higher Office of Omniscient Justice, which, as you are all well aware, monitors and records any and all electronic communications within the city. As per the Code of Legal Affairs, the prosecution is entitled to use these records as legal evidence in court." He waves the records in the air, and levels an accusing finger at the coldly attractive Ga-Matoran on the witness stand. "These government records prove, explicitly and without a doubt, that Mr. Venigard was well aware of... and furthermore, entirely supportive of... Miss Sapphire's nefarious intentions regarding her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Lekinson! In fact, it is apparent that it was actually Mr. Venigard who originally payed the 500,000 widget hire fee, but that he used his girlfriend as a 'middlematoran'. He transferred the money from his bank account, to hers; she was then able to hire the assassin. She and her boyfriend were accomplices-- allies-- in a crime of sickening severity, and as such, I hereby propose that both Mr. Venigard and Miss Sapphire be immediately charged with and convicted of premeditated, violent murder."
  7. Killoe: I grin at the woman and cheerfully tip my hat. "No cause for anger, ma'am! I meant to do that!" I kick the fragments of glass into a tidy pile against the foundation of the Sheriff's Office, holster my Repeater, and stroll away completely unabashed. Maybe I'll go find the livery stable. If there even is one in this wretched little town.
  8. OOC: Been feeling quite a bit better lately... and felt like it might be fun seeing things through the Hammerlock's eyes again, for a bit. Hence the useless -- IC: | Hammerlock | - Onu-Koro It takes three weeks of heavy manual labor in a warehouse to match the price tag on a brand-new iStone. And I suppose it'd take another three (or four) to pay for a custom Vortixx-built military-grade internal/external security retrofit, but I didn't have time for that. It would've been so much easier to knife people and loot their bloody corpses until I found what I was lookin' for, then skip town one step ahead of the Crab Cavalry. Only it wouldn't have been worth the risk. Crime don't pay, kiddos... unless you make it pay. And it would've been a rotten gamble with steep odds, a stacked deck, and a minimal payout. So I worked and worked, mindlessly, for what I wanted. Just like everybody else. And I got what I wanted, without doing jail time. Just like everybody else. And it was a good thing it only lasted three weeks, or I might've taken a chance on Option #2. But in the end, was it worth it? *click* *click-click-clack-click* You betcha. Now I can... ...conduct my business more efficiently. Which is of course the paramount consideration. I can... ...keep track of important dates and figures (like that hot Vortixx at the-- oh wait, wrong context... lol) ...calculate large numbers with unnatural speed. ...conduct combat operations more effectively using the map and compass functionality. ...type random notes about whatever I feel like. ...and probably other useful things as well. Tomorrow I am going to see if I can swindle a helmet and some weapons. There is a dead fly on the floor of my hotel room. I am going to remove it. It is untidy; I cannot tolerate untidiness. typing is fun sort of *click* ... I set the iStone on my desk and clean up the dead fly.
  9. Killoe: I'd like to speak with the newcomers, but they're obviously busy right now. No problem. I'm a Drifter; I can wait. I wander on up the street and around behind the Sheriff's Office. As I walk, I notice an empty whiskey bottle lying in the dust... Acting spontaneously, driven by reckless boredom, I grab it and throw it up into the air. Then I whip out my Repeater and begin firing as fast as possible, aiming for the spiraling center of mass.
  10. ^ This. Only I'd rewrite it as, "I like how anyone actually thinks anyone believes anyone in this game." Or anything, for that matter. IT'S ALL A PACK O' LIES!
  11. Voting Manducus. (for no real reason at all... hahaha gotta love dat RNG)
  12. Shadowhawk - Prosecution: "Your Honor! On behalf of the prosecution, I concede the above point, but would also like to note that--" *shuffles papers* *grimly locks eyes with Underscore* "---as further described within the full and complete statements of the noted 'party' of witnesses, Mr. Lekinson and Mr. Venigard did appear to strike a compromise and walk away from the scene... however, the said party of witnesses also agrees, and unanimously, that Mr. Lekinson and Mr. Venigard walked away from the scene of the argument together. As such, the 'evidence' put forth by the defense is useless in proving the alleged 'innocence' of Mr. Venigard... Obviously, Mr. Venigard was still in close proximity to Mr. Lekinson at the time of the murder, and thus remains under heavy, nay, excruciatingly weighty suspicion. Is it not quite probable that he was only seeming to agree to a compromise with Mr. Lekinson, and thereafter biding his time until he could take violent action against the life of said?" "Furthermore, I do hereby request that Mr. Underscore be removed from court, as per the Code of Legal Affairs, Section XVII, Clause II, which specifically prohibits the attorney, or attorneys, of the defense from selectively editing and/or censoring any and all statements, made under oath, of legit witnesses. Mr. Underscore, as I have just proven, blatantly neglected to inform the court of the exceedingly important detail just described, and thus slanted the apparent facts in the defendants' favor. Your Honor, it is my opinion that Mr. Underscore is a biased and untrustworthy scoundrel, concerned only with the defense of his client and not the due process of justice and legal action, and I petition that he be speedily removed from this court." "That is all."
  13. OOC: Maybe try PMing some of the players? ...I dunno.
  14. Wow, pretty nifty idea! I must try my hand at this... I'd prefer being on the prosecuting team, if there's a slot still available, but I'm willing to fit in wherever I'm needed.
  15. Killoe: "Looks like the stage rolled in, or somethin'," I remark casually, nodding out the window. And even as I'm speaking, I'm standing. A single quick motion; lithe and easy as an old coyote. Sliding the chair into place behind me, moving abruptly towards them swingin' double doors. "Thanks again for the grub, barkeep. I'll be seein' yuh later, I reckon." And then I'm on the boardwalk, and now I'm stepping down silently into the dusty street and towards the little group, tugging the brim of my hat a mite lower against the desert sun. Dark shadows pool deep across my eyes and cheekbones, filtering down into the heavy stubble on my jaw. My eyes cut swiftly from one new arrival to the next, pausing only, and even then only very briefly, on the young woman with the green eyes and the double six-guns.
  16. Name: Shadowhawk Gender: Male Element 1: Ice Element 2: Earth Other: (eh... I think Shadowhawk's personality/traits have already been fairly well established via Bionifight, Mafia, stories and whatever else... so I've nothing in particular to add here. You da writer, Tex; do as you see fit. =P) Role: Hunter, if a position's available.
  17. Hmm... another Onua here. So a fairly accurate result, I'm thinking. And I'm happy; Onua is definitely one of my most favorite Toa, in both Gen 1 and 2. How come we're not seeing any Gali people, I wonder?
  18. A little dash of ZMB makes everything better, eh? Slot 3, please.
  19. Killoe: I neatly arrange my empty plate, fork and mug on the table and then slouch lazily in my chair, enjoying the feeling of a full stomach. I'm in no hurry. Perhaps if I linger, something interesting will happen.
  20. No problem, bro. Real life > BZPower.
  21. You okay, Shawk? I was posting filler, O thou blind ignoramus, and lo! I e'en said as much. *strokes long white beard irritably* E: But yes, to answer your question, I'm perfectly fine. Just rather bored. =P
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