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Everything posted by Arzaki

  1. Is that silver/gray that looks pale gold in the light, or is that just painted gold?

  3. If you stop using Comic Sans, maybe I will. ;DComic Sans MS is so unproffesional My seventh grade science teacher had a poster with a picture of a terrorist saying "ban Comic Sans" Well my seventh grade science teacher set a table on fire >:3 On purpose. It was fun.
  4. Maybe he always DID have the power of turning into protodites, but didn't know how, kind of like a Toa and his/her mask. Perhaps when he realized that "oh , I'm so dead" his body reacted by itself and activated his ability, which he didn't know he had. I think that's kind of similar to how and when Vakama found his mask power. He was fighting Makuta, and he probably knew he was totally screwed. His mind and body reacted by themselves and caused him to use his mask power of invisibility. I'm so tempted to make a game theory reference here ._.
  5. How do you make battler sprites move in VX Ace?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Toatapio Nuva

      Toatapio Nuva

      There are scripts for sprite movement, you should check the RPG Maker forums. And sure, borrow the fight system. It's not made by me though.

    3. Arzaki


      What is the name of the script and who is it by?

    4. Arzaki


      So, I'm trying to make a game with ace, not a Bionicle game, but do you mind helping me with puzzles? My dungeon is a bit bland right now, and is needing a puzzle or two.

  6. It appears that you have totally owned the Bohrok-Kal. That probably took a while.
  7. Well that only answers a part of my question, But if they didnt have any knowledge about robotics, then how did nuparu made the boxor? He slapped some metal on metal and put a bit of Krana juice on it as glue, and voila! You got yourself a fighting mech thingy!
  8. Well, I once actually somehow many managed to break off a BALL JOINT. Not the socket piece, a legit BALL JOINT. Like the ones on a Toa Metru waist. And every figure and after them. I was sad, because it was a bright red one, and I think only two sets have that color.
  9. I guess I'll try to make some sounds. You might hear my computer's fan in the background, but it's pretty faint. Edit: Here are 5 sounds I quickly recorded.
  10. I don't know why, but I seem good at making animal noises. Want to me to give the Rahkshi sounds a try? I might not be able to record the sound, though. I'm not sure. I can also do a pretty good parrot sound. And overall daytime ambiance animal noises.
  11. I'm inspired to make a game following the events of Tale of the Toa. I know MNOG kinda did that, but not from the perspective of the Toa.
  12. Well. I decided to change my name to Flamewing Studios. I created a really quick logo in paint.net for it. I think it's decent.

  13. I am not going to have rocks that look like gemstones, though. If the attack had looked like the crystals we see all over Onu-Koro there wouldn't be a problem, but as it is my attack graphic is a slab of dirt-colored rock. Blending it with any other color doesn't look right. If it was oil it would also contain other properties than mostly pure water does, and be less transparent. From a gameplay perspective the issue is also that the liquid is not really transparent at this point, and that it will potentially look too similar to the graphics of poison and/or acid. The visible part of fire emits light and heat, with the wavelength and some other things determining the color. Depending on the temperature of the flame and the material which is being burned, you can create flames of many colors. Copper sulphate, for example, will produce a green flame; while a blowtorch's flame is blue. Cursed fire being green, blue or violet (essentially any color not covered by regular firewood, actually) is a common sight in fiction, so I'm not sure which type of green fire you are referring to specifically. The Cursed Flame from Terraria is the first that springs to mind at the moment. I wasn't really thinking about all that at a game perspective. I should probably do that next time The Cursed Flame of Terraria is indeed what I was referencing to.
  14. Yay! This is still with VX Ace, right? How did you manage to get all 6 Toa in the battles? I haven't actually played it yet, but I will be playing it in about 2 minutes.
  15. I haven't posted here for a darn long time ._. Anyway, colored attacks are awesome. Incoming nerd rant-ish thing. I remember you saying something about green rocks? You do know that rocks and dirt and stuff can be pretty much any color, right? In a way, ores are rocks, and copper ore is a teal-ish color. There's also likely tons more of green earth-y objects. Gems might also count as being a rock, and amethyst can be pink, I would assume. Heck, diamonds could be pink. Aquamarine has several different colors. I'm also pretty sure someone said something about water only being a select few colors. Toa of Water can control almost all liquids, right? Not just water, I think. That certain yellow liquid probably doesn't exist in the Bionicle universe, so ignore that. Water is naturally clear, or green-blue. Or maybe the green-blue is because of the ocean floor. I'm not sure, but still. Anyway, if Toa of Water can control almost any liquid, couldn't they control, for example oil? Crude oil comes in almost EVERY color known. Crude oil can also be found under oceans, and if a Toa of Water manages to control a lot of water above the oil pocket, it would cause a current upward, possibly dragging sand and loose particles with the water, maybe revealing the oil, and the oil might mingle with the water, causing it to change color. Or I'm just ranting on about impossible stuff. Someone also said that fire can be every color, I think. I'm not sure if that's true, and heck, everything I just typed could be false. Fire being every color could just be because yellow fire might be in front of blue fire, for example, giving the illusion of green fire. Unless the fire is cursed. If you get that reference, cookies for you. Again, I'm not sure about the fire. I wouldn't be too surprised if it can be every color. And don't take this as me saying something like "you stoop bro," because I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that a lot of matter can be almost any color. As I've said a few times, I could be completely wrong about this. My knowledge of elemental powers is a bit rusty.
  16. Two things: One, I assume you mean "an" engineer? Two, "I'm an engineer, not a poet." You should've said that, seeing as your username is Nuparu and that's one of his quotes. I should have! Maybe I can make a banner for that... Yes. So much yes. That banner is just.... yes.
  17. Two things: One, I assume you mean "an" engineer? Two, "I'm am engineer, not a poet." You should've said that, seeing as your username is Nuparu and that's one of his quotes.
  18. I think there's like a big strip of special lightstone across the top of the dome. Two curved stone strips or something move slowly and isolate sections of the lightstone strip. Like: ::: = stone strip thing L = lightstone ::(L):::: :::::::: ::::::: And the ::::: strips move, which cover and show bits of lightstone. If the ::::: strips do not exist you would basically just see: LLLLL LLLL LLLL across the "sky." A bit confusing to get what the heck I'm talking about, but I think that's how it works.
  19. The battle map thingy reminds me a bit of Disgaea. Seems legit.
  20. Inappropriate language removed. -B6 I don't exactly see how that's inappropiate, but I'll reword that for you anyway. *LE MELTS FROM FAN-NESS* Inappropriate language removed. -B6 *LE MELTS FROM MORE FAN-NESS*
  21. When did I get 5 stars? o.O

    1. Arzaki


      Am I just trippin'?

  22. It's like MS paint, but better.
  23. I see this thread turning into a battleground for admins and GE arguing. I see it in my crystal ball.
  24. I have an orange fikou.

    1. Arzaki


      Probably not going to sell it or trade it, though...

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