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Everything posted by Arzaki

  1. Those silverware weapons were pure gold. Err, goldware.
  2. Are you on the Custom Bionicle channel on Yotube?

    1. Ghidora131
    2. Ghidora131


      OKAY! I admit it! I'm the janitor! YOU PULLED IT OUT OF ME YOU BULLY!

  3. Well, apparently "poo" is a Matoran word.
  4. This is one of the most amazing things I've ever read. Also, if you don't mind, can I turn this into an actual game? I think it would be the funnest thing ever to actually play.
  5. This seems interesting. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
  6. Too bad I don't like pomegranates that much. Would totally have eaten you by now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arzaki
    3. Ghidora131


      You should have seen Banana guns you two could start a FRUIT REVOLUTION!!!

    4. Pomegranate
  7. If only life knew....
  8. Oh hey I changed my name.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      The display name is real

    2. Arzaki


      The display name is love, the display name is life.

    3. Ghidora131


      I thought it was Sherk...

  9. I finally watched your Starbomb videoes. Am I late?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Kakaru



    3. Arzaki


      Well, Kakaru is definitely a Grump. All I had to do was look at mycaruba in your location and I knew. I'm going to assume that you are Danny.

    4. Arzaki


      No idea if Arin or Danny is/are reading this, but gratz to Dan for pwning Arin twice :P

  10. I've gotten die, kukato, noo, lipo, tuna, dine, leo, wahi, toga, vaki, Tahu, kokane, and dino.
  11. I think Whenua did that occasionally. Oh wait, you mean BZP members? I've done a few times. I was dissapointed that all the links are broken though.
  12. Under most cases, the prints I've made do have something of a grain to them anyways just because of the way 3D printing works. However ordering it in polished plastic seems to get rid of this at the expense of dulling some of the sharper features. (eg: the mask code) That being said, I think injection moulding might still be a better option, if not cheaper. I also forgot to mention is that, at least with the home-grade 3D printer that I'm familiar with, I don't think you can do multiple colors.
  13. This seems pretty interesting. Also, just so you guys know, you can get your own 3D printer. They'd probably take 5 to 7 hours to print something the size of the mask, unless it's almost paper thin. The bad thing is that the area where the model is touching the plane that the printer is printing on might have a grill pattern, but you can remove that.
  14. This seems pretty cool. A few questions, though. Is it going to be purely multiplayer, or is there going to be a "story mode" or something like that? I do like how to took some liberties with the design of the characters, especially the rahkshi's claws, and those masks look absolutely amazing. Speaking of masks, do you plan on adding the nobles, or any other masks?
  15. Oh hey I posted another game. Shameless self-advertisement.

  16. So, I noticed like half an hour ago that there's a bunch of gears under my avatar in my post that I've never seen before. I looked at other people's posts and there were gears there, too. I haven't seen any articles on the front page about them or anything in the compendium, and I was curious, so I posted a topic here. Thanks.
  17. The Sky's Scar So, here we go. The Sky's Scar is an oldschool-ish RPG that I've created using RPG Maker VX Ace. It's like the 5th or 6th game I've tried making with it, the first of which is also on this forum, but it really sucked. Anyway, I think I've finally more or less mastered RPG Maker, and I've decided to share one of my games with the BZP community. The game is currently basically in a demo stage, with maybe a little over an hour of gameplay, if you know what you're doing. At the moment, there is no definitive ending, you just end up in the world map and you can explore if you want. You can even enter the third dungeon, but it's really just a big room as of right now. The plot is kinda meh, but I'm more focused on gameplay than plot. I do also the limitation of the game being appropiate for all ages, so there's another excuse. The village you start in is also unfinished, as most houses you can't enter, but I'm not focused on those sorts of things. Anyway, I will stop wasting your time now. Downloads: V 1.0 Screenshots here. CREDITS: RPG Maker VX Ace: Enterbrain Music: Enterbrain Gyrowolf Aaron Krogh RyanA Kairi Sawler Scythuz Sinakhai Jeremiah George Item Icons: Enterbrain Ying The Infamous Bon Bon Myself Character Sprites: Enterbrain Myself Tile Textures: Enterbrain Myself Animations: Enterbrain Myself Scripts: Yanfly Vlue Woratana Mr. Bubbles Tomy Fomar0153 Thanks a ton for checking out my game. If you have questions or feedback, please post them. Another thing, be as brutally honest as you need to be. If you sugarcoat everything, then how will I make my game better?
  18. Arzaki


    This is just pure gold. See what I did there?
  19. The book Makuta's Revenge also hints toward Lehvak Kal stealing Onua's symbol.
  20. The next boss is a swarm of Gahlok. Wasn't the mine still flooded during the Bohrok Kal storyline? The boss could be one of the Kal. Good point. The boss is Lehvak Kal. Why Lehvak? He is the one who stole Onua's Nuva symbol. Oh. Makes sense.
  21. The next boss is a swarm of Gahlok. Wasn't the mine still flooded during the Bohrok Kal storyline? The boss could be one of the Kal. Good point. The boss is Lehvak Kal. Why Lehvak?
  22. The next boss is a swarm of Gahlok. Wasn't the mine still flooded during the Bohrok Kal storyline? The boss could be one of the Kal.
  23. I imagine that if I add Makuta as playable characters at any point, they will also be available by default, and have mechanics very similar to other characters. In the story they are rather overpowered, but we have seen that they are "easily" destroyed so long as you can breach their armor. Currently Makuta are just planned to be boss-type enemies in my game.Speaking of bosses, is there a chance that you'll add something like the Kardas Dragon or the Rahi-Nui?
  24. I just tried it out and have been playing for a few minutes. Best thing so far is the ladder-climbing animation. For sure.
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