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Kovika: Visorak Lord

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Status Updates posted by Kovika: Visorak Lord

  1. Call an exterminator! A wild beast is on the loose!

    1. Ghidora131


      Not again...


      *grabs flyswatter*

  2. REMINDER: Civil War submissions are due in 4 hours! Be sure to get them in!

  3. UPDATE: To all participating in the Civil War, the deadline to submit your profiles via PM is Friday at 2400 hours Central Time. That is all.

  4. I'm considering doing a modded playthorugh of Morrowind. Any suggestions?

    1. Ghidora131
    2. Kovika: Visorak Lord

      Kovika: Visorak Lord

      That's only for Skyrim. I said I'm doing Morrowind.

  5. Welp, today's my birthday. Y'know, it's funny. You never really know how far yer going to make it until you've reached the end of something.

    1. Tahu3.0


      HAPPY B DAY!!!

  6. Note: When all submissions are sent, I will send out a notification. I'll let all of those participating in the Civil War know if we need to balance out the teams. Updates will usually come through these status updates if it is a small message. If something major needs to be relayed, I'll talk via the Pm's I sent.

  7. Kay. All who got a message, You've got as long as you need to reply.

  8. I haven't updated this in so long. What should I put here?

    1. Ghidora131


      Say "Experiencing technical diffuclties. Please press the stalemate resolution button."

  9. It's the Month of Ice. Any suggestions as to somethig I should do to celebrate?

    1. Ghidora131


      Go ice-skating?

      Make an ice sculpture?

      MOC Kopaka?

    2. Petewa


      I don't know what you'll do, but I'm drawing a bunch of your interdimensional counterparts.

    3. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      I'll draw you, along with everything (or everyone) else I promised to sprite and draw

  10. Riddle: If you know me, you'll want to share me. But if you share me, I'll be gone. What am I?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131


      DING DING DING Jakura is the winner!



      Although I was hoping for a dishwasher...

    3. Kovika: Visorak Lord

      Kovika: Visorak Lord

      Jakura wins...

      Nothing. No prize.

    4. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      The fact that I was right is prize enough for me.

  11. Would you rather: Box a tarakava? OR Be forced to spend a weekend on the Red Star with some insane Kestora?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Same. Won't drive me insane

    3. Petewa


      I mean, technically if you chose to spend that weekend, you wouldn't be forced to do so.


      Argument invalidated.

    4. Ghidora131


      You'd change your mind in a day, however.


      Then you'd be forced.

  12. If you could turn into any rahi for a day, which would that be?

    1. McNugget


      That intelligent shapeshifting one.

    2. Ghidora131
    3. Petewa
  13. Today is a day of mourning, a day of sadness. My heart goes out to those who have been hurt in France tonight. Peace be on their souls.

  14. Yay! Name change!

    1. Bonkle


      Geez, everyone but me is changing their name. Maybe it's my turn.

  15. Hmm... Should I get a professional camera for stop-motion films? Or save up to eventually buy all of the 2015 sets?

    1. Arzaki


      You could also get a job and get both.


      No, that's not meant to be insulting.

    2. Ghidora131


      Get a job?


      Arzaki, are you insinuating that he gets a LIFE?

  16. Ain't going to get to Brickfair. Checked calendar. Sucks.

  17. Ain't going to get to Brickfair. Checked calendar. Sucks.

    1. Ghidora131


      Man, you missed TWO brickfairs according to your status.

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      I've missed every Brickfair but I might go to the one in Dallas

  18. I'll be mostly offline for the next three weeks. Grades are low and I can't be active until then. Take care.

    1. Ghidora131


      We'll miss you *starts partying*

    2. Kovika: Visorak Lord

      Kovika: Visorak Lord

      Eh, one more week to do a bunch of extra credit. Might be off again for another three weeks, maybe not.

      And don't party without me. I'm the musician here, it's rude.

    3. Ghidora131


      *parties anyway*


      Read my epic, when you have the chance.

  19. After a trip to Galveston, a GameCon, and some work I had to do for the upcoming school year, I'm back. (Probably.)

    1. Ghidora131


      *preps torture devices*


      Hon Hon Hon

    2. Petewa


      To quote someone, "UGLY!"

  20. Going to Galveston till' Thursday, I'll have a mobile so I'll be posting this time.

  21. Going until Thursday. I'll be around to post this time.

  22. Heads Up: From 11 hours from now until Saturday, I will be gone on a camping trip and unavaliable at that time. Hope I don't get eaten by bears or Dragon!

    1. McNugget


      Yeah, I forgot to eat you it appears...

  23. What's not funny and has very creepy profile pictures?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McNugget


      Hmm... Does it Start With G, and End with 131?

    3. Dane-gerous


      I would say, but he would gut me.

    4. Ghidora131
  24. Anyone know that the velocity of an unladen swallow is?

    1. Dane-gerous


      African or European?

    2. Ghidora131


      ...Kovika, you sentence Is a little completely confusing. I get the reference, but... #Grammarz

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