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The Forgotten Chronicler

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Status Updates posted by The Forgotten Chronicler

  1. Can you draw? I'm holding a mini contest to see who can draw fan art of me. Yes, you can include Kasha. Yes, I do prefer to have Kasha in the picture with me. Yes, you can draw me and Kasha doing that. You can do it on whatever you want (online or pencil). Yes, you can draw me as ultimate Geha. Go ahead and draw Kasha the same way. Any other questions?

    1. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Oh, and no, I don't want to be Optimus Prime

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      The winner gets... I don't know. The glory of winning? Gets put in my game? Put in my comics, or epic? That's up to you

    3. The Forgotten Chronicler
  2. If anyone owns an Xbox 360/One and owns Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition and has done and completed The Kings Fall Raid, please notify me

    1. Dane-gerous


      There's no backwards compatibility between the One and 360.

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      I own the game on both consoles. But I'll be selling the 360 version upon the release of The Rise of Iron

  3. Well, fight your way over here. Then we’ll be on with our climatic final duel, or whatever you want to call it

    1. Arzaki


      ill fite you irl m8


      1v1 me m8

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Very well. *summons The Infinity Blade* Although it will be a shame to see you dead

  4. 4 Days left

    1. Tahu3.0
    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      That, and whoever drew for my mini contest (no one)

  5. 3 years on BZP! Who-hoo! But most importantly.... HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!

    1. Bonkle


      You Texans really value your independence, huh? :P


      (Happy 4th of July, in your timezone anyway)

    2. Tahu3.0


      Happy late 4rth of July Geha.

  6. So who has been waiting for Kasha to become Geha's girlfriend?

  7. So... Yup I got noten. Might as well do a comedy series like Pete and Bonklé

    1. Bonkle


      Why do I get the fancy thing on the 'e' in my name? I actually kinda like that.

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      I don't know. Jut had the the thought of Pokémon. There's your new nick name and your welcome

  8. List of things to do: Make birthday comic for Shadow, Make overdue comic for the KF, make prototype epic chapter

    1. Bonkle


      List of things to do: Stay on BZP all day and wait for TFC to post this awesome stuff!

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Aww... Thanks man! Unfortunately, my comic are going to be down for a bit longer. :P

  9. The blade you hold - do you know what it means? What it's capable of? No - I see you are merely a puppet. Come then — it is time for one of us to truly die.

    1. Tahu3.0


      Lava Blades are wonderful weapons.


    1. McNugget





  11. 1 Day left.

    1. Bonkle


      I've overslept! It's been two days!

  12. "I walked into this party; everyone I had ever met was there, and people were drinking like it was the end of the world..." "...I walked down to the basement, they had a pool table in the basement. One dude took a running start, and threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half. Another kid found out which room was Mr. Magnimerra's and took a poop on his computer. So the party was going great!"

    1. Bonkle


      "Because it's the one thing you can't replace."

  13. Sheesh... Been awhile since I've been on. How's everyone been?

    1. Tahu3.0


      Sorry for being late well I've been fine but what about you it's been some time.

  14. I don't know anymore. Anything could be on my mind. You tell me

  15. You know, it’s almost nostalgic watching how much you grow over the years

  16. Huh. I finally found this after a month of trying to access the old URL

  17. The second half of the 5th episode in my comics has been released! Also, expect a new epic chapter soon

  18. Anyone up for Vault of Glass or Kings Fall?

  19. Oh, you're not talking; I thought you weren't being annoying.

  20. Wow, I can't believe how good at MOCing I am.

  21. Everyone get on the floor, everyone do the Dinosaur!

  22. I'm back and feeling better than ever!

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