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Posts posted by N.S.M.8

  1. Yeah the color(Or lack of color) Black is still a reflection of light off the object appearing black. Since light cannot reflect off a Black hole it can't actually be black. While agreed they are not technically transparent what are they then? I know from what I've seen and read(Avid Science/Discovery/Nasa/etc. channel watcher) Black holes cannot actually be seen; however their effect on the surrounding area can. For example the radiation the hole vomits back out. Also measuring the gravitational pull of nearby celestial bodies such as stars. So that is why I purposed the question what would one see if one opened in front of them? I mean what did everyone see what the Bohrok imploded into a micro black hole? Did they even see anything or did he just swirl out of existence like water down a drain?


    It is a weird concept since most actual black holes we know exist do so in the darkness of space. Being black to the visual eye black holes do as well. In the case of what Bones said with the "Besides that they show up as a distorted black region when something passes behind them". I theorize that is due to the space around the hole being black due to you know being in space.


    So a black hole would show a distorted image of whatever passes behind it?

    Something that reflects no light (like a black hole) would actually appear black.  Black is the result of no color (light) being reflected.  


    Scientists have tried to create a substance that is "truly" black (reflects NO light): this is the closest that they have gotten.  

  2. Here's a question, then: why does the Golden Armor look exactly the same as the default form of the Adaptive Armor? Surely it would be designed to fit the original, unarmored Tahu Mata, not Tahu wearing armor which didn't even yet exist?


    My thoughts are that possibly

    a) Artahka based the default form of the Adaptive Armor off of the Golden Armor of legend, or

    b) The Adaptive Armor did not take on its default form but a form similar to the Golden Armor, to allow Tahu to easily don it, or

    c) It actually shouldn't, it's just that the set approximations make it seem like it.

    I think it's choice B, but I don't know if there is an official answer.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Note also that it's incorrect that we don't know where black holes are. Besides that they show up as a distorted black region when something passes behind them, we can see their accretion disks (when they have them). They are not just mathematical theories anymore than wind is.


    As for the gravity Kal, the black hole was generated by a power and once the source of the power was crushed, it would instantly evaporate, not due to Hawking radiation but because the gravitons themselves stop being generated by the elemental power. That would be enough to save the planet... what else gets saved depends on timing, though. I always thought the comic portrayal had it last way too long for the cavern and surroundings to survive. I portrayed a more realistic version in the Paracosmos. :)

    I get to correct bonesiii on physics!?  Let's make this count.  (and triple-check it, so I don't make a fool out of myself)


    First, as far as I can tell, the black hole created by Nuhvok-Kal was not a separate object created by his gravity.  He was transformed INTO a black hole by being compressed.  At this point, he no longer needs to use his power to sustain the gravity; his body's natural gravity is enough.


    Any object can become a black hole by reducing it's volume and keeping it's mass constant (and increasing it's density).  The amount of compression required to become a black hole is given by Schwarzschild's Radius formula:  



    where R is Schwarzschild's Radius (the radius that, if all the mass of an object were to be compressed inside that radius, the object would become a black hole),

    G is the universal gravitational constant,

    and c is the speed of light.


    The mass of Nuhvok-Kal is unknown, so we can't calculate the radius.  We can assume, however, that Nuhvok-Kal shrunk himself to that size and became a black hole.  At this point, his elemental power being active or not is meaningless, as he is a natural (and tiny) black hole.  At this small of a size, Hawking Radiation would eliminate the Black Hole relatively quickly (compared to black holes of a more realistic mass).

    • Upvote 3

    I mean could you even see or tell one was right in front of you? If light supposedly cannot escape it then there would be no indication anything was there


    that's kinda why they're called black holes, the void of light makes them show up... black.


    That's assuming that it is large enough to see.  I doubt a black hole made by compressing Nuhvok-Kal would be be visible.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Well did you factor in the Planet's rotation And thus the resistance of bouncing back and forth in his own tunnel? 

    At this point, he basically a large ball of plasma.  If the planet rotated (which it will) he wouldn't carve a tunnel toward the core.  He would instead burrow a curved path away from the core.

  6. I dug out my old physics textbook to write this.  To make my life easier, this analysis assumes that Pahrak-Kal's plasma negates the resistance of the planet, and that he fell directly through the planet's axis of rotation.

    When Pahrak-Kal initially loses control of his powers he is moving at zero meters per second. (duh)
    He is accelerating downward at a constant rate of g.  On Earth this is 9.8 meters per second per second, but I do not know it's value on Aqua Magna.  We will leave it as g.  

    His speed when reaching the core is defined as vf2 = vi2 + (2g)(s).  v= 0, so it's just the square root of 2gs.  s is the distance from the surface to the core.  I don't know the value, so we leave it as s.

    Now, leaving the core his acceleration is -g and the initial and final speeds are flipped.  Everything else remains the same.  So, how far does he travel on the way back? We have another equation.  Accounting for gravity giving a negative acceleration:
    vf2 = vi2 - (2g)(s|), where  s| is the distance he travels past the core.  

    This time v= 0, and v= sqrt(2gs). so we get 0 = vi2  - (2g)(s|).  This simplifies to  vi = 2g(s|), then (sqrt(2gs))2 = 2g(s|).  The square cancels out the square root and you get  2gs = 2g(s|).  Divide both sides by 2g and we find out that with no resistance gravity ensures that Pahrak-Kal stops EXACTLY as far away from the core as he started, only on the other side.  

    The process then repeats, with him falling back toward the robot.

    When we factor in the resistance of the planet on the first pass, as well as air resistance on all of the others; s gets smaller and smaller each time, until he settles in the center.  

    ...Until of course, we realize that he never passes the center because the planet is rotating...

    THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is why Greg doesn't bother with real-world physics.

    • Upvote 5
  7. Fair enough. It is very possible that upon striking the core at an increased speed due to his own falling velocity added to the increase gravity of approaching the core could repel him much the same way scientist today use the gravitational pull of the outer planets to speed up their satellite for deep space exploration. So he could have "bounced" off the core and proceeded to try and escape the planet out the other side.


    Still I think that due to the effects of gravity we may be talking black hole style. Where the closer you get to the center the faster you fall and the less chance you have to get out. Not to mention that you have to factor in not only the gravity at Aqua Magna's core but the sheer pressure of having the entirety of the planet on top of him. You know the law of Motion: "An object in motion will remain in motion until met with an equal or greater force." So adding in the weight pushing on his body times the force of gravity I still don't see him getting very far from the core once he finally reaches it.

    If Aqua Magna is a sphere (which it might not be):


  8. Not sure myself but maybe he is the core now? Well Until Aqua Magna returned to Spheres Magna that is. I mean it begs the question "How far can you go into the woods?" answer "Half way. And further and you'd be walking back out." This train of though works for a planet as well. Seeing as how you cannot fall up. Stands to reason that if he was falling due to the planet's gravity that he would continue to fall until he hit the center of gravity for the planet. Now seeing as how he was "burning" and possibly "Spinning" one could say that if Aqua Magna did not yet have a Molten core(It had a core of some kind already as the planet has an exact center of gravity) It does now in the form of Pahrak-Kal.

    While he would eventually end up in the center, it would not happen the way you said it would, assuming real physics.  I know that real physics don't apply in Bionicle but... oh, why not.


    He would actually fall past the center of Aqua Magna and continue toward the other side of the planet.  As he did this, however, gravity would be pulling him back toward the center and his speed would decrease until he stopped near (BUT NOT QUITE AT) the other side of the planet.  Then, he would fall back toward the center.  Once again he would pass the center, and continue toward the surface, this time toward Mata Nui.  Once again he would slow down and stop before he reached the surface, but it would happen EVEN SOONER THAN LAST TIME.  This would keep happening, until he eventually settled at the core.


    It doesn't really change your conclusion, but the way you came to it didn't make much sense.




    Why couldn't Pahrak have just melted? Too violent for kids or something? 

    Well, seeing that there isn't a molten core of Aqua Magna, he couldn't have melted. Instead he sat in his hole for all of eternity, or was crushed by the gravity, depending on how deep he made it and how strong his Bohrok-Kal armor was. 


    Uh, out of control plasma power = melting. 


    Wasn't it sort of implied that his armor would be tough enough to resist his own element?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under that impression. 


    It was meant to resist his own element at it's natural power level, not the power he had when he was full of the energy from the Nuva Symbols.

    • Upvote 1
  10. We now have more information about this post.

    Origional Post

    I know the topic of romance in Bionicle has been one which you have probably been beaten over the head with countless times, but i recently decided to share my two cents on the topic.   Romance in living animals exists for the rather singlular purpose of reproduction, and that is not something that exists within the Matoran species.  Plus this is a childrens toy and its probably best to stay as far from a topic like that as possible.  However, i feel that the relationships included in some of the older books offer a good reason to include the EMOTION of love at least.  Take the relationship between Nokama and Matau (or rather how Matau acts towards Nokama) for example. Normally he is a very confident character, sort of full of himself, but in the older books he has a major soft-spot for Nokama specifically. He is very protective of her, and is shy of his feelings. I know that these scenes are now non-canon, but i feel that choice threw away some really unique character building. Without those scenes, Matau is sort of a one-dimensional over-confident dude (no offense), but with them he gets that crutial extra bit of depth that makes his character that little bit more interesting.

    You could argue that Matau/Nokama relationship is just one of very close friendship, but i think that at least leaving it open to enterpretation would make it a little more interesting. It is more fun and engaging for the reader to have two characters that you can't quite tell whether or not they are more than friends, than to have two characters that you know exactly what sort of relationship they have.  That unknown factor can spawn discussion, and ultimately that is a good thing (most of the time). 


    So i guess my real question is this; 


    Would you ever consider reinstating love (outwith what a sort of brother/sister love) as a thing that the Matoran kind can experience? 

    Not romantic love, no.

    Follow Up

    That said, though -- you are now going to have MU inhabitants exposed to the concept on SM. So there is no telling what effect that might have.

    New Information



    Well, it turns out the fanabse is taking that and running with it as far as confirmation goes.


    Just to be absolutely clear - Are you saying it'd merely be interesting to see if Matoran observation will have any affect on them? Or that Matoran can now love as an Agori or a human can?


    (I figure it's the former, but people love to read into things so I just wanna make sure)

    That kind of a behavioral shift is not going to happen in weeks or months. What I am saying is that they are going to have a new emotion and new relationships to observe. It might just be something they find interesting, or it might be something someone down the line tries to emulate. If you assume their AI allows them to learn behavior, will they learn this one? I don't know. But it is not something that is going to happen right away.

    Make of this what you want.



    Which is more canon? The one out-of-story source that existed on one obscure webpage? Or the repeated depiction of the robot in multiple forms of media? Believe me, I've checked, and no story source ever addresses the dimensions of the island, so I have every reason to question the legitimacy of the number used here.

    Which is more canon? Let's look to precedent:

    1. Which is more canon?  A webgame that wasn't approved by the story team that said that the Toa Kaita defeated the Manas by destroying their heating towers, or a book that WAS approved by the story team and published later that claims that the Toa Kaita defeated the Manas by freezing them.  It turns out that the old, obscure, (at the time) out-of-story webgame won this one. (Although the book's insistance that there were only two Manas is also canon, so it is arguably a tie.)
    2. Which is more canon?  That same same book, which claims that the Toa defeated their shadowy counterparts by using their unity, or the "Encyclopedia Updated" published four years later that claims that the Toa absorbed their shadowy counterparts.  It turns out that the NEW, obscure, out of story encyclopedia one this one.

    hmm... The date of the publishing doesn't seem to have an affect, but in both situations an obscure, out-of-story canon source CHANGED what was present in Story Team Approved work...


    Okay, you're getting it backwards now. Hapka didn't always adhere to the story team's decisions--this has been stated time and time again. Research this. ;) Kaita freezing the manas and Toa using unity to defeat their shadows was HAPKA'S decision, not necessarily the story team's. It's not the date I'm talking about--it's the mouth/hand by which the info was delivered that's questionable. I never said anything about the date being more definitive. 


    It's late and my sarcasm filters were shutting down when I wrote that, but let's get two things straight.  


    From BS01: 

    The book provides another explanation of how the Toa Mata received their Golden Kanohi - they place all of their Kanohi on statues at the Kini-Nui, and their Golden Masks then appear on the statues. In both the Mata Nui Online Game and the BIONICLE: Quest for the Masks Trading Card Game, the Toa collected their Golden Masks from their Suva after placing all their Kanohi on them. As the book was approved by the story team, however, and neither the online game nor the trading card game were, the book's explanation is seen as more canon.

    Hapka's book WAS approved by the story team... in 2003.  They didn't really care about 2001 anymore and just let stuff slide through.  


    I actually agree with you about the dates; I only brought it up to prove that it was meaningless.  I purposely picked two examples where an out-of-story factoid canonically replaced an in story fact.  

    • Upvote 1


    1. With the (canon) size of the head, we can calculate the (canon?) size of the robot.  The concept art has nothing to do with it.

    How many heads tall is the robot?


    It's kind of heard to tell, but it seems to be around 10-12 heads, with each head being smaller than the island of Mata Nui.  If we grow the heads so that all of the island fits on it, and use my larger estimate (12 heads), we get a maximum size of 5869.08 km or 19,255,511.81 feet.  That's less than half of the 40,000,000 feet from Reign of Shadows.


    Which is more canon? The one out-of-story source that existed on one obscure webpage? Or the repeated depiction of the robot in multiple forms of media? Believe me, I've checked, and no story source ever addresses the dimensions of the island, so I have every reason to question the legitimacy of the number used here.

    Which is more canon? Let's look to precedent:

    1. Which is more canon?  A webgame that wasn't approved by the story team that said that the Toa Kaita defeated the Manas by destroying their heating towers, or a book that WAS approved by the story team and published later that claims that the Toa Kaita defeated the Manas by freezing them.  It turns out that the old, obscure, (at the time) out-of-story webgame won this one. (Although the book's insistance that there were only two Manas is also canon, so it is arguably a tie.)
    2. Which is more canon?  That same same book, which claims that the Toa defeated their shadowy counterparts by using their unity, or the "Encyclopedia Updated" published four years later that claims that the Toa absorbed their shadowy counterparts.  It turns out that the NEW, obscure, out of story encyclopedia one this one.

    hmm... The date of the publishing doesn't seem to have an affect, but in both situations an obscure, out-of-story canon source CHANGED what was present in Story Team Approved work...

    • Upvote 1

    Mata Nui Rising (3150 km) is canon.  

    Um... What? 


    Someone, explain why this is even brought up.


    First, it was a concept idea that was confirmed to be non-canon, and all we ever saw in the MNR animation was a big robot pushing up through an island. Nowhere besides concept art has this number ever shown up.


    Second, 40 million has shown up many times in canon, where the other NEVER did.


    So, tell me how you rationalize a non-canon number being canon. (If it already was mentioned, I apologize for missing it. See, Fishers and Bonesii are two of the few making any sense in this topic. The rest of you are bouncing around so much, cluttering your posts with all of the same. So if it was mentioned, I probably skipped over the post containing it because the author of said post fell into that second category. Just saying.)



    This can be explained in four steps (again).  If you choose to skip over it (again), that is not on us.

    1. Mata Nui Rising is a canon video.  You did not attempt to dispute this.
    2. We know that the canon size of the island of Mata Nui is 489.09 km x 243.86 km.  (This seems to be the part that you missed!)
    3. We know that the island (of a fixed canon size) is supposed to cover Mata Nui's face.  This allows us to calculate the size of the head shown in the (canon) video.
    4. With the (canon) size of the head, we can calculate the (canon?) size of the robot.  The concept art has nothing to do with it.

    Whew... please don't make me re-explain this for the 5th time today.  It's a bit annoying.  


    Using the (undisputably) canon size of the island of Mata Nui gives us the size of the robot shown in the canon video.  This makes that size canon as of the release date of that video.  Greg Later gave us a different number which is ALSO canon.  


    I'm not trying to dispute one number over the other; I'm trying to get people to acknowledge that there is a conflict in two canon sources.  We have had canon conflict before, why is this any different?

    • Upvote 3


    Therefore, we have a too large a robot for our planet, Watson. Therefore, we either have to shrink our bot or grow the planet. I prefer the "grow the planet" theorem because I like my giant robots to be giant robots, prefer the bonesiii formerly amazing gravity absorption theory because I'm lazy, resist change, and put little stock in LMB Greg who has also said other things I don't agree with. But that's all my taste (still). But it is backed up by Greg himself who said that previous answers take precedent, the 40 million was a previous answer, that wins. End of problem.


    But if you take Greg's interpretations of gravity to be canon, then Bara Magna can only be slightly larger than Earth size, which means that having a 40 million foot tall robot land on its surface and engage in combat with a 27 million foot tall robot is a fundamental impossibility. We have two canon "facts" that are at odds with each other. That's why I go back to precedent. But it gives that "foot in the door" to the taste to shrink the robot. That taste is immovable obstacle - I'm not going to suddenly make you like the 40 million foot tall robot, no?


    I figured that nobody would listen to me anyway because everyone wants to shrink the robot. Or at least, a strong majority. And as long as the taste barrier exists, the true voice of reason will always fall on deaf ears. (Just like in Cat in the Hat with the fish.)



    Okay, first off, this is bonesiii levels of condescending. Please don't try to paint yourself as "the true voice of reason" besieged by the thoughtless masses. Those of us who support a smaller size for the robot do because of our reasoning, not despite it.

    Thank you, I was afraid to say this.  



    I knew that something was wrong with that post, and I'm going to remove that line. I've spent too long around that pesky bonelord, and I'm ashamed to show symptoms. In any case, people have a right to their preferences here. No condescension was intended. It was meant as a joke, and I'm sorry I forgot to type the correct  :P emotes. 

    Apology accepted.


    Same deal here. 33000 ft was tossed around in the backroom. There's a reason it was expanded - 33000 ft isn't anywhere near big enough to fit the vast universe inside the Mata Nui robot. They changed it 40 million feet to have it a more realistic size. Now we're going to judge them based on that preliminary size? Does that make Greg a bad writer for changing it? 

    The thing is, a 3150 km (That's 10.3 million feet.  I'm not sure where you get 33000 feet.) robot appeared in published work.  I'm sure that several sizes appeared in concept art before 3150 km, but those sizes didn't appear in published work.  Mata Nui Rising (3150 km) is canon.  Reign of Shadows (12192 km) is canon.  (Journey's End already has one mistake, so it is easy to discard for the purpose of this discussion).  This isn't about some people wanting to change canon to suite their preferences.  Picking ANY number would require us to discount a canon source.  What is the precedent for when two published works disagree on something?

    • Upvote 5
  15. First, as someone who followed Bionicle from the beginning but never got involved in the community until recently, this contest (and the ones that came before it) was awesome.  Congratulations to everyone: contestants, judges, and even just the voters.

    Now that that sentimental nonsense is out of the way, let's get to MORE sentimental nonsense!  
    Does anyone else find this contest ironic?  The contest who's theme is honoring dead characters is itself is the conclusion to Bionicle.  It almost as though the contest itself is a memoir for Bionicle.  

    • Upvote 3
  16. Alright, there were two points addressed to me and a third that I need to comment on:

    -N.S., as far as I have seen so far, we do not know the island (above water) is supposed to cover the face; as pointed out before, that seems to be just a fan assumption. A natural one, but still. Also, the island in a normal landing might actually do that; the accidental one in the crash landing might not be the normal size (although I think the design has to be programmed as it matched Metru Nui). But all the island is for is to disguise the part that needs to stick above the water so the Kini-Nui and Great Telescope can be above water. That could be any size, really.


    (I believe that these are Thormen's images)
    It is shown to cover the face in Mata Nui Rising.  We "knew" from a canon source that the island covers the head before we knew the size.  


    -N.S., all uses of English in Bionicle are treated as "translations" akin to what Tolkien did with LotR. Things like the English codenames for the DH for example are actually in "Bionicle-sounding" language (that is, they "would be" if it was real; obviously none was established); whether any particular name is translated or transliterated is really optional. So, Makuta thinking "40 million feet tall" isn't a problem, and isn't "semi-canon". It's just translated. (Although I do think it's probably approximate. :P)

    I admit, that was silly of me. 

    One last point:

    -The Bota versus Aqua-fragment Makuta death thing isn't a retcon, apparently, as Thormen mentioned earlier; it's a "two canon dimensions" thing (although Greg's early answers favored the AM fragment, and I headcanon that). And personally, I'm lately leaning towards liking this solution for the giant's size. One version (as used in my retelling) with the megaplanet and gravity absorption and the currently canon size, and another with a small planet and small giant and whatever adjustments needed for that... and I suppose a third for megaplanet with crushing gravity and somehow biology on SM works. :P


    Greg confirmed which source was canon back in the old days, but now said something nonsensical because he didn't quite remember... Don't we have a rule for this sort of thing?
    Something along the lines of "If an old answer contradicts a new one, follow the old one."  

    • Upvote 4



    he absolutely 100% does not, at least, that's what i gather by his general responses to the topic of matoran and romantic attraction. :t

    Well... they're robots. Robots who are meant to work, work, work, busy, busy, busy all day long. What do you expect? The Great Beings wouldn't dare bother programming romantic attraction into them if they wanted the Matoran to work within Mata Nui.

    Didn't program other emotions in either, didn't stop them from developing them.



    exactly, they could develop ambition, jealousy, and complex emotional connections to various things but Romance? nah bruh, can't have that in a BOYS toyline amirite?


    ...uhhh, they DID program other emotions in. Or rather, Velika programmed them.  Nothing was developed independantly by the Matoran.  From BS01:



    After some years of posing as a MatoranVelika elevated the artificial intelligence of the Matoran Universe's inhabitants to a level of true sapience, allowing them to develop intricate languages and cultures, but also to harbor evil and destructive thoughts, in some cases. The Kestora were not among the beings given higher sapience, and continued to function on their limited artificial intelligence.

    Remember that Velika, a fully-sapient being, planned to disguise himself among semi-sentient worker drones.  It stands to reason that in order to better hide and to keep himself from going insane, he gave them the same emotions that he is capable of feeling.  

    Wait a minute,  I just came up with a new theory:

    If Velika gave the Matoran sapience and emotions that he was capable of feeling, but did NOT give them the ability to develop romantic attraction; can we assume that Velika is aromantic (which, by the way, is a real thing)?  
    Let's think about it.  If he had the ability to form romantic relations, and created fully-sapient individuals that, for some reason, were all aromantic and asexual; there would be a danger (no matter how small) of him developing romantic feelings towards one of the others.  If he is aromantic, however, this would not be the case.

    • Upvote 4
  18.  10.3 million feet is better because of the island of Mata Nui. We know the canon size of the island (489.09 km x 243.86 km). We know that the island is supposed to cover Mata Nui's face.

    This size island covers the face of the 10.3 million foot tall robot; it does not cover the face of the 40 million foot tall robot.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but with th 3000 km robot, the island is bigger than the face, hiding it entirely, right? To make it at least a little bit stable, the MNR would need to have created massive bedrocks around his head; I think. The island entirely contained on the face of the MNR is easier to manage for take-off.

    I don't see why the Mata Nui island would need to cover entirely the face of the robot.



    It seems to be well supported by the face.




     This is not narration for the benefit of the reader; this is Makuta's monologue. Why then, is he using imperial measurements (inch, foot, yard, etc.) instead of Matoran measurements (bio, kio, and mio).




    This makes Reign of Shadows already semi-canon. Changing the reference in Chapter One shouldn't be that big of a deal anymore.

    That's pretty standard and I don't see the issue with Teridax using imperial system. His thoughts are already translated from Matoran to English. That's just part of the traduction.

    That wasn't really meant to be taken very seriously.  My argument about Journey's End being semi-canon was meant to be taken seriously, so let's just assume you found something wrong that one as well, but chose not to post it.



    And even if your point was valid, it would still be a problem. Sure, it's all good for those who would know it, but for anyone who would want to be introduced to BIONICLE G1 and would read the serials, the 40 000 000 feet size would be the canon one. It's clearly stated, by someone well-placed to know it.

    Just because there's been many retcons over the years doesn't mean it's a good pratice. And retconning things now that G1 is over is even worse, since it means the new status quo has no chance to be clearly featured in new medias (since there'll be no new medias).

    This reminds me of the Manas Fight from 2001.  We had two different sources saying different things (Tale of the Toa vs. Mata Nui Online Game), and didn't get an answer until much later.  So much later, in fact, that there was no new media showing the corrected version.  This left newcomers in the dark (unless they searched BS01)


    This is the same thing.  We have different sources of media saying different things (Reign of Shadows and Journey's end vs. Mata Nui Rising), and if we get a resolution it will be far past the release of any new media, leaving the newcomers in the dark (unless they search BS01).


    As far as I am concerned, there is precedent to make the change.

    • Upvote 4

    ... Solving the Mata Nui Rising issue isn't reason enough to change the size?

    Why not?

    Because sizing down the robot create issues for medias where the 40 millions feet size is mentionned - Reign of Shadows at least. Plus, other sizes are depicted in other medias - comics, like I said before - so why this size more than others?


    10.3 million feet is better because of the island of Mata Nui.  We know the canon size of the island (489.09 km x 243.86 km).  We know that the island is supposed to cover Mata Nui's face.

    This size island covers the face of the 10.3 million foot tall robot; it does not cover the face of the 40 million foot tall robot.


    As for changing other canon material that uses the 40 million number, it is mentioned three times (as far as I can tell) in Bionicle canon: Reign of Shadows chapter one, Reign of Shadows chapter four, and Journey's End chapter one.  Of these, the refrence in Reign of Shadows chapter four already violates canon.  


    and when one is 40 million feet tall, reflected Makuta, one can see quite far.

    This is not narration for the benefit of the reader; this is Makuta's monologue.  Why then, is he using imperial measurements (inch, foot, yard, etc.) instead of Matoran measurements (bio, kio, and mio).


    This makes Reign of Shadows already semi-canon.  Changing the reference in Chapter One shouldn't be that big of a deal anymore.  


    What about Journey's End? That's semi-canon as well:


    A shadow fell over the robots, the shadow of the moon of Bota Magna returning to its place of origin. Using the last of his energy, Mata Nui rose and shoved Makuta backward into the path of the planetoid.

    In Journey's End chapter ten, Makuta is crushed by Bota Magna.  From BS01:


    • Teridax's death differs in several sources; both Journey's End and the Mata Nui Saga describe it as the entire Bota Magna planet which crashes into his head, while the canon death is from a moon fragment, described in the later sources Sahmad's Tale and Glatorian Comic 7: Rebirth.

    If Greg already ret-coned one part of Journey's End to fit with other media, why can't it be done again?

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  20. There seems to be a conflict between the animations and the character bios regarding Gali's harpoon.  

    First, let's refresh our memories about Gali's equipment.  Gali's full bio can be found here.

    Elemental Trident (it's really a double-bitted battle axe with a trident-like thing on the bottom):



    Gali's mighty trident holds the power to command the element of water creating tidal waves and heavy rain.

    In Gali's "adrenalin mode," the trident disassembles into the Harpoon and the Shark Fins.

    Harpoon (the one that I have a question about):



    Gali's preferred weapon for fighting on the ground.

    Shark Fins:



    The fins grant Gali unparalleled speed under water.

    ... Does anyone else see the problems?  

    1. Specifying that the harpoon is a land weapon implies that the Elemental Trident is used underwater.  Doesn't that make the Shark Fins useless? 
    2. The "Elemental Trident" is really a battle axe.  Battle axes don't work underwater.  Also, it's listed abilities (creating tidal waves and heavy rain) don't make much sense underwater either.
    3. If Gali uses the harpoon on land, where does she put the Shark Fins? (This is dealt with in her "Power Up" mode.)
    4. Harpoons are designed to strike and capture underwater targets.

    The animations clearly seen to agree with my analysis.  Gali is first shown underwater, using her Harpoon and Shark Fins separately; she is later shown on land, using them as the "Elemental Trident."  

    The only possible explanation for this that I can see (and it's really a stretch), is that the description for the Harpoon is referring to the "Power Up" mode.

    Here, the Shark Fins are combined with the Protector of Water's "Elemental Torpedo Baster" (I didn't make these names, folks), and the remaining harpoon is stored on her back.  One could reasonably assume that the upgraded Elemental Blaster is her underwater weapon, and is switched with the harpoon when she fights on land.  

    One could just as easily assume, however, that the website is wrong (and we certainly have precedent for that).

    I don't think we will have an answer until we actually see the combinations in story.  What do you think?

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