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Posts posted by JAG18

  1. "The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde",


    Wow, that was a real thriller. Jekyll and Hyde may have both become well known figures in the world of Literature, but I was surprised that arguable the character who sees most of the action is someone I had never heard of: Mr. Utterson.

    It was horror, suspense, and mystery, all rolled into one, but it is such a shame that the great fame the story has, rightfully, attracted has ever so slightly diminished its effect. Because who doesn't know that Jekyll and Hyde are one and the same? Thus answering the mystery before you are even introduced to it.


    This is a great book, which I enjoyed very much.

  2. Greg has confirmed that the Red Star's Reignition System does affects Rahi, on the grounds that they were important enough to Mata Nui's well-being to necessitate being included in the Red Star's cycle. So, perhaps the Makuta were supposed to make the Rahi, but not be focused on preserving them like a bunch of overgrown park rangers.

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  3. At first, I was like, "He's telling the story from the view of an amnesiac?" But, then I read on and realized how great a story decision, that was. The first person narrative is also pretty cool and how that somehow makes this almost like a Historical novel, rather than bone-shattering Historical narrative, which, I originally thought this was going to be. So, that I also really like.


    Your choice of images will probably be quite important in future chapters, as they could both easily add and detract from the story's awesomeness. Although, I think it an absolute shame that you couldn't arrange it the way you originally wanted to, with the word flowing around the images.


    Anyway, I think your off to a fabulous start, and I will definitely be sure to eagerly follow this story of truely epic proportions. :)

  4. Hey, Katuko couple of quick questions, is it true that you are going to add some new species someday? I saw some Vortixx sprites a few pages back. I also wanted to know if you had any intention of adding a skakdi species to the game, because that sounds like something you discussed in this topic? I'm not complaining about a lack of player option, because Toa and Rahkshi works great right now, but I just wanted to know.

  5. I've never played Flappy Bird before, so this was a new experience for me.

    First, I like how I didn't have to download anything other than Unity to play this, that's just a minor thing, but it's still nice. The graphics I like, even if they are really simple, but this is where simple is good.

    The gameplay is both addicting, simple, and (for me at least :P) challenging, although once I got the hang of it, I could start to see people getting past the third or fourth obstacle. I don't have anything to say about the sound or music, because I had to play in silence or not at all.


    Like I said, I don't have any experience with the original, but this game you made is pretty great; I give it 3/5 out of 5 stars.

  6. Slightly off topic, but I'm so happy to see my second ever topic perform so well. :)


    Now, lets get to the facts.


    Beards went out of style in America, after WW1, after all the G.I.s returning home got used to shaving every mourning so they could where gas masks.

    "Basket case" is a phrase that means, more or less, a hopeless condition. It entered the English language during WW1; to describe quadruple amputees who had to be carted about in a basket.

    His Majesties Royal Navy and the Kaisers High Seas Fleets were having a party, in Germany, when they received word that Archduke Ferdinand had been assassinated. As the British left the Germans sent out an open message saying, "Friends today. Friends in future. Friends forever."

    The Red Baron is believed to have shot down almost 70 planes in WW1, to become the world's first true flying Ace; he started the war as a German Lancer.

    WW1, saw the first use of the tank, the aircraft carrier, the modern flamethrower, and poison gas.

    At the opening day at the Battle of the Somme, the British received over 60,000 causalities, most in just the first hour. After four months, total causalities equaled almost one million and the Allies had gained close to 3 miles.

    The Germans, towards war's end, fielded a special type of soldiers, called the Storm Troopers, who stealthy crossed No Man's Land attacking enemy positions with light machine guns and hand grenades. They were George Lucas inspiration for the Stormtroopers of Star Wars.

    Trench Warfare wasn't invented in WW1, it was first seen on a large scale in the U.S. Civil War, and also saw smaller use in the New Zealand Wars of the 1840's.

    WW1 is the first and only war to be commonly called, "The War to End All Wars".


    I see you guys have, gone off on a new tangent, which I don't have much to contribute. However, something that bothers me,


    Where BS01 gets the wording that you are referring to, I don't know -- it's possible Greg retconned this yet again later and I missed it, but the above is my current understanding. :) Or that wording may simply mean that they no longer shared Suva in Metru Nui (in the 2006-2010 plot).

    What wording are you referring to? I'm kind of at loss to decipher.

    I was referring to the part in your post that I quoted saying that the Nuva did not give the Noble masks to the Turaga until they became Nuva, which contradicts the understanding from Greg's statements that I was aware of (which I began my post with), that they collected them for the Turaga right off the bat (so they gave them to the Turaga right away in 2001, if that is still correct). Of course, I don't actually have the quote, I'm just running off of memory. :shrugs:


    Interestingly, the Turaga pages seem to contradict each other on this. But, I guess y'all's consensus about what's true is correct. :)

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