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Posts posted by JAG18

  1. I think I found your answer, after checking all the Turaga's BS01 pages, I discovered that they were all given their Noble Kanohi by the Toa Mata after they transformed into Nuva and had no use for them.

    So, I guess the Toa collected them like they collected their Great Masks and could use them normally; when they turned into Nuva, they could no longer use them and so gave them to the Turaga.

    However, this raises the question "Why didn't the Toa Nuva have any use for them?" I did see something about how only Toa Nuva can use Nuva Masks, so maybe they can only use Noble Nuva Masks?


    Hope this helps.

    • Upvote 2
  2. I really hope nobody mines me doing this, but here is an updated list I made, which should be correct.

    Madu Fruit (can be eaten or thrown) Taken by Flux: The Explorer

    Koli Ball

    Koli Stick Taken by Flux: The Explorer

    Mask of Quick Travel Taken by Ehks

    Miner Pick Taken by Toa Kayn

    Volo Lutu Launcher Taken by Chro

    Lavaboard Taken by Toa Kayn

    Pet Ussal Taken by JAG18


    Disk Launcher (can be used 3 times) Taken by Idd2000

    Thornax (can be eaten or thrown) Taken by Canis Lycaon/Chro

    Bamboo Stalks (light, sturdy, can be manipulated) Taken by Ehks

    Mask of Telikinesis Taken by Pupwa21

    Axe Taken by Punished Snake

    Kikanalo Steak (high in potassium)

    Drill Taken by Pupwa21

    Mask of Diminishment Taken by Punished Snake

    Mask of Enlargement Taken by JAG18

    Pet Lava Eel Taken by Idd2000

    Gukko Bird Whistle Caller Taken by Canis Lycaon

    In short, the Koli Ball, Kikanalo Steak, and Lightstone are the only items still available. The ownership of the Thornax is contested and as such I just listed the two claimers.


    I normally try and listen to the words of songs, because I like music with deep lyrics. I tried doing that here, and about half-way through something SPIRIT once wrote come to mind, "Either Cryoshell's songs are very metaphorical or English isn't their songwriter's first language."


    Still, Christine Lorentzen's voice is still amazing and I liked the song. I was however, unaware that Christian Faber could play the piano.


    I do agree that the lyrics to Cryoshell's music don't always make a lot of sense on their face, but I tend to interpret them more as poetry than as prose. They evoke a feeling with their word choice, similarly to the works of great poets like e e cummings. I appreciate musical ability more than deep lyrics, as evidenced by my choice in music—my favorite artist, Mike Oldfield, only has a few lyrical works and the lyrics of those are often abysmal even by the standards of the '70s and '80s, but most of his music including some of those with lyrics is deep and experimental and awe-inspiring. Comparatively, my little brother listens to a lot of metalcore bands, and while I can tell by listening to them that they have a lot of emotion and something to say, I can't appreciate it much at all let alone understand half of it when it's conveyed via cursing and bellowing.

    I agree with your sentiment that music is suppose to evoke feeling and that word choice is important in creating that effect. I wasn't trying to say that lack of lyrical comprehensiveness is a weak point of Cryoshell, as so much as I was trying to say that I personally didn't understand the lyrics (although I can say that about a lot of songs) and that that effected my thoughts on the song.

  4. Taken from BS01,


    "Toa and other beings wear Great masks, which offer a stronger mask power, and are made from level 8 Kanoka disks, though they may still use a Noble Mask with ease."


    This, does not, however, answer where the Toa Mata got their Noble Masks. That I'm not sure of.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I normally try and listen to the words of songs, because I like music with deep lyrics. I tried doing that here, and about half-way through something SPIRIT once wrote come to mind, "Either Cryoshell's songs are very metaphorical or English isn't their songwriter's first language."


    Still, Christine Lorentzen's voice is still amazing and I liked the song. I was however, unaware that Christian Faber could play the piano.

  6. If they make a Stringer XL, I hope he comes with so many instruments that he could start a one man band.


    I thought HF was going to end next year. :shrugs:


    Also somebody complained that Stringer and Nex were completely retired because they didn't sell as well as the more colorful heroes. Unfortunately, for Stringer I'm inclined to agree.

    I thought people use to say that for years about BIONICLE before it actually ended.


    True, Stringer wasn't as colorful as the other heroes, but it was the character of Stringer that we all loved.

  7. I've got a bad feeling about this. Lego has been using the best plastic out of anyone for decades and I haven't seen anyone come CLOSE to the type of quality that Lego has. If there was a better plastic, others would be using it. Which they haven't, so that tells you something. If the plastic changes, something very fundamental is going to change about Lego: the stability, the durability, the way the pieces feel, etc.

    As to way no one else uses a better plastic than LEGO is because, currently, it does not exist; which is exactly why LEGO is trying to invent. You don't stay on top by becoming complacent and content; the companies who stay on top are constantly trying to keep ahead of the game.

    As to whether the bricks will change in terms of stability and durability, other people seem to share your concern and LEGO gets that, so it looks like LEGO is really trying to make sure that they don't change in any of those ways.


    And that's not to mention the added bonus of being Eco Friendly.

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