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Posts posted by JAG18


    Come to think of it, the Stars never really got as much credit as they deserved. Especially Nektann (Piraka); he was a pretty good set IMO.


    True dat!


    I remember that in one thread (the name escapes me), I was arguing that the Stars were probably the best small-sized sets since the '01 Toa, beating out the Agori, Av-Toran, and others.


    True dat! Although, I thought the Turage, not the Mata, were the small sets of 2001.


    I liked the introduction, felt very suspenseful, the first part was just alright, probably because it was basically two guys walking along. The last chapter wasn't too bad, good cliffhanger I'd say.

    Overall, I'd say I'm interested in seeing where this go's; can't think of anything I would suggest doing in the next chapters, writing wise I mean.


    So yeah, good start.


    Thanks. I'm not really trying to leave the parts off at "cliffhangers", I'm just writing for a bit then finding a good place to stop.


    And I've got this whole thing planned out. There's going to be plenty of cliffhangers ahead. :P


    Good, I guess about the second part. :P


    And also, you sure you don't want to leave off at cliffhangers? They say it's a good way to keep an audience, because everyone who reads this will want to know what happens next and keep coming back.

  3. Nine mocs...lots to take in, but let me try and give you some overall first impressions.


    First, I like how you bulked up to build on all of them so that these aren't just recolors; and you also mostly picked good colors for all of them, except probably Surge and Nex. Those colors just hurt my eyes; trying a brighter shade on Nex, might help. :) (But you might be trying for a darker feel with these guys, in which case try changing the other color.) I might suggest a different shade of green for Natalie Breeze.

    Your choices in weapons are also really good; I especially love how you armed the Alpha Team. Some are kind of "eh", but I think you did well, when confronted with the task of arming nine heroes, without any repeats.

    Final thoughts, I like some of piece choices, like the speakers on Jimi (sorry "James") and giving Furno his original weapon. I only skimmed the bio's, but they seem good and kind of funny in a sort of twisted, ironic, macabre, kind of way.


    Nice work man, you got some cool stuff here and I hope my comments here helped and/or weren't taken too seriously I'm just a newbie.



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