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Status Updates posted by Tahu3.0

  1. hi dude

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tristan Teridax

      Tristan Teridax

      Yes it was Vakama Hordika, He's in really bad condition now.

    3. Tahu3.0


      yea my first set was jaller inika and the only remains are his legs and the face and the helmet the chest and arms are unknown of location.

    4. Tristan Teridax

      Tristan Teridax

      I still have all my pieces for Jaller ;)

  2. welcome to bzp Thadman 02

  3. what do the three hau mask coins mean in my profile in a topic and the gears

  4. have you ever found your own time capsule

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sybre


      You'd be about 77 in 2077, so I'm pretty sure you'll still be alive. I'd be about 80, though...

    3. Tahu3.0


      dude i know that im going of topic by saying this but when did you started buying and knowing about Bionicle in my case both are in 2006 when the toa Inika were out.

    4. Sybre


      I started buying and knowing about BIONICLE in 2005 when I bought Rahaga Bomonga.

  5. found some old time capsule full of vhs

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sybre


      You're welcome

    3. Tahu3.0


      have you ever found your own time capsule

    4. Sybre


      I just answered that question on my profile. :)

  6. how many bionicle's do you have

    1. Sybre


      I couldn't begin to tell you! XD

  7. witch is the most expensive bionicle set new and used

    1. Sybre


      It's gotta be the Manas. It's rare, expensive to begin with, and is one of the most special BIONICLE sets to ever be officially released. Basically, it's these two remote control crabs that can punch. You can get a friend and make them fight each other, the object of the fight being to knock off both of the Kanohi on the opponent. Since it' the only remote control BIONICLE set, it's special. On Amazon, the thing's over $250! If you're planning on getting i...

    2. Sybre


      t, all I can say is good luck!


      Sorry. I kinda used up my max space in that last comment!

    3. Sybre


      Also, Ultimate Dume is even more expensive on Amazon!

  8. sunday going to the pool and relaxing

  9. it is really hot outside

  10. did everybody finish school?

  11. you also chainged your profile pick

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sybre


      Thanks! This will be the placeholder for a better pic, though.

    3. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      I changed my profile pic to show the visual appearance of Kuan, my closest Matoran representation.

    4. Sybre


      I get that, man!

  12. imagine legoland bionicle weekend

  13. tomorow im going to comic con pr

  14. Sykreos the Challenger why the name chainge

    1. Sybre


      I'm bringing one of my own BZpersonas back into the spotlight while still keeping Sybre

  15. i yous bought a kopaka mata a pohatu mata and a onua mata with the canister.

  16. summer summer summer

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sybre


      Nice try! Finals don't take mere minutes! :D

    3. Tahu3.0


      dont wory if you have only 1 week left of school it will past fast plus good luck in the final exams

    4. Sybre


      Hey, thanks, man. I appreciate what you just said. I'm not worried about the finals because I always get good grades on big tests, but it's really great that you care. Thank you.

  17. im never going to the pool ever again

  18. i do want to believe but if i do you will see me in my room trying to hide and yes im scared of aliens then of seeing alien vs predator

  19. im back i was grounded for a whole week

  20. that i alredy bought toa mata tahu but you got me all rong the reason that i dint had tahu was because i did a promise i woud start a bionicle collection with the original tahu and its a bit hard to find a good tahu in perfect condicion

  21. well im finnaly gonna buy tahu

  22. Actually thanks for answering my topic

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